File Name: Thunderbird (Barcrest) 1024/1280 Dx
File Submitter: brucegeorge
File Submitted: 29 Mar 2014
File Category: MPU 5
Ok here is a Dx I have wanted to do for a long time its
Thunderbird from Barcrest
You have 2 Dx layouts to download a 1024 and 1280 so something for everyone to enjoy
Ok now time for the thank you list
Pick a Win from Mr P's website he sent over some great photos of his machine to Tommy
Tommy C He sent me the photos to work on and he didnt have time
Crazybar for his classic layout was good to look back on for hints
Andy-1,Vectra666 and BanditBoy2006 For play testing the layouts
Lolly2106 for some links to 2 videos of this machine that were a big help
Also a huge thanks to the guys who added the Roms and Reel Images
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