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Fruit-machine takes a beating...

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#1 stevedude2


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 02:44 PM

I was in an arcade a few weekends back, spending some hard-earned cash, when a bloke came in and started playing a Super Reels by Electrocoin. He quickly got three bars for £25, but decided to stay on it for a visit to the top reels. Big mistake. It then took £100 off him without a top, and the guy had to go to the ATM. After another £20 in and no Super Reels feature the bloke understandably began to get a little ‘steamed’, and started talking quite loudly to himself, his face bright red with frustration. The staff wanted to say something at this point, but with him being in his thirties and quite heavily-built they all kept quiet. With each win that failed to go up he got more agitated to the point that I for one was praying it went soon or something nasty was going to happen. After £180 the bloke, his blood boiling, finally got on the top reels. O-X-O…£2, O-X-O…£3, O-X-O…£2, O-X-X…game over. No restart. The guy looked round and everyone turned away instantly. He then played for another win, punching the start button each time. No feature. Then another win, which must have cost £10, no feature.

The bloke picked up a chair and threw it at the machine. It bounced off the reel-glass and landed at his feet; the machine unscathed. He tried again but the machine was equal to it. The staff then made token attempts to calm the man down, but he was having none of it. He threw the chair once more and it landed on the floor behind the slave-unit. He then walked out of the door, bemoaning his lack of good-fortune as loudly as possible. The very second the door closed behind him, THREE old dears rushed to get on the machine at the same time, and as quickly as possible. They must have had death-wishes.

Anyone else care to share their tales of people losing their rags?
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#2 partytime2


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 02:53 PM

there is this one bloke in the pier i goto in lowestoft and he always plays the party time arenas and he is constantly changing notes up about 3months ago he done nearly the same as what the bloke you were talking about did apart from he started spitting after 80quid and no top feature after about 95quid he got his top feature and his face lit up for a sec till it spun in 2quid the spun jack jack 2 as soon as this spun in with no flick back he collected his cash turned off the machine and ripped off the top box but only for his delight to have a copper behind him to make his day finish off perfectly

#3 Pgamblin


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 03:06 PM

Cant say i've seen anything quite as bad as that. i have broken start buttons in anger and even attempted to punch the upper part of the machine on the feature trail in a blind rage but thats to Mr Alcohol i missed and instead swing into the air.

I heard some guy burned down a service station in manchester after losing a lot of money a while back. someone linked it to these forums but i couldnt find it earlier.

#4 Bencrest


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 03:17 PM

I think it was a link from Fruitforums, remember hearing about that a while back :)
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#5 funy


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 06:31 PM

worst ive done is the punching the start button or kicking the bottom of the cabinet (luckily never set off an alarm lol)

but that was when i was pissed, seen someone (very drunk) lose a fair bit and start shouting at the machine, whole place went quiet
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#6 Nudgeman



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Posted 24 March 2005 - 10:49 PM

It's a weird thing isn't it?

The psychology of it all - when do people flip? when does the pressure valve not let off enough pressure?

I've heard of all this smashing and bashing even seen a few machines after the smashing and bashing, but never witnessed it first hand.

Some people appear to be tolerating their losses AND SUDDENLY THEY JUST TOTALLY LOSE IT!!!

Whilst other people appear to give clues to their RAPIDLY BUILDING ANGER!!

Some people just continually moan though don't they?

There's this guy at my local aracde who starts swearing the moment he's 10p down on something like QPS Hot Wheels. He's never smashed anything yet.

Myself I normally get grouchy and fire the start button rapidly as I have to listen to stupid $&%#y samples when I'm millions of pounds down.

Oh yeah, someone trashed that arcade just off Charles Street in Leicester (Time Out). It isn't there anymore. They'd lost £400 in a Bar-x. Used to be an old bag called Mavis in there and she had no manners whatsoever. I remember a trucker pulling up outside on the double yellows and asking if he could use the toilet.

Poor chap. He got a right earbashing, he was desperate for the toilet as well.

A 4'er into a Bar-X and you give it a kick and some mean old hag says 'Pack it in or gerrout!' and BANG! the fun starts.

Incidentally I was barred from there for winning £4 on Spiker The Biker and then putting a quid into Dracula and winning £4. Silly old moo.

I was asked to leave once before for exchanging a phone number with someone. Apparently I was exchanging a system.

I wasn't the only one, everyone got barred. Then it got smashed up. HA!
Owned by the smae people who own Cashcade and who used ot own that one which closed down near 'Life' and Sainsburys.
I hope that Mavis is dead. She was a horrible old cow.

#7 kingkebabmaster


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 11:02 PM

ive seen a caesers pallace get thrown down stairs in a 24 hr rileys snooker club that guy was realy pissed lost 500 i think

#8 DildoDez


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 11:27 PM

ive seen a caesers pallace get thrown down stairs in a 24 hr rileys snooker club that guy was realy pissed lost 500 i think


immense. i love the imagery. Wot happened to the machine/guy?

#9 Bencrest


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:04 AM

I thought that Ceasars Palace was only upto £15 JP, in which case if he lost £500 he really should have known better....unless there is a club version I don't know about?
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#10 kingkebabmaster


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:19 PM

it was a club the machine smashed the guy werent seen in there again

quite funny

he used to be in there 3-4 days a week
havent seen him since

#11 impact


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 02:51 PM

in my local reels center were i use to work which some one else owns it now there used to be an old goat who use go on at you when you were looking for a win with nudges she would start telling you that there is nuffing there and that your messing the glass up as she cleaned it an hour ago well check this out she upset some guy so without any warning spat at the machine then at her took a can off coke off the side were she sat shoke it up and poured it over the machine frenzy or some thing like that or pcb at the time then lefted shouting and f ing and blinding after that day she never returned super i think

crystal done it ben about 3/4 years ago as a club

#12 DildoDez


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 04:10 PM

I thought that Ceasars Palace was only upto £15 JP, in which case if he lost £500 he really should have known better....unless there is a club version I don't know about?

There is indeed a club version. You can find it in the downloads of this site, Ben.

#13 PJ


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 07:30 PM

...I heard some guy burned down a service station in manchester after losing a lot of money a while back. someone linked it to these forums but i couldnt find it earlier.

Here it is - http://www.fruit-emu...4269&highlight=
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#14 Bencrest


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 07:33 PM

Lol I thought I may have heard of it, but checked the FMEdb and nothing turned up :)

Cheers for pointing it out, I'll have a bash on it later :D
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#15 martin1980


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:33 PM

OK - I am glad I read this post because I beleive I have seen the funniest thing ever...

At a snooker hall in birmingham xmas eve 1994... a guy who comes in good as gold week in week out does his balls and never says a word.

This particular day the guy had been out xmas food shopping and decides to call in at the snooker club to try a few quid in the 65 special (£100 JP) well anyway after putting £400+ into in and having the meter up to £99.60 before running it down he decides to calmly leave...

not 30 seconds later does he come back in and proceed to throw a 11lb frozen turkey through the top reel glass - smashing the machine to smitherines... the manager rushed round to see what had happened and he said that he had gone to fetch the turkey from the car to sell to somebody but upon coming back in the snooker club he had tripped up the mat and flung the turkey from his hands without being able to stop it happening...

VERY funny - I will never ever forget it in my life!!!.


#16 PJ


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 09:43 PM

...proceed to throw a 11lb frozen turkey through the top reel glass...said that he had gone to fetch the turkey from the car to sell to somebody...tripped up the mat and flung the turkey from his hands without being able to stop it happening...

ROTFLMFGBO!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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#17 tracey2


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 09:45 PM

The funniest things i've seen is in a night club i used to go to. I've seen people after losing pour pints down the coin slot, flying kicks to the upper glass and the most disgusting is pissing in the cash tray, i feel sorry for the poor fella who won after him LOL
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