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Maygay M1A M1B Boards - Anyone have any? New for sale or Repaired?

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#1 fantastic fantasia

fantastic fantasia


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Posted 20 March 2016 - 11:34 AM

Hi there, looking for someone that has any of these Maygay boards repaired (fully working) or New for 1990's Maygay machines.Or name any companies that may still stock new

Please email or reply if you can help many thanks ! :spinny:

Attached File  maygay motherboard.jpg   188.7KB   3 downloads

#2 fruitman69


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Posted 20 March 2016 - 12:59 PM

Im confused? these Maygay boards yet a pic of a Scorpion 4 board ??


Which do you want ?

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#3 stanmarsh14



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Posted 20 March 2016 - 02:22 PM

Yes chap, bell-fruit scorp4 board you are showing there, so not sure what you are after..... if it is scorp4, they do appear every so often, but if it's a Maygay M1 a / b, quite difficult to obtain now, and even when you do find one, prices are generally £70+ (More often near £80).

I do as it happens have some M1 a / b boards in right now, but are faulty with unknown issues (The watchdog circuit is yapping it's head off like crazy), however battery damage is limited, so they maybe repairable, but due to the amount of work I have on right now, no idea when I will get the time to look at them.

Pic of an M1 a / b board here (Green = a version, Red = b version, but both should work with what you need), so you get an idea what one looks like.

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#4 Trustybear



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Posted 18 April 2016 - 07:48 PM

If you have faulty ones, AK Amusements in Stoke Newington can still repair them. Ours go there, and they're not expensive.

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