Does anyone else think that this BBC show is absolutely gripping stuff?

"The Apprentice".
Started by sharpy2005, Mar 02 2005 04:57 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 02 March 2005 - 04:57 PM
Posted 02 March 2005 - 06:11 PM
Is this the show where they are trying become someone like Donald Trump's new employee (or someone important in the UK?). If done right the show will be interesting, otherwise, like pullin teeth every week
Posted 02 March 2005 - 06:39 PM
I think the whole program is just an ego trip for Alan Sugar.
"You're Fired!!!"
"Yeah, so what Alan. You're ugly, but at least I'll get another job."
TBH, most of the contestants seem to be as far up themselves as he is, so I'm sure whoever wins will fit in perectly. :hassidic:
"You're Fired!!!"
"Yeah, so what Alan. You're ugly, but at least I'll get another job."

TBH, most of the contestants seem to be as far up themselves as he is, so I'm sure whoever wins will fit in perectly. :hassidic:

Posted 02 March 2005 - 10:42 PM
Does anyone else think that this BBC show is absolutely gripping stuff?
Ummmm....No, sorry!!
To be quite honest I am sick to the back teeth of so-called "reality" TV shows with non-celebs. Every member of the public who applies to go on these shows is an egotist and therefore deserves everything bad that happens to them....and while I'm on...

"Yes please".... 8O
If some bird invited me onto Trisha...I think I might have the intelligence to work out why.....especially if I'd f***ed her off!!!
<Rant Over>
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste.

Posted 03 March 2005 - 08:37 AM
Alan Sugar is way past his Best Before date anyway...what has he given the world recently?
Useless Sky Digital boxes on which the PSU kept failing,
Those damn eMailer phones which actually CHARGE you to deliver advertising!
I won't be tuning in, thats for damn sure
Useless Sky Digital boxes on which the PSU kept failing,
Those damn eMailer phones which actually CHARGE you to deliver advertising!
I won't be tuning in, thats for damn sure

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)
Posted 05 March 2005 - 09:32 AM
How do those eMailer phones charge to delivery advertising Bencrest? Thats absurd!! Is it that you see adverts on the screen of the thing, and you have to pay money on your phone bill to receive them?
It all sounds like a right con, but the guy has made enough cash out of it!
It all sounds like a right con, but the guy has made enough cash out of it!
Posted 05 March 2005 - 02:24 PM
Every day the eMailer dials out to a number to retreive email, at a set time, at a cost of about 12p.
Thats £3.60 a month... and that is done at say 8 in the morning. If you receive mail at say 9am, you'll have to dial out again, and as I understand it, that will be another charge of 12p..making it £7.20 per month if you only access your email twice a day. What if you check your email 4 times a day? [say every couple of hours]
Well, thats £14.40 per month. Every hour? Thats 12x12p = £1.44 per day ... £10.08 per week, £40.32 per month... £483.84 per year [give or take].
You may as well get a cheap old PC for £100 and get a year long Broadband subscription, at least then you can use the internet properly.
Still, I may be wrong with what I say, I'm just passing on what I've been told. If anyone can tell me any more details that would be fine
Thats £3.60 a month... and that is done at say 8 in the morning. If you receive mail at say 9am, you'll have to dial out again, and as I understand it, that will be another charge of 12p..making it £7.20 per month if you only access your email twice a day. What if you check your email 4 times a day? [say every couple of hours]
Well, thats £14.40 per month. Every hour? Thats 12x12p = £1.44 per day ... £10.08 per week, £40.32 per month... £483.84 per year [give or take].
You may as well get a cheap old PC for £100 and get a year long Broadband subscription, at least then you can use the internet properly.
Still, I may be wrong with what I say, I'm just passing on what I've been told. If anyone can tell me any more details that would be fine

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)
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