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advice needed about club cash adder

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#1 high roller

high roller

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 07:55 PM

hi all,
just need a bit of advice about this so called club cash adder (should really be called cash eater)
got this machine installed in my local club 2 weeks ago.
its a 20p a go £200 jackpot.
hopper was full on install as cash was taken out of previous machine.
every day i go to play it the hopper is always full and it must have had over £2000 put in so far.
wait for it.......... after loosing £670 so far its still nowhere neer paying out.
when you light the five buckets it gets you onto the super board which ive been on loads of times. the highest ive got is upto 10 winspins and guess what it gave me... £10 bloody pound.
its meant to be set at 72%. does this sound a bit dodgy and should i get the company out to check if the % is right.
also its got five (they look like) frog faces on the top left of the machine. could someone tell me what happens when you light all five cos when you light the fourth you know its loose time any second

#2 mythicos



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Posted 26 April 2005 - 03:44 AM

hi all,
just need a bit of advice about this so called club cash adder

Quite simply, dont play it.

Club machines take at least a few thousand through them and even then there's no way to tell when the jackpot is ready.

Machines of late have also been built to detect forcing and any method playing whatsoever, they have anti force code in place to keep taking cash all the time you are playing it with knowledge, and they will pay out when the code senses the person playing has no idea what they are doing.

As for it meeting it's %, well the laws on that are very cloudy.

The machine *has* to be set to 72% by law, it cannot be set any lower than that.
When the machine is switched on it will display it's % and BACTA on the alpha to let you know that it's genuine.
However, the machine ONLY has to meet the set % after so many plays (10,000? dunno, it was all posted recently in BACTAs new guidelines) so you could find the machine plays like shit for months.

Not only that but club cash adder is a pretty new machine, in which case IT WILL play like SHIT for the first couple of months to pay for itself, ALL fruit machines tend to be coded so that they wont 'settle' until at least a couple of thousand pounds has been through them (AWP) and a club machine can take up to 7-8 grand before it will settle into any 'normal' routine.

With all that above I still offer the exact same advice, DONT PLAY IT.

#3 high roller

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 04:51 PM

thanks mythicos, ill have a go at keeping away from it but ive been gambling on fruitys for nearly 30 years now and i wish it was that easy to just stop playing them

#4 mythicos



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Posted 26 April 2005 - 06:05 PM

thanks mythicos, ill have a go at keeping away from it but ive been gambling on fruitys for nearly 30 years now and i wish it was that easy to just stop playing them

Yeah, that's understandable :)

Best thing to do is play them in the emu, you'll still love them as much but they wont cost you bugger all.

Working out all of the above with the emu is easy, you get to find out what rotten piles of shit they are and still get to play them :)

#5 high roller

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 09:56 AM

ive had it now.
went down club last night. a friend had put £15 in and guess what, yep... it dropped the jackpot.
so went on the other machine... after putting £120 in i thought thats it had enough,so i walked away. another friend went on and put £5 in and won £100.

i am now an ex gambler

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