If you a regular here who has just logged in to find that you are suddenly pink and a "New Member" then worry not. As soon as you post next you will be automatically promoted into the new group "Regulars".
If you are a long-standing member of the site but you do not wish to post at this time, please feel free to send me a PM and I will manually promote you.
This change has been put in place due to the issues with new members posting excessively in order to gain downloading privileges.
Those in the "New Members" group now have some limited download privileges whether they choose to post/download or not. This is restricted to enough to download approximately an emulator and one layout, or two layouts, per day.
This gives new members the chance to try out the emulators in the hope that they will choose to join in the discussion or to make a donation. These limits are subject to review.
All other member groups will stay unchanged at this time.
PLEASE NOTE that "Regular" does NOT just mean "being registered on the site for ages". It will also be judged by what contribution you have made to the site over that time.
"Contribution" does not necessarily relate to a financial one - having contributed by uploading files and resources, or making useful posts over the years, will be seen as having equal or even greater value to the site.
This post has been promoted to an article
Edited by aaamusements, 13 July 2015 - 09:24 AM.