im not biting anymore, you have your point of view but i beleive you should keep it private.
in the mean time i hope a mod removed this thread and/or deletes your account.
deletes my account ? why for having a different opinion than you ?
Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:25 PM
im not biting anymore, you have your point of view but i beleive you should keep it private.
in the mean time i hope a mod removed this thread and/or deletes your account.
deletes my account ? why for having a different opinion than you ?
Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:25 PM
a army that are not allowed to fart at the enemy as its against there human rights
if i farted thats certainly against anybodies rights poor planet lol.
Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:26 PM
think each member should type a 1 for if you agree we dont want these scum in our country so they must go or 2 if you agree with them . then call this a day as we all feel the same and it will make us mad while the scum in britain just carry on claiming our money and treat us like shit
Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:31 PM
did you watch the video ? the guy sounded english to me had no foreign accent , do we know if they moved here or if they are british ?
born in Lambeth in December 1984, he grew up in Romford, travelled to school on the bus, played football and appeared to have a lot of friends.
His family – who are of Nigerian origin — were practising Christians,
he was born and bred in the uk , scary
and im sorry if i seem to be heartless im not i send all the prayers in the world for Lee Rigby, 25, of 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and his family and friends
Edited by policematrix, 23 May 2013 - 07:40 PM.
Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:53 PM
i think policematrix you are very ignorant and ruthless little boy for saying theres been no terrorism in UK. Did you not do your homework at school? Maybe if you can find the time, put your skateboard down and do a simple search on google about the subject. Try typing in the initials 'IRA'.
Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:38 PM
I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wrong that paragraph is.
Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:54 PM
Perhaps you should have suggested the slow one at the back obtains a dictionary and starts by looking up the definitions of Fatawa and Jihad.
i know about it , how is it relevant ? , i know we have had terror but since the iraq war it has increased worldwide sevenfold
i think policematrix you are very ignorant and ruthless little boy for saying theres been no terrorism in UK. Did you not do your homework at school? Maybe if you can find the time, put your skateboard down and do a simple search on google about the subject. Try typing in the initials 'IRA'.
im 35 and remember the IRA bombings , no one said lets rid the world of catholics , and why am i ignorant and ruthless ? for taking a differing opinion than facebook ?
I suppose you think the IRA had no justification either even though again we invade a country and kill the natives , seems to be a pattern here
Edited by policematrix, 23 May 2013 - 09:00 PM.
Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:58 PM
i know about it , how is it relevant ?
Posted 23 May 2013 - 09:02 PM
im in ore of your lack of answers well done
Posted 23 May 2013 - 09:10 PM
What about the Germans in the second world war?
The people of London, and all British cities lived through 5 constant years of daily bombing raids, listening to propoganda from the German Nazi radio.
The Nazis, had they been allowed to have let their 'style' of democracy succeed would have seen peoples lives, who religious lives wiped out because they weren't to an ideal Arian standard.
I remember my grandma telling me that my Mam and her sister were shoved under the kitchen table up to 4 night a week in their hometown then, escaping the bombing of the relentless German army - were we just to capitulate because of this? Never - and we never will in any circumstance to any extreme terrorism, because that is all the Nazis were.
These men, who say they have killed this poor, defenceless young soldier, in broad daylights on the streets of our country do not represent the Muslim community... they represent thuggery, they represent evil - they represent the lowest for of scum.
A forums friend shared this picture on Facebook - and to me it says it all - lets not jump in and blame an whole religion becasue of murderers just hell-bent on bringing this country down!
581917_371075996330599_437141809_n.jpg 65.62KB
See - not everything is black and white with religion!
Posted 23 May 2013 - 10:09 PM
im in ore of your lack of answers well done
Posted 24 May 2013 - 01:34 AM
Come here to post jokes, oh and to play the occasional frutie.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 06:08 AM
Posted 24 May 2013 - 09:02 AM
Frankly I cannot be arsed to explain as the characteristics you exhibit in this forum in posts on this and other threads lead me to believe it would be wasted effort on my part. However, so as not to deny you the opportunity of redemption I point you to the fall of Persia, the subsequent Iranian Embassy siege, the Russian Revolution and subsequent invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR, through the Iraq war of the mid 1990's to where we are today, with a young man hacked to death on the streets of Britain. Go and study the history books and you will find out why your opinion is utterly worthless.
Oh and by the way, the word you were looking for in your last post was AWE, as in a reverential respect inspired by authority, genius and great beauty. At least you nearly managed to post something accurate. ORE is a naturally occurring material from which metal or another valuable mineral can be extracted.
ore or awe , ok and i know there has always been terrorists its a poor mans war , my point was since invading iraq terror has increased by 7x globally also we have killed millions of innocent peoples along the way , also when we went into iraq we built christian churches and the americans sent christian missionaries , seems the war was more about trying to rid the world of muslims / top up gas/oil supplies
Now i agree and most iraqis would agree saddam had to go and most people were happy that we did this its the 9 and a half years after they dont like and the fact we (globally) ignore the atrocities in Syria (nothing to gain from a war there)
So again im sorry if it come across that i support these terrorists as i dont I just understand why they do this and if we were not in iraq and afghanistan that these attacks would be much less likely , the fact george bush said it was a "holy war" gives them the right to martyrdom ,
Now for me religion is a joke idk why people believe it as there are soo many different ones , its obvious to someone with a brain the religion is used as a tool to control the working classes "work like a slave all your live then go to amazing heaven" , "but wait why is the king living the dream already ?" , " you my son are a sinner and must die" and so on , i like the idea of god just without any religions .
another point im trying to make is facebook is full of people talking about immigrants and thats the reason this happens also saying muslims should be shot etc , but the guy is english like me and you born here and that is something we should all be worried about . and the british flag which soo many people have jumped on the follow bandwagon supports both the killed and the killer .
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:21 AM
deletes my account ? why for having a different opinion than you ?
No, for being an antagonistic, self serving idiot who's in love with the sound of his own voice (or in this case typing), who it seems is on a one man mission to piss as many people off as he can, as quickly as he can.
Or if you disagree with the above, then how about this..... cos you're a complete tit!
Either seems to be a good enough reason to me, and don't bother replying cos I just hit the block button
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:28 AM
No, for being an antagonistic, self serving idiot who's in love with the sound of his own voice (or in this case typing), who it seems is on a one man mission to piss as many people off as he can, as quickly as he can.
Or if you disagree with the above, then how about this..... cos you're a complete tit!
Either seems to be a good enough reason to me, and don't bother replying cos I just hit the block button
well done
Posted 24 May 2013 - 12:36 PM
lol personal attacks because you dont have the brainpower to debate like an adult
and lets look at the OP
im disgusted that our government has let society get this far, asylum seek one after the other, family after family has setup camp here in the UK and bled us dry. enough is enough.
as ive said before on another medium, their are genuine cases for asylum, but even then they should work for their roof above them.
talks about asylum seekers but this guy was a uk resident born and bred , so totally irrelevant to the attack in question and its the same on facebook , kick these muslime out , its pathetic and embarrassing how many closet racists exist in the uk .
Edited by policematrix, 24 May 2013 - 01:27 PM.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 04:40 PM
lol personal attacks because you dont have the brainpower to debate like an adult
and lets look at the OP
talks about asylum seekers but this guy was a uk resident born and bred , so totally irrelevant to the attack in question and its the same on facebook , kick these muslime out , its pathetic and embarrassing how many closet racists exist in the uk .
are you suggesting i'm racist? at this point i'd like to clarify yet again that their are genuine people out there with genuine reasons for seeking asylum, and from one human being to another i would never deny them the right to a world free of torture and possible murder - which is what 'could' happen if they stayed in their country. that said, freedom has to come at a price, it does for me, wake up do a shitty job, pay my taxes and come home. its high time this country woke up and made dossers in general work for their living or quite simply go without. that goes for long term 'cannot be bothered to get of my arse white british' unemployed, and foreign citizens alike.
you have your point of view, but freedom of speech comes at a price.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 06:09 PM
Only saying one thing here.....ignorance is bliss.....
14 words written and several copied and pasted, within those 14 words is the basic English spelling of 'their' 'there' etc totally wrong...
You then say you are PROUD to be in this country??
My late brother served in Iraq for us, I think someone needs to do some homework.
Posted 24 May 2013 - 07:08 PM
seems more scum are at it now . 2 muslim looking things try to take over a british plane , another 2 muslim things stopped on m6 and one in london with a axe
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