But then what's another few years wait
Yep - well we have been waiting for an official release of Amber since 2006... So I'm sure FME can wait another decade
I've kept silent since Guitar 'advised' because of my condition to do so for the sake of FME over on a thread at DAD's HERE - But not any longer, after all what has FME got to lose - you still haven't got anything official or actually working on all PCs yet have you?
He is a very talented guy, I won't ever deny that, and to be honest he looked to be the saviour of FME when Wizard through a wobbly and ceased all MFME releases to the masses... But that was 10 years ago and still we only have a beta Amber 1 and beta Amber 2 that’ll only work on a certain few computers.
Now Guitar has gone off on a tangent and wants to consider making ASTRA tech playable - he hasn't even got the techs he has released in Amber 2 beta sorted fully yet...
I have sat and read, and even attempted to get Amber 2 playable (I have a decent PC to play it on) but that still hasn't brought any joy despite following advice and tips in threads - and neither too has many other FME members.
Yes, you've got a new tech with Epoch in Amber 2, but it is very limited, and only came with the input of DialTone to get things going in that department (who was probably all the other aliases we’ve had with Epoch fiascos throughout the past few years on Fruit-Emu and FME in general).
I wish you luck Guitar in your new 'venture', I really do - but please, really, don't expect all of us to be minions... I'm afraid most of us have heard it all before and it becomes weary with time