A few days ago i purchased Jackpot & the beanstreak for £25 non working, the Epoch battery had leaked and caused the usual damage, after replacing the battery, and a couple of resistors / transistors and a bit of a clean up of the tracks it's now fully working.
Inside the machine was a mounting bracket & face plate for a note acceptor as shown below, and also what I assume to be the wiring loom for a NV4, again pictured.
are these connectors for an NV4 and JCM? and would i need the faceplate as I have the perspex plate?
Also, for some reason, I have the steel box for the notes to go in, but the chute has been removed, would anyone know where I could get another, or failing that the dimensions of the chute so I could make one.
Many thanks.
Edited by lynx2oo2, 09 December 2013 - 01:36 PM.