Bar 7's £25 30p play - Uncheck hoppers, this has a coms countdown on start up from 100, Wizard, or anyone else do you know how to stop this, or like the can't play until after 2pm machines, something we will have to put up with.
Bar 7's £5 20p play - Uncheck both hoppers and add bit0 1 to coin mech and 0 shortcut. In meter should be 2*1 and out 3*1
Classic Crazy Fruits - £5 jackpot - add bit0 1 to coin mech and the 0 shortcut.
Crazy Fruits Downunder - Uncheck both hoppers, and add bit0 1 to coin mech and 0 shortcut
Crazy Fruits Red - Add a checkbox 32 to get rid of refill message as hopper is needed
Crazy Fruits Green - Had a real muck about to get working, so it's attached to this post.
Dough and Arrow, Easystreak, Fruit Frenzy, Happy Fruits - Uncheck both hoppers. Add bit0 1 and shortcut 0 to coin mech.
Hells Bells - uncheck both hoppers, make sure the out meter, is set to sec 3*1, otherwise if it has *4, it will give 4 times payout in meter. Add bit0 1, and 0 key shortcut for coin mech and if it bothers, change the cancel button shortcut while in Edit mode to `
Lord Of The Rings - Return of The King - Uncheck both hoppers. add bit0 1 and 0 shortcut to coin mech.
Lucky Balls - (one without the proper disc reel) - Uncheck hopper 2 to clear pay out err 17, add bit0 1 and shortcut 0 to coin mech. Lucky Balls - (with proper disc reel) just uncheck hopper 2.
Magic Poundabout - Uncheck both hoppers. Add bit0 1 and 0 shortcut to coin mech. Make sure meters are set to in sec2*1 and out Sec 3*1
Money To Burn - add bit0 1 and shortcut 0 to coin mech, uncheck hopper 1, check hopper 2 and add checkbox 32 clear refill.
Montego Pay - add bit0 1 and shortcut 0 to coin mech
Motorway Mania - Uncheck hopper 1, make sure hopper 2 is checked, add checkbox 32 to clear refill message.
Pac Man by QPS - £5 10p play - Uncheck hopper 1, to get rid of pay err 96
Pac Man - £15, 30p play - Change coin input on coin mech to bit0 1.
Pac Man - £15, 25p play - Uncheck hopper 1 to get rid of pay err 96. I have two of these DX's, one work fine, after unchecking hopper 1. The other one, I couldn't clear the pay out err 96, even with the same config settings, but after loading in the one that worked, followed by the other one and it cleared. Very strange, but I'm sure I didn't imagine it.
Paystation - Uncheck both hoppers, and add bit0 1 and shortcut 0 to coin mech
Quazzi Mo Dough - If you get an on/off alarm on this, you have time to make a cup of coffee/tea, before it will clear, otherwise fine.
Red Hot X & Red Hot X Club - Check hopper 1 and uncheck hopper 2, to clear, pay err 17