A slightly off tangent thought on this...but on-par too...
I was helping a post-master friend move this week as his PO is being upgraded.
Basically I had a bucket of mixed coinage handed to me and I needed to segregate different values so he/we knew what we were counting.
There were (once the coinage was split) many ways of totting up, a fair few of the ways were by manual means eg:- plastic strips (as in a tube as was said)..so it's not just the fruit-machine industry it's a whole range of businesses....on saying that it surely has to match the size and weight?
If it don't we may as well join the Euro now and be-done-with-it rather than have to do it all again.
Why the hell the *Bank Of England can't just make it the same size and weight but in the way a £2 coin is created is beyond me.
*Note to self, no I remember now, they are numskulls that don't think of cost outside the wall's of the BoE nor proof read as the 2012 20p piece shows us......
I like the fact that counterfeiting is being addressed, but why were those in the knowledge of dealing with coins not even polled on what may be a solution?