There is a lot wrong with this site and with FME in general at the moment.
I think the site suffers from a lack of effort from the top to encourage people to visit and post to the site and posts are what keeps a forum alive. Recognition there is a problem would be a start. For instance we have a moderation and admin team list which is fairly stuffed full with the great and good from FME. However there is a lack of showing from this team in the forum at large.
Is it so difficult to try and garner interest in this hobby that has brought us all together here? Whether it is creating interesting threads that people can join in with, quiz type threads, maybe the creation of an FME database, with details of every machine from every maker, variants, ROM revisions, rebuilds, layouts made, layout snapshots, machine snapshots, details of why machines don't run or behave awkwardly act mute in certain emulators - that would be a huge and useful project. A couple of years ago I recall we had a casino here and every post bought you some credit to use in there. OK maybe it generated some pish postings but at least we had some posts. We used to have a front page shoutbox and at least it showed some activity. The chat room is not the same and I would love to have the shout box back.
What about investing some time bringing the arcade up to scratch. Without looking, guess when the last high score was posted there? Try 3 months ago. What about before that - a full 8 months ago. Now it strikes me people either don't know the arcade exists or they know it and they think the games are shite, or the high scores are just out of everyones reach. Well you can debunk the latter as looking at the 3 latest scores posted one of them is before Christmas. In this day of Apps and mobile gaming is it impossible to get people playing arcade games on here on the forum?
As for FME I think many of us believed AMBER would be our saviour, but that just hasn't happened. I am sure it is truly wonderful, but I cannot get the bloody thing to work, online or offline. I am not sure why AMBER hasn't taken off the way we thought it should - maybe it is because they aren't "new" layouts, but would be remakes of existing ones from Amber that has caused people not to bother. Maybe FME has lost critical mass as was forecast as 10.1 was leaked. Maybe FME needs real characters of old like Alex, Harvey, Geddy, Pandy, Retrofruit etc to make it tick and now they are gone maybe it is the end. Maybe it is a case that the old techs don't appeal anymore. I am with Topshaun, I would love SRU to become available, but for the sake of FME maybe the only saviour now would be fully working Scorp 4 / 5 and hundreds of DOND DX's.
I know I backed the FME in MAME when that was first mooted and have been on that bandwagon since. It makes sense to have FME linked to an emulator which has multiple coders and a structure and releases and an ability to react to new operating systems a testing team and a future. However, havIng made the initial steps of sorting out the ROMs and retrofitting Wizzy's Scorp 4 code back into MAME it has died a death. Then we lost Geddy and now we don't have our dedicated ROM and layout list. It sucks, it really does. Will Haze ever get back to developing FME in MAME; well I hope so and I hope it is in my lifetime. Maybe TGA will succeed in his layour with MAME, who knows. We do seem to have reached a crossroads and a triple witching hour. Loss of members, lack of new resources and lack of emulation of modern technologies are all contributing to the feeling of malaise. To be honest I am not even sure if Wizzy decided to release MFME 4 tomorrow whether that would actually help the situation. Perhaps he'll read this and give it a try.......
Anyway I do get the message that was hidden in the creation of this thread and in some respects I am glad it was started. Putting my thoughts to paper as it were, has helped.
Ady, I am sorry to hear you have suffered aggravation. Rule 1 "we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts" may help. Personal attacks are never good on any forum from anyone.