Bit of an update, I've been preoccupied looking for my cat in the last few days so I'm not doing much to the emulator.
The last remaining job is to get MPU3 sorted and working efficiently. The bugs stopping games running seem to have been solved but sound is proving a bit of a challenge. I am now working towards a cycle accurate 6840 timer which will allow me to run the sound as it should be, also adding a lot of extra debugging to help with the process. I hope to have it finished by Friday, but you all know what my timing estimates are like.
Aside from that the emulator is pretty much ready to roll out. There are a few extras I would like to add beforehand but once MPU3 is sorted I can have the emulator out within a day maximum. The installer has been fixed and actually seems to work now!
If I can get that out fairly quick then I will get to work on addin spACE tech to the emulator, as code already exists in MFME I should be able to get that going pretty quickly, the 6303Y core is already in the emulator awaiting some attention, which I will have much more time to do once the emulator is released. After that, Castle techs will be added but will likely be slow progress as I move to concentrate on other things.
Ploggy has some cracking layouts ready to roll out with the emulator, I have a couple, and Pook and Tommy C have both pledged to release something too. Though I also promised to give them updated copies of the emu, which I haven't yet, but will do.
This should be the first proper release of the emulator which is stable, and includes some upgraded tools to allow for much better artwork quality. Reels & 7 Seg displays have had a makeover to increase quality, and give more options to the designer. I will be adding a small alpha which will be part of the default graphics so that when scaled down the alpha is still readable.
More news as and when it happens, Nick.