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Any classics left to play in great yarmouth.

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#1 yorkstar



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Posted 25 July 2013 - 07:52 PM

Hi guys having a small break up there next weekend and was wondering if theres any decent classics left to play or any hidden jems in nearby places.


Was last here about 7 year ago and did have a few about especially the caravan site in hopton nearby lots of mpu 5 stuff anyway temple of treasure,spiker biker and the like.


Remember having a trip to lowestoft up the road and there was a good selection in an arcade there each way nudges, and quite a few others, aperently this as now closed the one right next to the boat bridge, anyway will apreciate if anyone knows some good places will have a few good hours to have a for old times sake have a we flutter.

#2 smithers



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Posted 25 July 2013 - 08:39 PM

Ceasars or Leisureland both on the seafront mate, both have older machines. I live in the area but don't play there myself, to many local lads no how to play, the holiday camps are your best best bet, if your staying at a haven, your passes allow you into the clubhouses of all havens in the area, (wildduck/seashore/Hopton/Caister)


Bubbles in Hopton, is good too, if you like playing bullionbars/partytime/monopoly games etc. 

#3 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 09:03 PM

Hi Yorkstar,

               Hope you have an up-to-date passport and all the the necessary jabs before you enter Norfolk!!. Great Yarmouth arcades have had a big clearout in the last year or so. Last 7 heaven machine went a couple of years ago. The tower arcade use to have a few retro machines, but they have disappeared. Might be an old machine lurking in a corner forgotten???

I like the Ocean Bay Amusements right on the sea front at Gorleston, next to the Pier Hotel, by the pier. (Strange that!). No retro but quite pleasant and a well kept arcade.

If you want a bit of retro then it's Hunstanton (Thomas No.1) arcades, there are 2. That is worth a look. Went last Sat. First class arcades.

Yes the arcade in Lowestoft, next to the boat bridge has certainly shut. It's just the two on each pier that are still open.

Hope the weather holds out OK and you have a good holiday.

If you do find anything, please pass the info on. Thanks.


Edited by ricardo de ponsa, 25 July 2013 - 09:04 PM.

#4 gemini17


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 10:40 PM

Had a freebie holiday,courtesy of the lovely Sun paper!! a couple of year ago and stayed with family in Hemsby Bay.

It is a stones throw from Yarmouth and is full of arcades-many at the time had a nice collection of retro slots.


There has to be 12 arcades if not more within the villiage.

Certainly a place to visit if you on holiday near by.




heres the site link showing Hemsby



#5 cja272


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 05:57 AM

The majestic still has some old classics,,,There is some very old bar x machines on £8 token jackpots,The roll on £8 token jackpot too,an old Monopoly,Montie carlo or bust on token jackpot plus old pinball machines and lucky 7 bingo!

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#6 cja272


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 06:20 AM

I have put some photos of the arcade here




and on my website to




The Wellington pier arcade has super hyper viper and Viva Las Vegas.


The was some classics in the mirage arcade in hemsby but I think most where gone now,In the Oasis arcade in Hemsby  there is 2 bar x machines on £8 token jackpots which even can be changed for bingo wins if you wanted

https://www.facebook...hotosandwebcams Great Yarmouth photos and webcams on facebook  <p> 

#7 yorkstar



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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:00 PM

Nice one guys that has deffo given me a few more ideas, as we all know in general arcades are just not how they used to be, i started playing back in 93 i think when some great machines were just starting to appear andy capp, hyper viper then your roller coasters and many more, whishful thinking anyway.


hopefully will find some hidden jems and give yers a shout if find anything interesting.

#8 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:12 PM

Much appreciated, Oh and have a great holiday. :)

#9 jon2007



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Posted 27 July 2013 - 06:36 PM

is there any hot stuff + clones still left in yarmouth i remember £5 with some off the bulbs out near pier i wondered if there was any £25 jps floating about my local arcade at hellriser about 5 years ago sadly gone now they were the best days £25 jp local club had one down the stairs used to get a run for £56 had a few drinks left it a hour went back got it again it was so easy 

#10 cja272


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Posted 28 July 2013 - 06:18 AM

The Majestic arcade on the seafront has a few £25 jackpot machines right at the back of the arcade

https://www.facebook...hotosandwebcams Great Yarmouth photos and webcams on facebook  <p> 

#11 yorkstar



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Posted 28 July 2013 - 12:24 PM

Wish there was hellraiser,vamp it up and the like great pub fruits, playable and quite strategic  using nudges to best advantage nicking a jackpot of superhold or nearst win.

This was certanly the start of the decline of playable fruits, unless you had the latest deal or no  deal emptier,unfortuantely this never  happend.

#12 yorkstar



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Posted 28 July 2013 - 12:35 PM

One thing i do remember last time i was there was the intrieging selecton of fruits in the empire nightclub on the seafront pyscho cash  beast, duff beer guide and jpms hi roller all 15 pound jackpot was about 6 year ago mind, im guessing noel edmonds is now the local resident and kicked the simpsons out on to the street.

#13 gemini17


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Posted 28 July 2013 - 06:35 PM

One thing i do remember last time i was there was the intrieging selecton of fruits in the empire nightclub on the seafront pyscho cash  beast, duff beer guide and jpms hi roller all 15 pound jackpot was about 6 year ago mind, im guessing noel edmonds is now the local resident and kicked the simpsons out on to the street.

Lol :cute:


Yes he lines the sea front does dear Noel!!!!


Up and down the British isles,like a disease -he spreads his charm :nah:




Edited by gemini17, 28 July 2013 - 06:36 PM.

#14 jon2007



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Posted 30 July 2013 - 02:56 PM

do  they still have club machines at magic city

#15 yorkstar



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 06:14 PM

Hi guys had a great time in yarmouth  weather stayed fine enjoyed some chill out time and a canny few beers even noel paid out quite few 70`s. in the pubs.

But in terms of classics not many to be found did enjoy a good go on monte carlo in the majestic got jackpot of hyper nudges of first go.

Went to gorleston and hemsby and again not to many but nice places and a few good pubs anyway.

I stayed at the haven site the wild duck and was very pleasent and to add to that on the first night i put 4 pound into a 500 project and it dropped in the full lot paid for the full holiday not bad at all.

A heads up to ricardo it was deffo worth the trip to hunstanton a nice place and a few classics, for anyone interested some of machines were as mentioned spread between the 2 thomas arcades,  3 mark 3 lite a nudges, 3 original only fools and horses 2 10p 1 5p 3 pound jacky,  4 cops and robbers 3 5p and 1 10p play again all 3 pound cash, an original 10p pink panther, 2 5p jpm monopolys  and a few more scatterd about, also found a nice 10p 5 quid roller coaster in andys amusements got test your strength of first pound and actually repeated got another one not long after, was spinning in 1s and 12s from the start.


Anyway not unreal amount of classics but not to bad and not a bad break at all.

#16 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 08 August 2013 - 07:32 PM

Hey there Yorkstar, glad you had a great time here in this part of the country. I'm about 20 miles from Gt. Yarmouth. Good to know you made it to Hunstanton, bit of a trip (no motorways and plenty of tractors!!). Those 2 Thomas arcades are how arcades should be , I think. but the best place for a few classics. The funfair use to have a lot of old rides from Gt. Yarmouth, not sure how many are left now.

Hope you come back for another visit sometime.



Edited by ricardo de ponsa, 08 August 2013 - 07:35 PM.

#17 yorkstar



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:58 PM

yeh cheers mate certanly will pop back at some point does take a while on them back roads, i also popped into wells on the sea and sheringham 2 nice places i havent been before just shame it wasnt 10 to 15 years ago and it will of been no doubt filled to the brim with classics and lots of tokens, anyways still some decent places visited.

#18 russ8s


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:29 AM

about 10 years ago there was quite a big arcade in wells I remember going to, burnt down a few years back... is it still an arcade(overlooks the harbour)

#19 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 02:12 PM

about 10 years ago there was quite a big arcade in wells I remember going to, burnt down a few years back... is it still an arcade(overlooks the harbour)

The arcade burnt down and has been left derelict up until recently. A visit last Thursday I find that it has been demolished and (holiday?) flats are being built on the site. There are a few smaller arcades of not much note along the harbour front. There is a larger arcade on the corner of the road that leads to the beach. Went in, many ticket redemption machines :realmad: . Cash Lab up one corner :) . Then the usual Bullion Bars and Party games. Not a lot to interest the veteran fruity!!!!!

#20 yorkstar



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Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:13 PM

Yep only one arcade i seen near the harbour and like yer say not much going on, you get these ticket machines everywhere now must be where the money is i guess, kids get the parents to put loads of money in and get tickets for prizes which overall probly dosent cost the arcade much to get in, and the fact no money ever comes back out is good for them.

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