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Rob Da Bank Wdx

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#21 innfection


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Posted 12 September 2018 - 09:26 PM

Looks amazing Tommy never seen the machine before/played it

Resourcer/Bug Finder 

#22 TommyC


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Posted 12 September 2018 - 09:37 PM

Looks good Tommy, yes certain members always want, want, want and never seem to be appreciated by the hard work involved in making these, especially this and the last few you've done, it takes skill and patience, Remember do these for yourself first then if you release them it's your choice not there's.
Keep up the great work Mr C!!!

If I only did layout for myself id only have mpu 4 games. All these new shite I do for the scene not for me. I complete them then they go in the named folder and that's it lol. What get a my back up is the inpatience of some members who just take,never say thanks,won't donate to the forum or anything. 

Hold the bells mate.

#23 WibbleWobble



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Posted 13 September 2018 - 08:14 AM

That is looking great TommyC, I for one wouldn't have the first clue where to start, and I am appreciative of all the talented folks like you, Vec etc (apologies to all who didn't get a mention) who make these amazing DX and classic layouts for us to enjoy.


And lets be honest, you can spend more than a years gold membership on fancy coffee for 3 or 4 people these days!! and people think nothing of that but won't put their hand in their pocket to support the scene.



#24 TommyC


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Posted 17 September 2018 - 09:21 PM

Only had time tonight to do some on this,layout is finished apart from a little tidy round.

Attached Files

Hold the bells mate.

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