Hi guys,
Long time lurker, first time poster here, so the story goes. Anyway I figured it was about time I joined up and jumped into a few discussions... This might have been discussed before, so apologies in advance if I'm dragging up old news... Anyway I was thinking today about the sometimes strange habits people have when they go to arcades...
As a kid I used to be obsessed with finding out the manufacturers of machines, I had to either write them down or memorise them until I could list them... Guess I kind of collected em, every machines maker had to be catalogued in my mind, even the kiddie rides and candy cranes lol (I was a strange kid I know). Still it's what eventually got me into fme (though I've been in and out of the scene over the years, I was never much more than an onlooker sad to say :/)
Now days I rarely get a chance to frequent the machines (thank goodness for fme) so I don't really have any habits to share, that is apart from guiding my mother around and steering her 'untrained' eyes away from the impending doom of noel edmonds face... I'm sorry if I openly call the machine you're playing, a pile of sh*t but wouldn't you be bitter if every machine you play drops just after you switch to another? . . .
I'll be honest and say I have an ulterior motive for asking this (a little off topic here)... I'm working on a computer game called 'Arcade Manager', the idea of which is to build your own arcade up and manage it, tycoon style (who could have guessed?)...
It's very early stages at the moment and until I can learn how to draw it doesn't even have any graphics (unless you count text graphics)... It does however let you drop in a few party games machines and watch your popularity with the 'old granny' player category shoot through the roof (mind the frequent stuck button alarms though)... It's mostly a personal project but on the rare off chance anybody is interested it's all going to be a free open project (well hey ho, I don't know how to program an emulator but I can make a bunch of old grannies bash up a virtual party games)... On that note I'll shut up now and save you all from utter despair!
Matt / [ Icey ]