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Old joke (it made me giggle)

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#541 RB


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 06:39 AM

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey.
He orders a drink and while he's drinking,
the monkey jumps all around the place.
The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them,
then grabs some sliced limes and eats them,
then jumps onto the pool table, grabs one of the billiard balls,
sticks it in his mouth, and to everyone's amazement,
somehow swallows it whole.

The bartender screams at the guy,
"Did you see what your monkey just did?"

The guy says "No, what?"

"He just ate the cue ball off my pool table-whole!"

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy,
"he eats everything in sight, the little bastard.
Sorry. I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff

He finishes his drink, pays his bill,
pays for the stuff the monkey ate, then leaves.

Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and has his monkey with him.
He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.
While the man is finishing his drink,
the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar.
He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it.
Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his ass,
pulls it out, and eats it.

The bartender is disgusted.
"Did you see what your monkey did now?" He asks.

"No, what?" replies the guy.

"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his ass,
pulled it out, and ate it
!" said the bartender.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "He still eats
everything in sight, but ever since he had to shit out that cue ball,
he measures everything first
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#542 ady


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 04:13 PM

Gordon Brown!


Re the title what more do I need to say ;)

#543 RB


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 07:26 PM

adydb said

Gordon Brown!


Re the title what more do I need to say ;)

No Ady that belongs under the Twat of the century thread....!!!!!! :devil:
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#544 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 07:29 PM

adydb said

Gordon Brown!


Re the title what more do I need to say ;)

Well I was going to say Santa then I realised there might be kids about. ;)

#545 mazooma


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 07:30 PM

adydb said

Gordon Brown!


Re the title what more do I need to say ;)

May 20 - Useless c*** - it's not even funny anymore

What do you call a crate of ducks?

A box of quackers.

And neither was that.
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#546 mazooma


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Posted 21 May 2008 - 06:07 PM

May 21

An accountant is having trouble sleeping and visits her doctor.

"Have you tried counting sheep?" the doctor asked.

"That's the problem. I make a mistake, then spend three hours trying to find it!"
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#547 RB


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Posted 21 May 2008 - 11:19 PM

These three women were roommates.
One night they all had all gone out on dates
and all came home at about the same time.
The blonde said, "You know you've been on a good date
when you come home with your hair all messed up."
The brunette said, "No, you know you've been on a good date
when you come home with your makeup all smeared."
The redhead said nothing, but reached under her skirt,
removed her panties and threw up to the ceiling, where they stuck.
She said, "Now THAT'S a good date!"
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#548 RB


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 11:33 AM

A little kid was sitting on the top of a flight of stairs
and his mum was watching him.
The kid had a bag of jelly beans. He put one in his mouth,
grabbed the cat and bit it.
Then dropped down to the next step, put another jelly bean in his mouth,
bit the cat again and dropped down to the next step.
His mum, wondered what he was doing and went up and asked him.
"I'm playing Truckies." said the kid,
"Poppin pills, eating pussy and movin 'on."
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#549 mazooma


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 08:17 PM

May 22

A chicken and an egg are lying in bed.
The chicken is lying back, looking happy, and smoking a cigarette.

The egg grabs the sheet, rolls over, and snaps,

"Well, I guess we finally answered that question."
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#550 mazooma


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Posted 23 May 2008 - 05:42 PM

May 23

How many software engineers does it take to chane a lightbulb?

None. That's a hardware failure.
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#551 RB


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Posted 23 May 2008 - 06:26 PM

Not really a joke but i found it worth a giggle:-


Think i've been here before????
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#552 mazooma


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 06:39 PM

May 24

Answers from college history exams:

Actually, Homer ws not written by Homer, but by another man of that name.

The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was born in 1564, supposedly on his birthday. He never made much money and is famous only because of his plays.
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#553 mazooma


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 02:45 PM

May 25

When Johnny joined the army, everyone said he'd have to br tough if he wanted respect. So he swaggered around being loud and rude. "Show me a sergent, and I'll show you an idiot!" he yelled.

Suddenly a huge, muscle-bound man appeared. "I'm a sergent!" he snapped.

"I'm an idiot!" Johnny whimpered.
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#554 RB


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 03:05 PM

There was a young sailor from Brighton
Who remarked to his girl, "You're a tight one."
She replied, "Don my soul,
You're in the wrong hole
There's plenty of room in the right one."
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#555 mazooma


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 04:29 PM

May 26

How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. It will turn itself in eventually.
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#556 mazooma


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 06:29 PM

May 27

A man named Odd had been the butt of jokes his whole life. One day he'd had enough.

"That's it," he said. "when I die, I want my tombstone to be blank. I don't want people making jokes about my name when I'm dead."

After Odd died, people saw his blank tombstone and said, "That's odd...."
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#557 mazooma


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Posted 28 May 2008 - 06:56 PM

May 28 - Happy birthday to my future ex-wife, Kylie.

How many accountants does ot take to chang a lightbulb?

What figure did you have in mind?
Where you came from, is gone.
Where you thought you were going, was never there.
And where you're at right now, aint no good, unless you can get away from it.

#558 RB


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Posted 28 May 2008 - 08:43 PM

A woman is frustrated with her love life
because her husband has a massive crush on Brigitte
Bardot an ignores her completely.

To win back his attentions, she goes to a tattooist
to have the letters 'BB' tattooed on her breasts.
The tattooist warns her that age and gravity
would probably make this unattractive later in life,
Ned suggests she have the tattoo on her arse instead.

She agrees, and bends over to receive a 'B' on each buttock.
When her husband gets home from work that night,
she greets him by turning around, bending over,
and lifting her dress to expose the artwork.
"What do you think?" the wife says.
"Uh, who the f*** is Bob?" the husband replies.

Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#559 ady


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Posted 28 May 2008 - 08:50 PM

RB said

There was a young sailor from Brighton
Who remarked to his girl, "You're a tight one."
She replied, "Don my soul,
You're in the wrong hole
There's plenty of room in the right one."

I don't get this One?.....

Am I gonna show myself up asking (was trying to think of the obvious)? lol....I really don't see it though!

#560 RB


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Posted 28 May 2008 - 09:03 PM

basically "he's in her chocolate channel"................(thought id tone it down a bit) as its tighter than her slack one...
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


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