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Undercover Boss channel 4 Tuesday 9pm

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#21 jackpotjon05


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 05:00 PM

Totally agree with a lot of comments made by other members.


Like a lot of arcades nowadays and most businesses attitudes these days,  just there to make as much money as possible without much care for what the punters want.


I feel that part of the reason for the whole business struggling in general is the fact that most arcades fill their arcades with shite.


£100 that last 10 minutes and (as said in previous posts) bearded twats that nobody wants to play.


This is why arcades are struggling, because nobody wants the crap we have today, hence the profit drop.


I don't visit half the arcades I used to for exactly that reason, multiply that by a few 100 punters and you have easily lost 30% profit


I do agree to a certain extent that a laugh and a joke with friendly staff that aren't over your shoulder every second is something that would make


you go back, added with £5 bonus free plays etc, but it isn't the be all and end all of the problem.


Thank god for Mr P's, somewhere left on this planet that is still worth a visit, a good laugh and value for money.


I may be speaking for others here, but I'd like to think that's what we all want.

#22 ritdav


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 11:19 PM

There is nothing unique about arcades now.There are so many more avenues to gamble than there used to be that arcades are bound to take a hit.Also apart from the low wage its probably quite depressing to watch mostly people that can't afford it lose their money and work in an arcade.Was an interesting show I would have probably sacked some of them rather than reward them.Just throwing good money after bad.Wonder if that engineer is known to FME.

#23 Guest_Brownbag_*

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Posted 08 August 2013 - 03:39 AM

For anyone who missed it or wish to watch different episodes can watch them here been using that site for past few months and is pretty reliable

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