I still think that the best way to get donations is to sell DVDs with the emus on for £20. This way about 12, 13 or maybe even 14 quid can go onto the site. People will pay for a dvd of fruities on it, i certainly would, the emus can still be on here, but you can charge £20 to have them all on disc.
The emus are copyright and thus selling them would result in seriously bad blood with their coders.
Selling roms is also illegal, and that would also light the fuse on the bomb.
Neither are a very good idea..
The best way to handle it is to "pay and view" meaning, if there's enough money to fund it for the month it opens, if theres not the site goes away.
As a song once said "on and on it seems to go on, but you dont know what you got til its gone" - people will not know why this place is worth a fiver every now and then until it vanishes one day, and then theyll be sitting about complaining.
Let the funds run in the background, if there aint enough noone can complain when the place closes until enough has been donated to get it running again..
Its the same thing with the email accounts, people will want them if theyre free but wont pay out shit if theyre not..
It's life, full of tight fisted meanies and gamblers who would rather put their last quid into a losing bet than put it on a much safer no lose bet like this place !.