Barcrest SWP ROM's
Started by iamtheone, Feb 08 2005 01:48 PM
54 replies to this topic
Posted 22 February 2005 - 08:05 PM
Don't think I have any question roms that aren't already out there i'm afraid El C.
Strike It Lucky does fire up ok but I don't have the Q roms for it so it just shows the "No Question Roms" error.
Strike It Lucky does fire up ok but I don't have the Q roms for it so it just shows the "No Question Roms" error.
Visit the MPU Mecca @ http://www.fruitemu.co.uk for all your old fruity needs.
Posted 23 February 2005 - 07:53 AM
I guess my store of these ROMs is outdated then, I'll have to look into getting it updated.
Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:41 PM
Here we are in 2014, did the emulation ever see the light of day, if so where is it

Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:27 AM
Never happened.
Guitar is working on them in amber
Guitar is working on them in amber
Posted 18 May 2014 - 11:58 AM
Some swp work in mame, the jpm impact based ones and some bell fruits, look at hangman, question of sport and coronation street for a start.
Posted 20 May 2017 - 12:38 PM
Just seen Crystal Maze MFME, finally! Well done Wizard et al
Posted 20 May 2017 - 02:14 PM
Mfme has had crystal maze in it since 2.0 its not a new emulation.
Posted 20 May 2017 - 02:37 PM
Just seen Crystal Maze MFME, finally! Well done Wizard et al
There are a few SWPs running also where I managed to get the scrambling info out of the PAL chips. But we still have a few question PALs missing, and I can't see any way of getting them to work without them.
Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.
Posted 20 May 2017 - 02:54 PM
Wish more swp were emulated.
Posted 18 May 2018 - 08:57 PM
I found this on YouTube: https://m.youtube.co...h?v=ykwbPAJJTJYsomeone obssesed with winning on The Mating Game SWP at all costs! It decends into madness over the course of the video as alcohol appears to take hold. Well, I found it funny and entertaining

- aaamusements likes this
Posted 18 May 2018 - 09:15 PM
Pretty much all the SWPs now run, but a few are missing the chr data, no useful info about the chr has ever been forthcoming which is a shame.
Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.
Posted 18 May 2018 - 09:22 PM
Yeah, I remember you saying in another post the PALs are hard to find. I wish I would have kept a few now
. So long ago. The files used to reside on a VAX computer and that is probably long gone. Unless someone kept the files. I’ll find out one day if the opportunity arises, just curious.

Posted 23 March 2022 - 07:25 PM
Every time I login to this site, years have past! Where does the time go! Reading back on old posts and the work that has been done over the years with emulating so many platforms. A lot I’ve worked on! MPU4, MPU5, MPU6, S4, S5, S6, Epoch, Eclipse, Barcrest Video (Crystal Maze). I can say, it’s impressive and I can appreciate the blood sweat and tears. I originally started off asking about Crystal Maze SWP emulation. Wow, seeing that emulated blew me away. All I can say is some of you lot are geniuses! Stay safe.
Edited by iamtheone, 23 March 2022 - 07:27 PM.
- captainhaddock likes this
Posted 25 March 2022 - 10:55 AM
Every time I login to this site, years have past! Where does the time go! Reading back on old posts and the work that has been done over the years with emulating so many platforms. A lot I’ve worked on! MPU4, MPU5, MPU6, S4, S5, S6, Epoch, Eclipse, Barcrest Video (Crystal Maze). I can say, it’s impressive and I can appreciate the blood sweat and tears. I originally started off asking about Crystal Maze SWP emulation. Wow, seeing that emulated blew me away. All I can say is some of you lot are geniuses! Stay safe.
Yes, this site is pretty dead, if you're not a member of desertislandfruits.com, that's really the place to be for FME nowadays.
If you're not a member, you may not be aware, but sadly Wizard the emulator author and who also assisted in this thread, died in 2020.
Posted 27 May 2022 - 09:59 AM
Yes, this site is pretty dead, if you're not a member of desertislandfruits.com, that's really the place to be for FME nowadays.
If you're not a member, you may not be aware, but sadly Wizard the emulator author and who also assisted in this thread, died in 2020.
This thread might be of interest.
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