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If You Build It - They Will Come

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#1 Icey



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 06:39 PM

^...So the clever arseholes at Bell Fruit Games chant as they come up with yet another DOND formula... Mind the innuendo..  :err:


I've spent the day devising the ultimate DOND killer, a machine that is sure to rival edmands himself any day, at any site... It's a fruit machine based on 'Strictly Come Dancing', another popular show with an irritating host that old women swoon over...


Basically if you spin three 'Bruceys' you enter the super feature and you get to listen to Bruce himself droning on about something that was pretty funny back in the day (ahh the 60s), don't forget to press start when he gets to the punchline otherwise you'll lose the will to live...


Any three numbers in view enters 'Good Game, Good Game' - dance the night (and your savings) away around the top board, collecting cash prizes (get up to seven shots at £3!) and of course loads of features to choose from (stuff the bankers bonus, we've got brucey's bonus!).. You'd better not get two left feet, otherwise you'll be dancing for survival...


Think we're onto a winner here guys, unlimited number of clones (Strictly Come Dancing, Strictly Come Dancing - The Final, Strictly Come Paycheck, Strictly Come Mansion (the £500 jackpot version)...


Bell Fruit are quaking in their diamond encrusted boots... And now if you'll excuse me, I have to crawl under a rock and die. .

#2 vectra666


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 07:03 PM

thats actually a quite good machine but if whoever made it, it would still have that crappy dond feel to it with the inner game take or reject. for me personally the gamng companies are only after one thing.... profit no enjoyment to the casual gambler only look to suck the hi-roller chasing that new £100jp almost clubber machines feeding it £500 a time via credt card payments.
i say bring back the 90,s jpm classics for mainland arcades or even some 80,s ones for the seaside industry only then if a company makes these types of machines with a realistic winnable jackpot will we see the collapse of bellfruit and wipe the grin of noels face lol but i hold my breathe and probably die of lack of air in the meantime.
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#3 Icey



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 07:18 PM

Funnily enough I was thinking of making the Strictly Come Dancing machine just for a joke...


Completely agree with you though, now days it's all about tailoring each game so the casual players get frequent £2 or £3 wins or a brief whirl on the feature whilst the hard core players get the odd £50 per £500 they put in. It's a sad state of affairs :/

#4 vectra666


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 07:21 PM

thats why i love this and other emu sites to get that old frill of winning even if its only funny money
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
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Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!

#5 richy1976


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 09:49 PM

Remember beau peep by ace (newspaper cartoon).

My old boss paul mc'hugh who used to own the arcade I worked in come up with the idea, met up with ace & the 2 fellas behind beau peep.

Machine was made he got 10% royalties, then ace made a 2nd beau peep machine.

Edited by richy1976, 21 July 2013 - 09:56 PM.

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