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#41 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 25 May 2014 - 08:56 PM

Well I've read this topic dozens of times now, and apart from altharic calling Vecs a 'piss weak troll' I can't find anything offensive enough to warrant people being banned.  But then it says 'folks' which would lead you to believe that it's aimed at more than one person, which is strange, when as far as I can see, there is only one person who said anything rude or offensive.
Like Tommy said, people are only asking questions regarding the site and things that are going on with it, which I also can't see as a possible cause for banning.
So I honestly don't see what's caused the post concerned to be posted.
In the last couple of weeks there has been loads of arguing and slagging off of people on the site, in various threads, some of which was extremely offensive, and verging on violent, (yet there was no post like that made, which basically seems to be saying, either shut up, leave, or you'll be banned) they were allowed to carry it on, so to say I'm stumped is an understatement.

I too have just re-read this post a number of times and I am no clearer either Phil. I don't think it has helped that a post has no doubt disappeared and some have seen it and some haven't. What I do see is the ban hammer being swung around in the general direction of someone, not sure who, because of some indignation and anger held for some reason that none of us seem to understand and which isn't being explained.


Just to note, I also see the sickening display from some folks in this thread here, are intrested in nothing more than fluffing up their ego's etc.
Just do the overwelming MAJORATY of us members here a favour..... kindly exit stage left (Cracking album from Rush here BTW) before someone forcably removes you :)
PS..... yes, I am angry right now!

Could you please name names and post some evidence before you go threatening with the ban hammer? I am fairly sure I know who you are on about, but please post a link to any public post on this forum where you feel snide hurtful comments have been made or bragging about achievements etc, because I can find none. It seems to me that there is a conflict of interest going on and we know from Fruity Fans that mods with powers and conflicts of interest do not make for a good combination. On that occasion we lost the whole bloody forum. And you think the majority of members are in favour of this do you. And you have asked everyone have you because I certainly wasn't polled about it?

Theres a few left that think they do good for fme but are mistaken.


You'd love a lock and move on wouldn't you, you only have to look at Your own posts and your lack of an apology for the shit you've caused him and other members.

Probably a good job you cannot be accused of trolling your own threads, otherwise with SM in the sort of mood he is in you could be in trouble with posts like those ;-)


Edited by barcrest junky, 25 May 2014 - 08:58 PM.

#42 altharic


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 08:59 PM

How quick was that, one of the ant hill mob already thanked your post when he would not have had chance to read it, coincidence i think not.

Edited by altharic, 25 May 2014 - 09:19 PM.

#43 chasnbons


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:29 PM

The UKIP thread was locked because I don't encourage political discussion on a fruit machine/FME site. It tends to only lead to my opinion of people plummeting. Most of the time I would rather not hear about people's politics or religion.


Taken from the 'forum Rules' page....


1..We encourage debating and discussion, however we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts.


How can this be true, if you're going to stop people from debating things which you don't like personally?  Or it may bring your personal opinion of someone down?


I for one, don't give a toss how much or how little you, or anyone on here thinks of me.


The second part of rule 1 is also untrue, seeing as Vecs is getting insulted left, right and centre and no-one is stopping it.  So for the 3rd time today, please..... why are you allowing it to continue?

I have a problem with UKIP specifically because of the fact that most of their members seem to be rabidly homophobic, amongst other equally nasty views they propogate, so on that basis I won't have them promoted on here. I think that's quite reasonable?


There's nothing wrong with you having a problem with UKIP, the problem is, other people might not have a problem with them and it's unfair to stop them saying what they think just because you have a problem with them.  Whatever happened to freedom of speech?


Oh and on a side note, it makes it even stranger, that the offending thread, was started by a member of your staff, surely they should have been aware of your views on politics being debated on here?  Then this would have never come about.

The only significant words that are filtered are "quack" and ""the c word that people instinctively use when they are losing an argument"". I don't feel that I need to explain why.
At one time people could be trusted to not parrot them all over the place, but then along came Deathclaw, and the filter was put in place when my eyes started to bleed.

As far as I'm concerned the filter can be removed in the future, when it becomes more reasonable to think that people can be responsible enough not to abuse the trust placed in them...


Oh right, hopefully this abusing of the trust placed in people, includes staff members doing the right thing, and not letting power go to their heads and issuing ultimatums and threats of forceful removal if people dare to ask a question or two?

#44 altharic


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:40 PM

Next post will be vecs.

Then barcest junky

Then ricardo de whateverthehellhisnameis

#45 aaamusements



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Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:45 PM

The UKIP thread was locked because I don't encourage political discussion on a fruit machine/FME site. It tends to only lead to my opinion of people plummeting. Most of the time I would rather not hear about people's politics or religion.
Taken from the 'forum Rules' page....
1..We encourage debating and discussion, however we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts.
How can this be true, if you're going to stop people from debating things which you don't like personally?  Or it may bring your personal opinion of someone down?
I for one, don't give a toss how much or how little you, or anyone on here thinks of me.
The second part of rule 1 is also untrue, seeing as Vecs is getting insulted left, right and centre and no-one is stopping it.  So for the 3rd time today, please..... why are you allowing it to continue?

I have a problem with UKIP specifically because of the fact that most of their members seem to be rabidly homophobic, amongst other equally nasty views they propogate, so on that basis I won't have them promoted on here. I think that's quite reasonable?
There's nothing wrong with you having a problem with UKIP, the problem is, other people might not have a problem with them and it's unfair to stop them saying what they think just because you have a problem with them.  Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
Oh and on a side note, it makes it even stranger, that the offending thread, was started by a member of your staff, surely they should have been aware of your views on politics being debated on here?  Then this would have never come about.
The only significant words that are filtered are "quack" and ""the c word that people instinctively use when they are losing an argument"". I don't feel that I need to explain why.
At one time people could be trusted to not parrot them all over the place, but then along came Deathclaw, and the filter was put in place when my eyes started to bleed.
As far as I'm concerned the filter can be removed in the future, when it becomes more reasonable to think that people can be responsible enough not to abuse the trust placed in them...
Oh right, hopefully this abusing of the trust placed in people, includes staff members doing the right thing, and not letting power go to their heads and issuing ultimatums and threats of forceful removal if people dare to ask a question or two?

It's clear that whatever I say will be interpreted however you want to interpret it, so I won't make any further comment.

On another note, here is the thread that was temporarily removed, I have not reinstated the few posts that were made after it as they detract from the intended dignity of it. I might reinstate them in another thread, or just bung them into this one as this thread is following the same theme...

#46 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 25 May 2014 - 09:55 PM

Next post will be vecs.
Then barcest junky
Then ricardo de whateverthehellhisnameis

Well I never fail to disappoint, so whilst waiting for the evidence requested in my earlier post, just wanted to ask for some clarification as to why some actions have been taken. Every post I have seen from Daryl as part of his resignation, including the ones where messages have been sent through a third party, he has promoted peace and harmony in FME. Perhaps his new BFF's could explain quite why, not even 24 hours after this request, they are in here promoting something that is diametrically opposite and presumably against his wishes?


#47 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 25 May 2014 - 10:00 PM

Next post will be vecs.
Then barcest junky
Then ricardo de whateverthehellhisnameis

Here is a prediction from me. A few more trolling posts from yourself, breaking the published forum rules and no action taken. We shall see. I won't hold my breath.


#48 altharic


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 10:04 PM

Here is a prediction from me. A few more trolling posts from yourself, breaking the published forum rules and no action taken. We shall see. I won't hold my breath.


Please, hold your breath as long as you like.
Ps where is vecs' apology to the folks he has upset?

#49 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 05:52 AM

Let them wave the power hammer see were the site goes with hardly any layout creators that are still interested. When you ask for evidence you get f.uck all. Just a load of tosh. I think its time for a staff rethink. I have been on here nearly every day I log on whilst at work as well. I have not seen one post from vectra that has took the piss out of daryl??? Wanna prove me wrong? Show me!!! The postsIin this thread which are genuine are being ignored.

#50 altharic


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 05:55 AM

Let them wave the power hammer see were the site goes with hardly any layout creators that are still interested. When you ask for evidence you get f.uck all. Just a load of tosh. I think its time for a staff rethink. I have been on here nearly every day I log on whilst at work as well. I have not seen one post from vectra that has took the piss out of daryl??? Wanna prove me wrong? Show me!!! The postsIin this thread which are genuine are being ignored.

Blackmail to get ones own way who have we seen try that one before?

#51 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:09 AM

Blackmail to get ones own way who have we seen try that one before?

Blackmail is an act, often a crime, involving unjustified threats to make a gain or cause loss to another unless a demand is met

Just do the overwelming MAJORATY of us members here a favour..... kindly exit stage left (Cracking album from Rush here BTW) before someone forcably removes you :)

Answered for you.



#52 chasnbons


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 07:36 AM

It's clear that whatever I say will be interpreted however you want to interpret it, so I won't make any further comment.

On another note, here is the thread that was temporarily removed, I have not reinstated the few posts that were made after it as they detract from the intended dignity of it. I might reinstate them in another thread, or just bung them into this one as this thread is following the same theme...


So you think I'm twisting what you say then?


If so, then it shows again, just how little you think of me, oh you're sorely wrong, all I'd like is staight answers to straight forward questions, but this seems an impossible task.


Please also note, that I'm not the only one asking the same questions of you, so before you accuse me again, it's definately not personal.


People are genuinely worried about what's going on, on here, and it would seem that all you are doing is compounding the problem by avoiding the questions being asked of you.


If Vecs, and now it would seem, maybe Tommy (plus who knows how many more), where to leave or stop releasing, then where would this place be?


Regarding the second part of your post, maybe you SHOULD reinstate the removed posts, that way people have the full info, to be able to make up their own minds, and not have to rely on hearsay etc.


Oh and BTW, NONE of what I have written in this thread is about, or has anything to do with Daryl, it's only ever been about how you and your current staff are dealing with things.


You have said publically, that you don't want politics being discussed on here, so why do I feel like I'm watching a political programme on TV, you know, the ones where an MP gets asked questions, and they find it impossible to give an honest, open, straight answer (like most of them tbh) they go all round the houses, spouting loads of stuff, but won't answer the question.


Avoidance only serves to anger people, and deflection does exactly the same.  Simply ignoring that there is anything wrong at all, is even worse imho.

#53 aaamusements



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 07:57 AM

I'm sure you'd do a much better job Phil, you've proven yourself to be exceptional at making friends on the Mecca over the years.
Let's remember that you are allowed to say whatever you want to on here, whereas I still have to be diplomatic. That's much more difficult than pretending I know all the answers telling everybody how everything is wrong and nothing is being done about it.

Finally, (and I won't be replying to any more messages, unless they contain factual inaccuracies that need to be corrected), all content that was removed has been reinstated, not there was much to put back. It's not necessarily in the same thread format but it's all there exactly as it was written.

A general point to all - I see a lot of posts objecting to post content but the number of reported posts is often nil. There is a clear process and it isn't being used.

#54 stanmarsh14



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 08:11 AM

Right folks...... reason why some of us are pretty narked at some members yet there seams to be little public info as to exactly what went off, is almost all of this harassment / abusive behaviour, was performed via PM and off-site, and unfortunately at the time (Majority of this happened before Alex took over the site and myself became mod), it was felt rather than kicking the perps off-site, was to just let them get on with it to blow off steam, which we are now finding was a huge mistake!


However, these same persons are continuing on with their subversive and abusive behaviour, in an attempt to destabilise these forums, and to attempt to control the site for whatever reasons it maybe.

If I was to provide full information of these PM's, then I would be in breach of users privacy, so as such, I and indeed the rest of the staff, can not and will not publicly disclose these PM's!

I have news for these very persons as I posted not long back...... what you got away with in days of old, you will no longer get away with any more!..... this site is ran and operated for the benefit of the MAJORITY of users, and the staff will no longer tolerate any abusive and subversive behaviour from these persons.

Myself, I am an IRC chat veteran of over twelve years (Even co-host a network right now whom are associated with Social Blade), and also worked on some pretty big forums, such like LPSG, and the official South Park Studios BBS, and trust me in that you will not be able to run me out of town any time soon, as I am well used to the methods people use to run folks off such sites they just simply do not like.

#55 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 02:12 PM

Still no evidence to whom it was concerning,i rest my case.Oh and moving another thread out of public view,nice move!!! NOT.

#56 Geddy



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 02:30 PM

What evidence do you need?  It's been clearly stated that the 'culprits' passed around PMs slagging off Daryl and Ady and generally trying to upset the 'management' here.  Posting copies of said PMs would be a breach of privacy hence it won't be done. 


The missing thread again has been clearly addressed, it was a political thread moved because the owner did not think it was suitable for this forum.  He is the owner (so I believe) of this site so I guess his decision goes (like it or lump it.)  I'm not in agreeance with his reasons as it looks like a 'I' don't like it so I'm doing away with it situation but it's his site and his choice I guess.


I honestly think all issues have been addressed here....  :err:

#57 aaamusements



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 05:23 PM

Still no evidence to whom it was concerning,i rest my case.Oh and moving another thread out of public view,nice move!!! NOT.

What thread? All content to my knowledge has been reinstated. It might be locked but it's still there.

#58 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:02 PM

Right well i want to see proof,or can the reel slim shady shit stirrer please stand up :err: obviously someone has been stirring shit to go running to ady about it or who ever else.@ aaamusements i'm on about abyssing this thread were it will get minimal views,so once again it's stopping people having a pov. Threads never get locked on here now all of a sudden it's every other day,i mean come on wtf it's a forum NOT a business.

Edited by Tommy c, 26 May 2014 - 06:04 PM.

#59 Geddy



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:07 PM

You can't see proof, this has been explained at least twice now.  (Plus the shout box, another vehicle of their 'attacks' is no longer here.) No one went running to Ady or Daryl, they were the victims hence knew all about what had happened.


I'm sorry Tommy C I can't see what can be done to get you what you want... :(

#60 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:13 PM

Right well as far as im concerned it's just hear say and slander,bullying if you like.YOU ARE ALL BLAMING VECTRA for this but i have seen baiting posts in threads and little jibes were it's not needed,But yet again it's the little has been click who think any new comer should bow down and comply.Just like when i and bruce opened are own little forum,none of the old school liked it and did what they could to f.uck it over and get rid.I mean even creating a layout designer account to upload my layouts here,remember posterbot what a load of bollocks.I ain't carrying anything on,I've been working hard so this is a day off were i can catch up on whats been going on.

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