File Name: Cops 'N' Robbers Sys83 DX
File Submitter: ploggy
File Submitted: 02 Apr 2014
File Category: Project Amber
Here's the official release for the original Sys83 version of Cops 'N' Robbers for Amber. The first British Sys83 machine emulated!
Huge thanks goes out to Guitar for getting System83 emulated on Amber, and also technical assistance whilst making the layout. And also huge thanks to Stuart, for the excellent pictures he provided. 
Shortcuts for this, are:
Super Nudge - S
Nudge Up - N
Hold 1 - 1
Hold 2 - 2
Hold 3 - 3
Select Odds - O
Gamble - G
Start/Bank - Space
Collect Back - C
Run For It - R
Grab More Swag - M
Cancel - `
£1 - 0
20p Token - 9
10p - 8
Make sure you put the layout in the 'Libraries/Layouts' folder. And the roms in the 'Libraries/ROMs' folder. Both files need to extracted from the archives first. Hope you enjoy this long lost classic. 
Click here to download this file
Wow and wow and OMG!
I am blown away not just by the release of the slot but also by the few comments and replies made 
Clearly a lot of members must be too young to remember this gem of a slot. 
I never thought I would ever see this again,and especially not as an emulation-So all my birthdays have come in one day 
I last played this in a back street arcade in Blackpool around 15years ago!!,the arcade was bout a mile from the pleasure beach-the arcade is now sadly a bric a brac shop and closed down pre 2010.
Ive just got to figure out how to get Amber running,I did download a version but I know it's the wrong one lol.
I have so much of my time now taken up by my uncle and family,that I rare get to visit the site.
I will read Vectra's tutorial and hopefully get it running asp.
Ploggy and Guitar you are both legends and we are so not worthy

Thank you so much for bringing to life,what is without question my no1 slot ever made.
Edited by gemini17, 04 April 2014 - 10:59 AM.