Was in the Derby Telegraph the other day.
Found a link to the story on BBC Derby.
Thanks for that Stan.
maybe they should of marched him round and delivery all the letters and packets
I can't agree more, you need to vent the anger at the courts..
A business gave someone an opportunity of a good honest job, they blew it big time.
Royal Mail do all the checks the law allows them to before employment....I don't know about other firms.
In this case (as I said before) you really need to blame the courts for this pathetic 'penalty'.
Here is a god honest scenario that happened to me today.
I was delivering to a school ((as normal) and this is 300 yards up a lane off of the road), I buzzed the gate and the secretary answered and allowed me in (I park my van at the vehicular entrance). As she answered me a car pulled up and I gestured 'sorry do you need to go in there?' as i'd have moved..........the passenger looked over and said "No it's ok".
When I returned I was confronted with Two guy's showing me a name badge...they were the Royal Mail security.
Whilst I was away my van was checked for security...eg locked, items not left in view, no windows open etc
These guy's drive round in an unmarked car and should I have not have kept my customers mail secure I would have been on a 'case-to-answer'
Yesterday a firm (not Royal-Mail!) left a parcel in 'open-view', we have pikies in our town...his CCTV picked-up a drop-off and low-and-behold it was stolen.
Ignorance is bliss, I bet my bottom dollar no other firms have ad-hoc security...........for what I see just left day after day I can promise you they dont!