Here's an updated version of Road Hog for Amber. This version utilises the dual lamps on the Hi-Lo reel, plus the samples play as they should. On MFME, the sample when you fail the MOT is too high pitched, but on Amber it plays correctly.
Big thanks goes out to Guitar, for the new updated reel images, plus layout advice and of course Amber itself. And also SPA for the flier that was used.
Shortcuts are the same as the MFME version, which are:
Cancel/Collect - `
Hold/Nudge - 1
Hold/Nudge - 2
Hold/Nudge - 3
Hi - H
Lo - L
Start/Gamble - Space
Accept Bid - A
Reject Bid - R
20p Token Insert - 9
£1 Insert - 0
Put the .pad file in the 'Layouts' folder, and the other files in the zip archive into the 'ROMs' folder. Enjoy!
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