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#1 Mikeyposh11



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Posted 04 February 2015 - 12:16 PM

Just thought Id say hi, as its been forever since I was last here. I still had my login details though, :)

So whats the in thing?  more to the point, can I play a proper version of Party Time yet? :)


How many posts do I need to have completed prior to being able to download? I did search the info doc, and couldnt find an answer to my question.


The latest emulator available, still MFME 10? well thats what I still got on my PC and play it, but only got half a dozen machines, there was an 11 version, but problems I think, correct?


JPM? still separate from the rest? BMF never reall made it for me :(


I had all the machines safely on a memory stick, then last week, BANG! they went and left me with Addams Family, Battle Axe, Frenzy, All Fired Up and Read to Rock :)


But that wont last me too long, 


So any of you guys able to assist?



Thanks for reading



#2 henge



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Posted 10 February 2015 - 09:03 PM

hiya every1

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