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T8 - not paying out notes

Best Answer nails, 10 June 2014 - 06:51 PM

sorted, the note stacker was full when the mpu6 and hopper were changed over. with the new mpu it didn't pick up the fact that the stacker was full and then put an extra 600 in it. by this point the stack was so full it couldn't remove the notes to the stacker as it was full.


upon emptying the stacker and performing a few recycler to stacker routines it eventually cleared - and moved £1200 to the stacker!



at this point I would usually thank people for the help - but there was none.

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#1 nails


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 06:12 PM

got a real pain here


yesterday I fitted a new mpu6 and new twin hopper, once they were fitted I had to go into the service menu so that the pc could verify the mech/hopper and everything was fine.


it wasn't till it tried to payout a few hundred that it paid out in coins. via the menu the test £20/£10 out is ghosted out. it happily accepts £10/£20 via the test but not payout. note payout is enabled via the serial? menu but as I say the test out is ghosted.


any clues?


#2 nails


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 06:51 PM   Best Answer

sorted, the note stacker was full when the mpu6 and hopper were changed over. with the new mpu it didn't pick up the fact that the stacker was full and then put an extra 600 in it. by this point the stack was so full it couldn't remove the notes to the stacker as it was full.


upon emptying the stacker and performing a few recycler to stacker routines it eventually cleared - and moved £1200 to the stacker!



at this point I would usually thank people for the help - but there was none.

#3 FruitBash


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 10:08 PM

I think you've done very well to work out that issue :)


Problem with asking for help on a Triple 8 is that virtually no one other than engineers will have access to one, and I bet even now the knowledge is a bit scant on them.


Glad you got it sorted though, and thanks for the update in case we ever come across the same issue - we will know how to sort! :D

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