Geddy !!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for putting me out of my misery.
is he on here?
Yes he is....
Not been around FME land (much) for 18 month or so (not dead but had some major life changing situations and medical procedures to deal with) and it seems some people still....
a) Cannot accept the truth.
b) Love dragging stuff up (even though they more often than not were against dragging stuff up.)
DadsFME did not kill FME, The EPEE saga and subsequent handing over of FF to Rouge had a good say in killing FF (IMHO) but really Wizard 'killed' FME by not releasing his stuff/Hissy fitting/Posting carrot dangles (the last killer blow IIRC.) None of the DadsFME staff alerted MAME of Wizards breaking of their licence and 'borrowing' of their code. The MAME team themselves had been keeping an eye on it for ages.
People should have realised by now in this soap opera of FME that more often than not the truth, although it might not be what you want to hear is often straight forward and more boring than most wish for.
Edited by Geddy, 06 September 2013 - 11:20 AM.