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SPLIT FROM Epoch Emulator - September 2014 Update

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#161 £6 In Tokens

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Posted 27 April 2015 - 01:33 PM

Harvey for DXing.... Pete W


That's the 2 and absolutely no chance of a leak!

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#162 vectra666


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 01:39 PM

Guitars online part of emulation is the dogs nuts. It is as near to the real thing as possible, the virtual arcade where just like real life, the machine's could've been emptied before hand. For me Amber online is the only way forward in Fme evolution, people will say it's not real machine's but are those casino site's with there 100,s of online machines real.
Regarding mfme etc yes it gets boring but remising those fruity sounds of days gone and trying to jackpot machines like you did when you were 12 does it for me, we all have our favourites even would love duff beer emu'ed again.
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#163 ady


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 02:23 PM

For me Amber online is the only way forward in Fme evolution, 


For you mabey as you say.


To this day I haven't loaded Amber successfully.


I don't mean this as a disregard statement what-so-ever for the work achieved, I read great reviews every day.


But it's just not user-friendly to me.

#164 Pook


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:15 PM

Sound is very quiet & can't stretch the video as it changes resolution based on the machine.


Thanks for posting that again Matty, I remember when this happened it was a sucker punch to the balls. For me that day pretty much ended the FME fairytale. Yes I stick around releasing from scraps that appear, I guess old habits die hard. But the magic of loading up the forums and seeing a dozen new threads a day within a vibrant community are sadly long gone.


I'm sure CJW aimed it just at the few he was pissed off with but I don't think he realised the amount of people who were deeply hurt that day. Given the chance to redo things knowing now how it affected us then, I'd like to think that he'd do things differently. But like a glutton for punishment I just watched it again, and turnt it off half way through in frustration. Seems the wounds are not quite healed yet. The horse has bolted now anyway, community is fractured and on it's last legs. Even if we ever did see it, we'll never get back what was lost.


C'est la vie, if you still enjoy FME stick around and get out what you can while it last. If you're just here to be self destructive and corrosive, getting bent out of shape over things that happened years ago that we cannot change, then perhaps a you require some new scenery, life really is too short.


Saying that, my domain was up for renewal last month, and I paid for a further 5yrs!! I dunno what the f*** I was thinking lol.


Click to visit my site.

#165 £6 In Tokens

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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:24 PM

Dam straight, watching that video (and the spiteful title) was the knife in the heart, cause for years there was a real hope of a new MFME, even after the leaked versions!

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#166 vectra666


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:26 PM

I'm hoping Amber2 can be as simple to use as mfme is including the design tools as didn't have a clue on v1. I argee Ady it wasn't that easy for some I suppose it was just luck on my lappy I don't normally get things working that easily, if you had of got as far as online play you'd of been very happy.
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#167 ady


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:34 PM

I'm hoping Amber2 can be as simple to use as mfme is including the design tools as didn't have a clue on v1. I argee Ady it wasn't that easy for some I suppose it was just luck on my lappy I don't normally get things working that easily, if you had of got as far as online play you'd of been very happy.


Indeed, as I said (and you did in that reply too) it wasn't straight forward...


I just gave-up trying...

#168 fuzion


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:03 PM

It doesn't matter now, but I don't think Wizard uploaded the vid himself....   and to be fair it was taken down fairly quickly.


I still have a lot of respect for both Wizard and Dialtone we probably wouldn't have had any fruit machine emulators at all without these two coders. 


Sometimes things just aren't meant to be for whatever reasons.



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#169 Geddy



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Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:20 PM

It doesn't matter now, but I don't think Wizard uploaded the vid himself....   and to be fair it was taken down fairly quickly.

Yeah someone must have been given the video, put a nasty 'kick in the clems' title on it hack Wizards account and post it to the Mecca.... erm or not.

Why people still defend his actions is beyond me, like Dad said only one person has stopped the release of MFME and that is Wizard...

#170 niallquinn



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Posted 27 April 2015 - 06:10 PM

That's about the jist of it yes, am I still banned?


That'll be a a "yes" then?





#171 wearecity


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 06:46 PM

Think you need to do some off the forum negotiating NQ, You're not the first to call forum members c***s, but it seems this time, by doing that, you've really disappointed some people. 


Clearly something triggered your thoughts on the rights/wrongs of FME over the years, just maybe you could have put it better than calling people c***s  :err:


Still one thing the goings on have done, is shown there are still quite a few old timers still about, even if we do post once in a blue moon (had to get a city reference in somehow).

#172 RHM


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 04:57 PM

It wasn't me :D

#173 ritdav


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 11:58 PM

I look forward to the sequel,release date sometime in 2017  ."Here is what you did get" with all those layouts playing on Amber.

#174 I have finished

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Posted 07 July 2016 - 07:54 PM

Hi Ritdav, you're absolutely right there, got Simpsons running first time on my Win 7 Toshiba laptop, running sluggish but works well. Installed DirectX and wam! Loaded Amber 2, waited 2-3 mins, and the alarm sounded, and I could tell I was ready to go! Epoch here we come at last, all thanks to Guitar and DT for Epee code!

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