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Royal mail help

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#41 ady


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 04:33 PM


Was in the Derby Telegraph the other day.

Found a link to the story on BBC Derby.



Thanks for that Stan.


maybe they should of marched him round and delivery all the letters and packets


I can't agree more, you need to vent the anger at the courts..


A business gave someone an opportunity of a good honest job, they blew it big time.


Royal Mail do all the checks the law allows them to before employment....I don't know about other firms.


In this case (as I said before) you really need to blame the courts for this pathetic 'penalty'.




Here is a god honest scenario that happened to me today.


I was delivering to a school ((as normal) and this is 300 yards up a lane off of the road), I buzzed the gate and the secretary answered and allowed me in (I park my van at the vehicular entrance). As she answered me a car pulled up and I gestured 'sorry do you need to go in there?' as i'd have moved..........the passenger looked over and said "No it's ok".


When I returned I was confronted with Two guy's showing me a name badge...they were the Royal Mail security.


Whilst I was away my van was checked for security...eg locked, items not left in view, no windows open etc 


These guy's drive round in an unmarked car and should I have not have kept my customers mail secure I would have been on a 'case-to-answer'




Yesterday a firm (not Royal-Mail!) left a parcel in 'open-view', we have pikies in our town...his CCTV picked-up a drop-off and low-and-behold it was stolen.




Ignorance is bliss, I bet my bottom dollar no other firms have ad-hoc security...........for what I see just left day after day I can promise you they dont!

#42 aaamusements



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Posted 06 October 2014 - 07:58 AM

Meanwhile in happier Royal Mail news...

#43 ady


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 06:38 PM

The One Show looks interesting tonight...


And we are darned for leaving a ticket lol.

#44 mocochoco


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 07:24 PM

Here is something that might help all you disbelievers  of the Royal Fail or even ParcelFarce.

Stick this sign in your window and your all your problems should disappear.




I never understood why people think the the royal mail postman doesn't want to deliver packet. It's so much more hassle to get out a p739, fill in the date, time, name, address, tick all the relevant boxes, add the tracking number and your own details and duty number, mark the packet that a docket has been left, (all while juggling the bundle of letters).... then continue to carry the packet while the round is finished, then take it back to the DO and sort it into the correct place.


Delivering is always the easiest option - even if it's to a neighbour depending on the area.

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

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