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Lamp Test Mode ?

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#1 samson81


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 09:50 PM

ok all i think i am missing a trick...


i keep seeing posts where people say they put the emu into lamp test mode ? how the hell is that done and does it really help much when doing a classic or trying to find the lamps for a DX ?


any advice would be great you amazing people :)

#2 Taylor525


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:03 PM

Isn't it when you put lamp test on via the test mode? Some machines display the lamp on the Alpha?

Edited by Taylor525, 04 December 2016 - 10:05 PM.

#3 samson81


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:08 PM

how do i put it into test mode though ? or am i being thick ?

#4 No1Stoney


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:17 PM

ON a bellfruit machine they have a great lamp test for DXing.. Open both doors by checking the checkboxes. Wait for machine to boot and press cancel when it asks to read meters. Then press the test button at the top of MFME.


In test mode, scroll through to lamp test using transfer button and press start to accept.


Then it will flash all lamps, press cancel, then use transfer to scroll through all the lamps and the alpha will tell you what lamp is lit

#5 samson81


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:31 PM

thanks for that info,


what about Red's or MPU5 ? do they have one too ?

#6 andy-1


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:46 PM

You only need to tick door c, test mode is used for Scorp 4/5 and MPU 5. It is used for finding what lamp is what, makes it a lot easier whwn doing classics.

#7 No1Stoney


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:47 PM

Yes. Same principle except you need to hold test button for a second or two to get into test mode. Then when you goto lamp test, the machine will step through the lamps slowly but you cant stop it from stepping through so can be quite annoying to follow for DXing.


Also on MPU5 machines, click the "lamp test" "pass" option before entering lamp test or else it will just complain about the first lamp being dead

Edited by No1Stoney, 04 December 2016 - 10:48 PM.

#8 Taylor525


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:47 PM

thanks for that info,
what about Red's or MPU5 ? do they have one too ?

Yes same process. Buttons might be slightly different for scrolling

#9 TommyC


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 11:11 PM

Please note if the door switches ain't the emu's default you will have to find the door switches and put them in the correct places in the configuration boxes.

Hold the bells mate.

#10 samson81


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Posted 04 December 2016 - 11:47 PM

thanks for all your help all, I just loaded some roms and put them into test mode.


wow how did I not know about this before, Hopefully many more layouts too come no w:)

#11 stanmarsh14



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Posted 05 December 2016 - 12:00 AM

Just as a reference, I have a Red Gaming Show Us The Mummy (MPU5) at my place in the ribbed cab (Or as I call it, the Durex / Condom cab ;) ), and can confirm there are two test switches inside...... one on the MPU, and another below the reel deck.

Now in MFME, obviously you only need to hit one test button (Assuming the layout has it mapped..... some don't), but like my machine, you have to hold the buttons in for around 4 seconds, and you will get an audio notification like Test, but once done, you can access all of the machines test functions, and that includes a few lamp tests, like walk-through, strobe (Useful for finding dead lamps), and so on.

#12 TommyC


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Posted 05 December 2016 - 12:09 AM

Any chance of dumping the flash card for the emu? We have no show me the mummy from what i can see.
Hold the bells mate.

#13 stanmarsh14



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Posted 05 December 2016 - 01:35 AM

Any chance of dumping the flash card for the emu? We have no show me the mummy from what i can see.


Already enquired about it not long back on the Mecca..... short of de-soldering the flash chip off the board and fitting it to a carrier to be read, no way of dumping roms, according to Mr P's techie, Andrew (This was what he had to do for some of the £500JP games at Mr P's), and noting I neither have the tools or skill to do this (Need a hot air gun for starters), unlikely to be done any time soon :(

This pretty much applies to all systems that use flash media for roms over the traditional EPROM, unless someone has some backup / update files for the respective machine.

Not so sure when it comes to systems that use CF Flash cards (Like Maygay's Eclipse or Heber's Pluto 6), but I have a pile of ROM's given to me the other day, and one of the packages is for a CMS game (Think it's a £500 game though, but will check).

Edited by stanmarsh14, 05 December 2016 - 01:36 AM.

#14 TommyC


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Posted 05 December 2016 - 07:50 AM

Sound's very complicated to be messing that way. Would be worried of it not working again. I bet this applies to most machines in the horizon cab with the jackpot at £35 or higher.
Hold the bells mate.

#15 stanmarsh14



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Posted 06 December 2016 - 09:33 PM

Sound's very complicated to be messing that way. Would be worried of it not working again. I bet this applies to most machines in the horizon cab with the jackpot at £35 or higher.


All depends if they use the flash media based version of the game card or not with respect to MPU5's, but certainly from Andrew's experience dealing with £500JP machines that most certainly used these cards in part at least, quite difficult to extract this data, even with the professional experience he has.

The chat I had with him, my main plan of attack to extract data, was via the JTAG protocol (Those of you who have experience with programming electronics and car computer systems, will know JTAG well), however when Andrew tried it, although he could connect to JTAG, the chip that deals with this, only part of it's pins are connected / mapped to the flash chips, so unfortunately that idea is out of the window, unless some bright spark works out how to connect the rest of the data paths, so JTAG can be used, which as a side note, is not an easy thing to use anyway (My NowTV / Roku 2 box also uses JTAG).

What I may though if I don't sell the machine on before then, is on my next trip to Maidstone, see if I can meet Andrew, and discuss options for me to gain a backup of the game software, which I wanted to do in any case, and if I do manage this, obviously I can release the ROM's for FME too.

Edited by stanmarsh14, 06 December 2016 - 09:36 PM.

#16 stanmarsh14



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Posted 06 December 2016 - 09:43 PM

On a sort of related note, thanks to the mecca's Magik, just ordered an 858D SMD Soldering Desoldering Station Air Rework Gun + 3 Nozzles Tool (Proper name for that tool I mentioned earlier), and although a generic Chinese copy, should work for what I need..... the sweatshops over there swear by em, so we shall see if I have just pissed my money up the wall or not.

#17 JaseSerre



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Posted 02 February 2017 - 02:17 PM

Hi...i am a new user here. As per my knowledge you should open both doors by checking the checkboxes. Wait for machine to boot and press cancel when it asks to read meters. Then press the test button at the top of MFME.Scroll through to lamp test using transfer button and press start to accept.Then it will flash all lamps, press cancel, then use transfer to scroll through all the lamps and the alpha will tell you what lamp is lit

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