hi there all help would be much appreciated , here we go ,i have a pacman power up £70 jackpot running on mpu6 ,the coin mech is a money controls sr5e my original coin mech worked fine all coins exsept new 5p new 10p also new £1 ,when on getting it back got alarm 10/70 coin jamm or faulty ,with a message pop up on the alpha screen coin postion 1-9,so going through the guy who programmed it went through every thing it could be ,so to rule out a problem with the machine ,i purchased another coin mech off him sr5e and the same happened alarm 10/70 coin postion ,left it for a week ,put it on free play ,then a coin mech came up cheap on a auction site that had not been updated ,put the mech in ,set the key and it worked 100% apart from taking the new 5p ,it takes the new 10p dont know about the new £1 as there not out,could i say that the way the other coin mechs have been programmed are wrong ,or if any one else has had any problem like this before cheers ,so now i have 2 updated coin mechs sr5e that dont work and 1 coin mech that works but dont know if its been updated to take the new poin coin ,if any one got a spare £1 test coin happy to pay for postage to be sent and would return it asap after testing ,or just could wait till they roll out in march 2017 ,if any one knows any good people that could maybe give me other coin mech a update to see if its just how its updated thank you .

coin mech update problems
Started by duetski, Dec 12 2016 12:27 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 12 December 2016 - 12:27 PM
Posted 12 December 2016 - 12:34 PM
Your font is so hard to read jezzz.
Anyway I posted a thread about the new coins and on there agreed that it's best to wait until the new coins are out as they ones that updating to the new coin are not 100% so you'll be best waiting until March time when the planned date is set.
Anyway I posted a thread about the new coins and on there agreed that it's best to wait until the new coins are out as they ones that updating to the new coin are not 100% so you'll be best waiting until March time when the planned date is set.
Posted 12 December 2016 - 01:01 PM
re posted and changed font so can read it better cant edit original post ,hi there all help would be much appreciated , here we go ,i have a pacman power up £70 jackpot running on mpu6 ,the coin mech is a money controls sr5e my original coin mech worked fine all coins exsept new 5p new 10p also new £1 ,when on getting it back got alarm 10/70 coin jamm or faulty ,with a message pop up on the alpha screen coin postion 1-9,so going through the guy who programmed it went through every thing it could be ,so to rule out a problem with the machine ,i purchased another coin mech off him sr5e and the same happened alarm 10/70 coin postion ,left it for a week ,put it on free play ,then a coin mech came up cheap on a auction site that had not been updated ,put the mech in ,set the key and it worked 100% apart from taking the new 5p ,it takes the new 10p dont know about the new £1 as there not out,could i say that the way the other coin mechs have been programmed are wrong ,or if any one else has had any problem like this before cheers ,so now i have 2 updated coin mechs sr5e that dont work and 1 coin mech that works but dont know if its been updated to take the new poin coin ,if any one got a spare £1 test coin happy to pay for postage to be sent and would return it asap after testing ,or just could wait till they roll out in march 2017 ,if any one knows any good people that could maybe give me other coin mech a update to see if its just how its updated thank you .
Edited by duetski, 12 December 2016 - 01:02 PM.
Posted 12 December 2016 - 08:59 PM
It could be that with the New software update, it requires encryption to be ON. SR5e run in three modes. I think they are just coming out with a DES encryption (not too sure) but i know they are also either Non Encrytped or Encrypted. It could be that the new update is forcing encryption and that your machine isnt setup to read the Encryption Code.
Turn on Encryption via the two red dil switches in the back of the coin mech.. one and two should both be UP.. (as in 'ON'). then put in your machine, turn on and try and get into test mode to input the key.
SR5e's should have an encryption code written on the front of the divider in the form of a silver sticker. Youll need to enter test mode and input this coin key into the machines programme.
I think im right in saying that the encryption key should be 123456 (if it doesnt have a sticker), however it may be a different key and the sticker has been peeled off, so watch for that.
Hope this helps
Posted 13 December 2016 - 12:19 AM
hi there thanks for that,have already treid that before with encryption on with default key 123456 and with the silver number on the coin mech also with it off with all the 000000 i get the same thing alarm 10/70 ,and after that can get into test mode ,unless i boot up with the coin mech unplugged then once in test mode,connect the mech back up ,same alarm 10/70 with doors closed or open ,personally i think its the way they are programmed.
Posted 30 December 2016 - 09:18 PM
I'm suprised that machine uses encryption ? try switches down ! . I have programmed a few of these mechs for the new pound and the only issue I have with them is the new pounds all go to the hopper with some machines on encrypted mechs. The firmware will not force encryption on or anything like that the firmware is 1.49 form memory and the sr5des uses 1.59
I have some python code that can program sr5/sr5i mechs via cctalk and check firmware version etc if you are interested it would require building a simple interface but very easy just a diode and pull up resistor
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