My suggestion would be to get rid of the garish and totally (IMO) unneeded GUI, to be fair it's awful. I know it won't happen I know it will stop like that (or get worse) because DC is involved and he does all the gfx stuff.
Sorry but to me all is needed is a simple grey box game manager list type affair which I'm also sure will be less CPU hungry. We do not need the emulator to LOOK like one specific tech or ONE specific game. The GUI is really a functional beast to get to you to the action, it's not a side show or main event. Please can we get rid of it or have an option to get rid of it in favour of a nice and simple grey box type game manager.
Well the GUI is needed, in full screen mode you cant see any of the normal menus or vb style boxes, so a DirectX drawn GUI is essential.
As for being CPU hungry, the GUI uses bugger all, its rendering maybe 100 polygons at most, whereas the emulation requires north of 700 with blending effects and all sorts so CPU usage is not a factor. If a PC has trouble rendering the GUI its time to upgrade from Win'98 (support groups are available for those afraid of change
So far only 2 people have offered to do a skin for it. Fuzion offered, but said he had limited time, which is fine, I'm not going to put anyone down for having limited time. The other person was DC who basically badgered me into changing it.
From my point of view doing the GUI it already had took me two weeks to draw and code, and is frankly a pain in the arse to do. So changing it wasn't something I wanted to do really. I'm sure you've all seen the "manage arcade" and "View Statistics" options on the main screen that do bugger all. Well I got that far with the GUI and wanted to do something else, and the motivation to finish those screens hasn't appeared yet.
I knew when DC offered to do the new one that it would piss some people off, so I will be creating a skinning tool which will allow everyone to make their own skins as they see fit.
But the key here is that while several people have said they don't like the current GUI, only 2 have offered to do anything about it. To be fair, when Fuzion offered I kinda said "thanks but no thanks", not because I didn't like the design, but because I had only just finished putting two weeks work into upgrading the GUI, and I hated doing it. Made even worse by the fact that everyone hated it at the end.
I tried to turn down DC's offer a few times, but he badgered me into doing it, and at the end of the day if he (or anyone) is prepared to put in the effort and time, why would I discourage that. So you're getting a new skin and the tools to make your own if you don't like that one.
If Fuzion would still like to produce a skin, I'll make sure it gets done.
Aside from that, the emulator needs a nice GUI anyway, I don't want it to look like its made for windows 95, all modern games have menu screens withh effects, I see no reason why Amber should be any different. I'm trying to show that Amber is the future of FME, I don't want it to look like MFME.