Not sure this is correct section so if not I apologise now.
My megatouch stopped working - no boot disk error so I decided to put in a pc running simpletouch ect.
After lots of reading I used quickres to get the video at 640x480 on the cab monitor which is a tatung VS-14428
When I start SimpletouchFe the menu screen all looks fine and all the game icons show correctly but once I choose a game I just get a scrambled screen, I have since tried soft15k but still have the same issue.
I also get the same if I try manually starting a game without the frontend. I guess it is a resolution issue but cant find any info to solve it.
I know a lot of people have done this conversion so I plead with anyone to help me get mine working, it's driving me nuts lol.
Oh I have tried 2 pc setups one with xp and one with win7.
Sorry for long post.