I'm guessing, by the way, that most of it is done using this hardware and software?
Posted 09 October 2016 - 02:20 PM
I'm guessing, by the way, that most of it is done using this hardware and software?
Posted 09 October 2016 - 05:09 PM
Hey Fruitbash. Thanks for your comments.
Ill PM you and let you know how Ive done what Ive done so far, just bear with me a moment
Posted 24 May 2017 - 09:13 PM
Posted 25 May 2017 - 02:31 PM
Hi uptown, just had time to properly read your posts on here.
To answer some of your questions, and if anyone else wants to have a go to:
The hopper driver board I use is this one: https://www.casino-s...ype=1&referid=4
This allows the connection of 2 parallel hoppers. I use the Azkoyen U hopper, which work with all UK currency and are universal. To drive the hoppers, you add a specific line of code to a program you wish to use for your build (Your 'front end'). The code to use is documented on that website and works specifically with the interface board. So basically you tell it how many coins you wish to pay out and it does the rest.
As for coin mech, I would simply use a regular (parallel) fruit machine mech such as cashflow 126. These will already be programmed with all the UK currency and can be easily updated to take the new currency too. Each different coin will pulse a different line on the mech allowing you to hook each line to a specific keyboard input to be used inside MFME.
As for my 'front end' at the minute its built specifically for my build meaning its unlikely to work correctly in someone else's build unless EXACTLY the same equipment it used. So if possible it would be best to create your own. I am constantly working on my front end to make things run smoother and to take into account any new updates to MFME. With the next version of MFME I will be making it so that all the lights on the machine flash in the same way as the machine is supposed to, thanks to the fixes to the pacdrive support (pacdrive is what I use to drive my lamps)
There is a lot to talk about with this build. I literally worked with nothing to get mine going and it took some work and had to experiment with various ideas to see how I could get it to take and pay out coins. For me, this was a MUST if the build was to go ahead. Anyway I'm always about if anyone has any questions about my build. I'm proud of what I've managed to achieve and nothing I have done is a secret so if anyone is interested then ask away.
Posted 25 May 2017 - 05:01 PM
Hi uptown, just had time to properly read your posts on here.
To answer some of your questions, and if anyone else wants to have a go to:
The hopper driver board I use is this one: https://www.casino-s...ype=1&referid=4
This allows the connection of 2 parallel hoppers. I use the Azkoyen U hopper, which work with all UK currency and are universal. To drive the hoppers, you add a specific line of code to a program you wish to use for your build (Your 'front end'). The code to use is documented on that website and works specifically with the interface board. So basically you tell it how many coins you wish to pay out and it does the rest.
As for coin mech, I would simply use a regular (parallel) fruit machine mech such as cashflow 126. These will already be programmed with all the UK currency and can be easily updated to take the new currency too. Each different coin will pulse a different line on the mech allowing you to hook each line to a specific keyboard input to be used inside MFME.
As for my 'front end' at the minute its built specifically for my build meaning its unlikely to work correctly in someone else's build unless EXACTLY the same equipment it used. So if possible it would be best to create your own. I am constantly working on my front end to make things run smoother and to take into account any new updates to MFME. With the next version of MFME I will be making it so that all the lights on the machine flash in the same way as the machine is supposed to, thanks to the fixes to the pacdrive support (pacdrive is what I use to drive my lamps)
There is a lot to talk about with this build. I literally worked with nothing to get mine going and it took some work and had to experiment with various ideas to see how I could get it to take and pay out coins. For me, this was a MUST if the build was to go ahead. Anyway I'm always about if anyone has any questions about my build. I'm proud of what I've managed to achieve and nothing I have done is a secret so if anyone is interested then ask away.
Thanks very much getting back to me No1. You are absolutely right to be proud of your build. It is absolutely superb!!
I thought of "moneytising" (for want of a better word) MFME a month or so ago and seeing posts from the likes of you and Reg has really fired my imagination.
I actually sat today at work and started planning the cabinet.
I've got mGalaxy front end working with MFME at the moment and, although I've not put any artwork/themes etc on it yet, it looks like it will do the job quite well.
My plan now is to go through the various machines and decide what buttons I need. I've seen Reg's button plan and I also like your idea of having some buttons mounted on the 'top glass'.
The cabinet part of the build is not bothering me as I built a MAME cab last year and that went ok. But it was the paying out part of the build that I was worried about.
I am familiar with iPac's and have programmed Arduino's in the past so I thought I could muddle something together but it really helps to know what kit is compatible with each other and so, your knowledge, is invaluable to me and very much appreciated.
I'm planning on documenting my build on here so people can see how it's going and it'll be more of a community thing (it might also inspire others to have a go).
I'm going to start buying bits for it now just so I can start playing around with getting the coin mech and hopper etc to work.
What voltage does the Azkoyen use? Does it need mains or does it run off 12/24VDC ?
(*** EDIT **** just seen that it will run off 12VDC or 24VDC)
Thanks again for your help with this, it is really appreciated.
Edited by uptown47, 25 May 2017 - 05:07 PM.
Posted 25 May 2017 - 05:33 PM
What voltage does the Azkoyen use? Does it need mains or does it run off 12/24VDC ?
(*** EDIT **** just seen that it will run off 12VDC or 24VDC)
There are some that are rated for 24v (But will manage on 12v albeit at a slower payout rate) and some that are rated for 12/24v and I recommend getting those as they pay out a lot faster on 12v. My whole system is running from the same 12v power supply
Posted 26 May 2017 - 12:57 PM
There are some that are rated for 24v (But will manage on 12v albeit at a slower payout rate) and some that are rated for 12/24v and I recommend getting those as they pay out a lot faster on 12v. My whole system is running from the same 12v power supply
Hi No1. I've only just seen this reply so sorry for the late response. For some reason I'm not getting email notifications from this forum?
Thanks for the info. I'm going to buy a separate 12V PSU.
I've just ordered a hopper (this one: http://www.e-service...medium-bowl-par)
and a coin mech (http://www.e-service...tor-gb-spec-que)
I've also ordered that hopper-interface board that you recommended from Bernd.
I'm going to order the pacDrives and the iPac boards today.
I wondered if you could give me more details on how to tie in the hopper-interface board to MFME? I emailed Bernd but he said to ask you as he wasn't sure. I've got tiny amounts of experience with VB etc so this would be a struggle for me to get my head around I think. Is this something you can help with?
I'm quite excited about the project now. I was originally going to wait until Winter but I'm now thinking of just getting a small button panel wired up and trying to at least get a little 'test rig' working so that I can test the hopper/coin mech etc.
I can then build the machine later in the year.... or maybe sooner.... :-)
Posted 26 May 2017 - 05:14 PM
Hey, to tie this in with MFME, you will need to program some sort of front end. You will need to program something that captures the COIN IN value from the .gam file when MFME opens, and then capture the COIN OUT figure when you close MFME. Then you can get your program to work out the difference in values to determine how much is to be paid out from the hopper(s). Then a simple, 1 line of code:
That is just an example, as you can change "ActualAmountPaid" and "Amounttopay" to your own variables. 'x' is the Hopper number, either 1 or 2.
This will tell the hopper to pay out AMOUNTTOPAY and return the ActualAmountPaid. The latter variable can be used to determine whether the hopper actually paid what it was supposed to or whether it went empty, and it needs to throw up an error or whatever.
The interface board can be programmed in VB6, VB.NET, delphi and i think, C++.
If you program your front end in another language, you can download a little app from Bernd's website which you can call from your front end and send it a command line to tell the third party app to payout an amount of coins instead of imbedding the code directly into your app
You will need to collect the COIN OUT reading when MFME closes as that is the only time it gets updated. Which means it would be very difficult (not impossible, but out of my remit) to get your hopper to pay out the moment the player hits the collect button, but rather when they exit the game.
Hope that makes sense
I too was going to wait to build mine but as things started to come together and the sense of achievement finding a way to get it to take coins and pay out, I couldn't wait any longer
https://www.casino-s.../index_hi_e.htm(How to program it into your app)
https://www.casino-s.../setup_cash.exe(Cash.exe if the program you can send command lines to to get the hopper to pay)
Edited by No1Stoney, 26 May 2017 - 05:21 PM.
Posted 26 May 2017 - 05:33 PM
I too was going to wait to build mine but as things started to come together and the sense of achievement finding a way to get it to take coins and pay out, I couldn't wait any longer
https://www.casino-s.../index_hi_e.htm(How to program it into your app)
https://www.casino-s.../setup_cash.exe(Cash.exe if the program you can send command lines to to get the hopper to pay)
Ha ha! Funny you said that as I just spoke to the Leader of the Opposition tonight about ordering the wood on Monday and starting the machine the following week.... :-)
I was using mGalaxy as a front end but may have to abandon that plan then.
This could be a spanner in the proverbial as I haven't really got the first clue how to start writing my own front end?
Are you using VB for yours?
I could probably edit stuff but not write things from scratch??
I'm suddenly a bit worried.... :-(
Posted 27 May 2017 - 08:17 AM
Hi No1Stoney,
How would I "capture" the CoinIn value from the .gam file upon it running and then closing? I'm assuming I have some software that just runs all the time in the background while MFME is running and then, when it receives 2 values it does the maths and then send the 'run' command to the cash.exe.
But how do I actually "listen" for that value when MFME starts/ends?
Thanks :-)
Posted 27 May 2017 - 09:01 AM
I wonder if you could get it licensed and then we may see bar top fruit machines lol
Posted 27 May 2017 - 09:31 AM
Hey, all I did was write some code that opened up the gam file, captures the data, looks for "COIN OUT" and stores the number in a variable. This is all done moments before opening mfme with the chosen gam file to start the machine. When I press the close button on my cab, it again opens up the gam file, reads the same figure again, compares the new and old figure and then just some simple maths to determine the difference. Then tell the hopper what that amount is to pay using cash.exe. Thats the basics of it. You will need to find a way of doing that either with a 3rd party app or coding your own script. Hope this helpsHi No1Stoney,
How would I "capture" the CoinIn value from the .gam file upon it running and then closing? I'm assuming I have some software that just runs all the time in the background while MFME is running and then, when it receives 2 values it does the maths and then send the 'run' command to the cash.exe.
But how do I actually "listen" for that value when MFME starts/ends?
Thanks :-)
Edited by No1Stoney, 27 May 2017 - 09:32 AM.
Posted 27 May 2017 - 11:06 AM
That's great info No1Stoney. That gives me a good idea on what I'm doing now. Hence why I need to write my own front end so that I can put this kind of functionality on the "open machine" button - check the game file, record value, open machine - on window exit, check game file, record new value, run the cash.exe with appropriate cmd line, close window.
I'm beginning to get the idea now. Thanks for all the help. I realise it's a bit of a pain to be pestered with questions from someone who clearly doesn't have a clue but I *do* appreciate your time and patience in answering :-)
Edited by uptown47, 27 May 2017 - 11:06 AM.
Posted 27 May 2017 - 06:11 PM
Just wow No1stoney,
What an epic build you have, i'm half tempted to fit Mdf/Ply into mine to account for more buttons. after viewing this post ive just saved all my internal workings of my fruit machine cab so i can fit a hopper into it in the future. for now im just going to build an emulated cab. ive resprayed all mine this weekend. ready for a screen and additional hardware. just got the basic buttons working at the moment. i can see in the future people building emulated machines to buy like the MAME arcade companies .
Mine so far
20170527_170943.jpg 70.23KB
Just Amazing..
Keep up the great work dude.
Posted 27 May 2017 - 08:32 PM
That's great info No1Stoney. That gives me a good idea on what I'm doing now. Hence why I need to write my own front end so that I can put this kind of functionality on the "open machine" button - check the game file, record value, open machine - on window exit, check game file, record new value, run the cash.exe with appropriate cmd line, close window.
I'm beginning to get the idea now. Thanks for all the help. I realise it's a bit of a pain to be pestered with questions from someone who clearly doesn't have a clue but I *do* appreciate your time and patience in answering :-)
It's no problem honestly. If there's anything I can help with I will try my best to. It would be great to get people making these and I really like the idea of somehow linking up peoples MFME cab's so that each machine is resumed from how the last mfme cab's player left it. Much like in real life.
Just wow No1stoney,
What an epic build you have, i'm half tempted to fit Mdf/Ply into mine to account for more buttons. after viewing this post ive just saved all my internal workings of my fruit machine cab so i can fit a hopper into it in the future. for now im just going to build an emulated cab. ive resprayed all mine this weekend. ready for a screen and additional hardware. just got the basic buttons working at the moment. i can see in the future people building emulated machines to buy like the MAME arcade companies .
Mine so far
Just Amazing..
Keep up the great work dude.
Hey, I like the idea of putting a screen and extra buttons in that cab, think it should look great when its finished. I did think about doing the same, but wanted a smaller machine that I could move around easier and be put on a tabletop. Mine ended up being bigger than I wanted due to the size of the components inside but there is still room to make it smaller if I ever wanted to re-do the cab.
Posted 30 May 2017 - 06:05 PM
Hey, all I did was write some code that opened up the gam file, captures the data, looks for "COIN OUT" and stores the number in a variable. This is all done moments before opening mfme with the chosen gam file to start the machine. When I press the close button on my cab, it again opens up the gam file, reads the same figure again, compares the new and old figure and then just some simple maths to determine the difference. Then tell the hopper what that amount is to pay using cash.exe. Thats the basics of it. You will need to find a way of doing that either with a 3rd party app or coding your own script. Hope this helps
Hi No1Stoney,
Sorry to bother you again but I have an update and a couple more questions if you have time to answer....
Update... After doing a lot of reading and watching of YouTube I've managed to code some C# in Visual Studio that does the following.....
Upon start up it reads every .gam file and makes a list of all the TotalOut values
Upon a key press it then scans every .gam file again and, if any value has incremented, it starts the cash.exe process and passes in that number of coins
I'm going to expand on this and make it start up with when Windows starts.
The problems I've got now are the following.....
Some machines seem to increase the TotalOut variable by 10p's and others by £1's so is it possible to differentiate or is it just a case of only play machines that increment in £1's and then just use £!'s in your hopper?
Also, the TotalOut doesn't change until the machine is shut down in the software (or doesn't appear to anyway)? Is there a way of updating this variable as coins are released on the emulator? There will lots of times that I would probably want to collect some coins in order to put them back in the machine? As it stands I would need to close the software down, get the coins and then re-open it all? Or am I looking at the wrong variable here?
Thanks for any light you can shed on this.
By the way, the wood for my machine arrived today so it's all systems go now! Going to start building the cabinet this weekend (weather permitting) :-)
Posted 30 May 2017 - 06:21 PM
Posted 30 May 2017 - 06:43 PM
There is a setting in mfme whereby you can change so every machine pays out in multiples of 10p.you will have to change each machine individually so they all do the same, then you can apply the same formula to each .gam file to find out how much to pay.
The file will ONLY update once you come out of a game. This is how wizard designed the software and I don't think he will change it,which is a shame.
Thanks for the heads up. I don't suppose you know where the 10p setting is do you? I've looked in File -> Preferences and can't see it in there?
Yep, maybe there will be a "real time value update" option in a later version or something? The TotalOut at the top seems to update real time? Not sure how much work is involved in that though (probably loads!) :-)
Posted 30 May 2017 - 07:09 PM
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