Found out something weird, MFME 5.0 pitch changes the electrocoin samples and this machine is stuttering on my soundcard in MFME 5.1. Is this normal? It also acts like an old nag when the reels spin. Is this also normal? All other samples play as normal including the "Dubba dubba" sound. They also do not appear in the samples list.
the reels seem to spin slighty slow on my system which suffers no slow down on any other layouts,
i think this machine just has a long reelspin duration...but i may be wrong
ive read in other threads about this machine, in which the machines lamps were causing some slow down...maybe its related....maybe its not...
Edited by shaun2097, 24 February 2017 - 05:48 PM.
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.