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#21 banditboy2006


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 04:30 PM

yes but they are crapsilvers :jimlad:

#22 chasnbons


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 04:54 PM

At least this topics brought some humor to the site, anymore vids to come.


If they are like that one, then I sincerely hope not.



There is plenty of that, just not as disgusting as that one.


I hope the law got the idiot...and I am sorry but those that think it's funny need to ask themselves why!


I know this thread was started by a Moderator, but that doesn't make it right or acceptible imho.


If you feel the same Ady, then why not either delete it (or just the video) or move it, like the 'missing thread' thread was moved, to the abyss?


That way it's not staring everyone on the face, and if they want to look at it, they know where to find it.


Alex instated the censorship thing, (which changed swear words to other words) a while ago, to stop all the swearing etc, as it wasn't considered correct for this forum, well I don't think this video is right for this forum either and find it far more disgusting/offensive, than ANY swear word.


Plus the fact that it came from a Mod, makes it even worse tbh, aren't Mods supposedly there to keep standards up, stop things like this from happening and to hopefully use a bit of decorum?


I'd bet any money, if it had been someone else who posted it, it wouldn't still be here.

#23 £6 In Tokens

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Posted 05 July 2014 - 04:59 PM

In his defense, he had the Novoro Virus!

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#24 vectra666


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:10 PM

true chasbons, but in its defence the video was quite funny, what if it was something else filmed someone else may take offence, that's the problem with this country we can,t even fart in case it causes offence but after all what was shown in the clip is a perfectly natural thing every living animal does it even on the floor, but us "humans" should know better and have the intelligence to go somewhere more private maybe or at least use a bin lol.

As said above again maybe if the 1st post contains anything "offence" then I warning should be put up on a kind of pre-post to warn users, although I see this topic on other fruit machine related sites and see no other members there complaing.

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#25 banditboy2006


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:12 PM

but quicksilvers deceive everything they can get anyway


and I wish he Pissed on the floor

#26 vectra666


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:14 PM

Off to Weston super mare tomorrow so I may try "pissing" off the pier but it'll cost me a quid just to get on there so it'll be a dear piss lol. 

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#27 banditboy2006


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:26 PM

but the swear filter does work this is a test PISS FLAPS

Edited by banditboy2006, 05 July 2014 - 05:27 PM.

#28 chasnbons


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:36 PM

true chasbons, but in its defence the video was quite funny, what if it was something else filmed someone else may take offence, that's the problem with this country we can,t even fart in case it causes offence but after all what was shown in the clip is a perfectly natural thing every living animal does it even on the floor, but us "humans" should know better and have the intelligence to go somewhere more private maybe or at least use a bin lol.

As said above again maybe if the 1st post contains anything "offence" then I warning should be put up on a kind of pre-post to warn users, although I see this topic on other fruit machine related sites and see no other members there complaing.


I wonder how funny you'd have found it, had it happened in somewhere you owned, should someone come to your house and shite on the living room carpet?


I agree that it's a natural thing, we all do it, fortunately though, those of us who have been brought up properly and have some respect, wouldn't do it in public, on in someones elses property.


I'm saying no more on the subject now, as I know I'm wasting my breath.


but quicksilvers deceive everything they can get anyway


and I wish he Pissed on the floor


Definately one of the more ridiculous statements I've seen for a while.

#29 banditboy2006


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:43 PM

but no offence I have seen worse things happen in arcades


and plus I have seen people piss in paytrays before as well so once you have seen one thing you have seen it all


and plus staff need some work when the arcade is quiet

#30 Magz


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 07:18 PM

Nobody needs to be clearing that up busy or not.


If he'd have done it in the payout tray that'd have been easier to clear up but just as stupid.


Guess he thought the fruit was on a roll and didn't want to leave it - or he as just a total prat.

#31 stanmarsh14



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Posted 05 July 2014 - 11:03 PM

I don't find it funny or disgusting as I've seen a whole lot worse out of my truck window. What I do find funny is your comments, keep it up


The old coke bottle trick full of piss?

Feel sorry for the wombles clearing the hard shoulder of many a plastic bottle like this on the M1.

#32 ady


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 04:40 AM


If they are like that one, then I sincerely hope not.



I know this thread was started by a Moderator, but that doesn't make it right or acceptible imho.


If you feel the same Ady, then why not either delete it (or just the video) or move it, like the 'missing thread' thread was moved, to the abyss?


That way it's not staring everyone on the face, and if they want to look at it, they know where to find it.


Alex instated the censorship thing, (which changed swear words to other words) a while ago, to stop all the swearing etc, as it wasn't considered correct for this forum, well I don't think this video is right for this forum either and find it far more disgusting/offensive, than ANY swear word.


Plus the fact that it came from a Mod, makes it even worse tbh, aren't Mods supposedly there to keep standards up, stop things like this from happening and to hopefully use a bit of decorum?


I'd bet any money, if it had been someone else who posted it, it wouldn't still be here.


I am not going to get into a debate, i'm am just being courteous by answering a post.


All I did was to give my personal opinion on what happened in the Vid.


No rules were broken and no members were insulted.


I differ with the "any other member" remark as that is incorrect.


If us MODs get post's reported then we look at them, I can't see a single one...and in any case I very much doubt there's any standing on one with this anyway.


#33 nails


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 08:31 AM

personally I thought it was hilarious!


we all have points of view, I think mine is that the person who reported it should be check they are over 18 and informed they are then classed as an `adult`. If they fail the 18 they should be reminded that this site is dedicated to fruit machines and its preservation - which is under the wing of gambling/gaming.


Gambling is obviously an `adult` theme and not suitable of minors who would wish to complain. I reserve the right to not log on here anymore if I do so wish, they reserve the right to throw their toys out the pram if they so wish - which they have. could they kindly pick up said toys and re-insert dummy and continue to www.disney.co.uk



Edited by nails, 06 July 2014 - 08:39 AM.

#34 stanmarsh14



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Posted 06 July 2014 - 09:37 AM

One point I want to make, is none of the other FME related forums this was posted on, to my knowledge have had any "Reported posts" made due to content or any issues etc, and that all posts on the other sites this has appeared on, are pretty much in line with what we see here.... all except yours Chasnbons.

This leads me to the next question / assumption..... are you here just to troll, or have a poke at someone you dislike?..... Your honest answer please if you will :)

#35 banditboy2006


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 09:49 AM

but in the end we are all adults here and we have seen everything really

#36 chasnbons


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 11:46 AM

personally I thought it was hilarious!


we all have points of view, I think mine is that the person who reported it should be check they are over 18 and informed they are then classed as an `adult`. If they fail the 18 they should be reminded that this site is dedicated to fruit machines and its preservation - which is under the wing of gambling/gaming.


Gambling is obviously an `adult` theme and not suitable of minors who would wish to complain. I reserve the right to not log on here anymore if I do so wish, they reserve the right to throw their toys out the pram if they so wish - which they have. could they kindly pick up said toys and re-insert dummy and continue to www.disney.co.uk




I haven't reported this, only passed an opinion, which is what I'm allowed to do, am I not?


As to the being over 18, unfortunately, I'm well over that age, and therefore legally classed as an adult, who has the right to state his opinion just the same as anyone else, as long as it isn't rude or defamitory towards anyone, and it's done in a polite manner, which it was.


Swearing is also an adult thing, or it would be if more children were brought to have respect, yet this was deemed, not so long ago, to be unacceptible on here, and the swear filter was put in place.  I feel the same about the video, so where's the harm in me saying so?


I have not thrown my toys out of the pram, as you say, but merely voiced my opinion in a calm and polite manner, end of.


How come I get sh1te for this, yet some of the other things posted in this thread, which come across as simply rude and argumentative haven't been mentioned?

#37 chasnbons


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 12:05 PM

One point I want to make, is none of the other FME related forums this was posted on, to my knowledge have had any "Reported posts" made due to content or any issues etc, and that all posts on the other sites this has appeared on, are pretty much in line with what we see here.... all except yours Chasnbons.

This leads me to the next question / assumption..... are you here just to troll, or have a poke at someone you dislike?..... Your honest answer please if you will :)


Point one, you are only one one other site which I frequent (the Mecca) and having already seen the post and been disgusted on here, before I saw the title over there, I purposly haven't read it over there, therefore I haven't commented on it.  If it had been the other way round, and I'd seen it there, before here, then my posts would have been at the Mecca and not here.


What we see here, is that I'm not the only one who found it disgusting, this is born out in some other members replies, so you are wrong in this statement.


As to you assuming me a troll, then you are wrong again, and give yourself far too much importance in my life, if you think I care one iota about you personally, I would have posted the same things, no matter who had posted the video.


The one thing you ARE right about, is the fact I don't like you, no secret there.  We used to be friends, till you thought I'd had a go at you, which I hadn't, and I explained to you MANY times, both personally and via some of your mates online, what I had meant by my comment.  Unfortunately you weren't man enough to admit you'd taken it the wrong way, and then thought you'd ridicule me on youtube, by posting a video which showed you and another Moderator on here taking the pi55 out of me.  This was not only wrong but unfair, considering the amount of time and effort I'd put into trying to explain and show you what I'd meant by my original comment.


Other people, in fact everyone I asked about it, said you'd taken it the wrong way and was over reacting (including your mates on here and the Mecca)


So, sorry, but given everything that's happened, I think I have every right not to like you, but to be trolling you, get a grip man, I have far more important things going on in my life, to be bothered trolling or even being interested in, you.


You asked for an honest answer, and you now have it.

#38 stanmarsh14



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Posted 06 July 2014 - 12:42 PM


Point one, you are only one one other site which I frequent (the Mecca) and having already seen the post and been disgusted on here, before I saw the title over there, I purposly haven't read it over there, therefore I haven't commented on it.  If it had been the other way round, and I'd seen it there, before here, then my posts would have been at the Mecca and not here.


What we see here, is that I'm not the only one who found it disgusting, this is born out in some other members replies, so you are wrong in this statement.


As to you assuming me a troll, then you are wrong again, and give yourself far too much importance in my life, if you think I care one iota about you personally, I would have posted the same things, no matter who had posted the video.


The one thing you ARE right about, is the fact I don't like you, no secret there.  We used to be friends, till you thought I'd had a go at you, which I hadn't, and I explained to you MANY times, both personally and via some of your mates online, what I had meant by my comment.  Unfortunately you weren't man enough to admit you'd taken it the wrong way, and then thought you'd ridicule me on youtube, by posting a video which showed you and another Moderator on here taking the pi55 out of me.  This was not only wrong but unfair, considering the amount of time and effort I'd put into trying to explain and show you what I'd meant by my original comment.


Other people, in fact everyone I asked about it, said you'd taken it the wrong way and was over reacting (including your mates on here and the Mecca)


So, sorry, but given everything that's happened, I think I have every right not to like you, but to be trolling you, get a grip man, I have far more important things going on in my life, to be bothered trolling or even being interested in, you.


You asked for an honest answer, and you now have it.


OK, so judging by what you have said, you are here to troll etc then?

Correct in that some folks found it quite shocking / Dirty as you put it, and a part of me is 100% with you on that (Having been to Beaconsfield before just a few weeks previous), whilst some folks also saw the funny side of it..... we try here to be accommodating to all views expressed, and as Ady has shown, we will not discriminate anyone with a differing view, so long as things are kept civil.

One thing I do wish to point out, is that NO ONE on the other sites this has appeared on, is trying to turn it in to an attack vector, aimed at selected persons in the way you have done, so it does make one wonder if you are trying to turn this in to some sort off attack towards persons you dislike, hence myself asking about trolling earlier.

Just to note...... I, and many a person in FME, will not roll over, fall dead etc, when you stamp your feet like a mardy little brat, just because you can not get your own way, and even the subversive behaviour you have displayed in this thread and elsewhere in FME, will not win you any favours either, so do yourself a favour here, wind your neck in before someone comes along with a large axe.... TYVM :)

#39 nails


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 02:16 PM

I didn't read all the posts, just Ady's one before me so I wasn't having a go at chasndave.


you gave your opinon, I gave mine, stan certainly gave his :jimlad:

#40 chasnbons


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 02:36 PM


OK, so judging by what you have said, you are here to troll etc then? Like I have already stated, NO! and I will thank you to stop intimating as such.

Correct in that some folks found it quite shocking / Dirty as you put it, and a part of me is 100% with you on that (Having been to Beaconsfield before just a few weeks previous), whilst some folks also saw the funny side of it..... we try here to be accommodating to all views expressed, and as Ady has shown, we will not discriminate anyone with a differing view, so long as things are kept civil. Which I have done.

One thing I do wish to point out, is that NO ONE on the other sites this has appeared on, is trying to turn it in to an attack vector, aimed at selected persons in the way you have done, so it does make one wonder if you are trying to turn this in to some sort off attack towards persons you dislike, hence myself asking about trolling earlier. Just saying it as I have read it, whether you like it or not, that's the way some posts come across, and they have done for quite some time, but no one is accusing anyone else of trolling are they!

Just to note...... I, and many a person in FME, will not roll over, fall dead etc, when you stamp your feet like a mardy little brat, just because you can not get your own way, and even the subversive behaviour you have displayed in this thread and elsewhere in FME, will not win you any favours either, so do yourself a favour here, wind your neck in before someone comes along with a large axe.... TYVM :) I think you'll find it's you that's acting like a 'mardy little brat' here, and not for the first time, when I say something you don't like or that's a little too close to home for comfort, you start with the threats, just like your last sentence above.


I quite simply haven't threatened you, nor have I been rude or nasty, therefore I see no need for the threats AGAIN!


I've had enough of them and although it will do no good and have no effect, I've reported the thread as I see no reason for you to start threatening me with 'whatever' again.


You really need to grow up and act with the responsibility that comes with your position on this site.

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