2XRio Enhanced machines give away
Started by Tomasone, Apr 07 2017 07:03 AM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 07 April 2017 - 07:03 AM
Hi there Having been a member of this site previously I have rejoined using my new email Tomasone48@outlook.com my previous membership ended due to simply forgetting my log in details but that is fine. At least Im back now
From the title you see I own 2 Rio Enhanced machines that I want to offer any intrested party for free now dont jump off your seat just yet when I say these are Free to a good home. The intrested party needs to understand they will need their own transport both machine need slight repairs plus due to the coin change they will need their coin mechs changing.
If still interested read on the first machine is Cashino 500 the 2nd Grand casino. They both have their original tops plus keys maybe they need their video cards reimaging I havent checked. All I know is the repairs are very minor but Im offering these machines for FREE to any interested party but they will need their own Transport Yours Terry Wish
From the title you see I own 2 Rio Enhanced machines that I want to offer any intrested party for free now dont jump off your seat just yet when I say these are Free to a good home. The intrested party needs to understand they will need their own transport both machine need slight repairs plus due to the coin change they will need their coin mechs changing.
If still interested read on the first machine is Cashino 500 the 2nd Grand casino. They both have their original tops plus keys maybe they need their video cards reimaging I havent checked. All I know is the repairs are very minor but Im offering these machines for FREE to any interested party but they will need their own Transport Yours Terry Wish
- vectra666 likes this
Posted 07 April 2017 - 03:43 PM
what area ?
Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:30 PM
what area ?
Reading in another post Nails, Blackpool...
May be open to take one...... not sure what you mean by reimaging the cards though
Posted 17 May 2017 - 07:20 PM
Both Machine need the new coin mech, they also need slight repairs less than £100 per machine but they can go to anyone who wants them they have all keys plus top box in the cabinet below the main games are cashino 500 and Grand Casino plus the 13 demo games already installed
Posted 17 May 2017 - 08:22 PM
I'd take a pc The power supply in mine has gone!
http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel
https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive
Posted 17 May 2017 - 08:31 PM
hi i will have this collect saturday thanks

Posted 09 June 2017 - 07:50 AM
The two Rio enhanced machines are still available for FREE to anyone who wants them but they will need transport because I haven't got any. Now let me once again explain about the machines. The first is Cashino500 this machine needs the new coin next and a slight repair to get it up and running. The second machine is Grand Casino this also need the new coin mech plus a slight repair. I'd say the cost would be quite nominal costing less than £100 each so for FREE is a good bargain when both machines cost me well over £1000 they both have 13 games on the demo and 1 main game if interested contact me 07773195858 or email me tomasone48@outlook.com
- aaamusements likes this
Posted 09 June 2017 - 11:39 AM
Saying both need new mechs and a 'slight repair' doesn't give people much to go on, what exactly are the 'slight repairs' needed and why do they both need new mechs?
Posted 09 June 2017 - 05:03 PM
Saying both need new mechs and a 'slight repair' doesn't give people much to go on, what exactly are the 'slight repairs' needed and why do they both need new mechs?
Reading slightly between the lines I assume that he means they don't take the new pound coin. I'm drawing a blank on the slight repairs though.
To be completely honest, as they are free I wouldn't be asking questions if I were reasonably close and had transport. I'd have snapped his hand off...
Posted 09 June 2017 - 05:18 PM
Hi there chasnbons the enhanced rio's need new coin mech's because I've not upgrade them to the coin system and slight repair means slight repair for example a fuse maybe pulled out of the MPU 5 board or a lock needs replacing when I've got some time I'll list the repairs down for everyone but I can't say the price of the repair will be that dear but I've not played with them in over a year got bored with only one game to choose from at a time and I always wanted a triple 7 now I've got 9 games to choose from. That I can play at any time so this is why I was given the Enhanced Rio's away for free. So like minded people which like to ticker around with machines can repair them at their leisure. There fine machines I just don't need them anymore. I hope this clear's up the mystery as to why there Free.
Posted 09 June 2017 - 05:57 PM
Reading slightly between the lines I assume that he means they don't take the new pound coin. I'm drawing a blank on the slight repairs though.
To be completely honest, as they are free I wouldn't be asking questions if I were reasonably close and had transport. I'd have snapped his hand off...
I was just trying to get an idea for other people, I can't fit them in the house or else I'd have had them.
Hi there chasnbons the enhanced rio's need new coin mech's because I've not upgrade them to the coin system and slight repair means slight repair for example a fuse maybe pulled out of the MPU 5 board or a lock needs replacing when I've got some time I'll list the repairs down for everyone but I can't say the price of the repair will be that dear but I've not played with them in over a year got bored with only one game to choose from at a time and I always wanted a triple 7 now I've got 9 games to choose from. That I can play at any time so this is why I was given the Enhanced Rio's away for free. So like minded people which like to ticker around with machines can repair them at their leisure. There fine machines I just don't need them anymore. I hope this clear's up the mystery as to why there Free.
It wasn't a mystery, like I said above I was wondering for other people, if the faults are listed then it gives people a chance to decide if fixing them are within their capabilities etc.
If I was asking for myself and I'd have had transport and space I'd have had them weeks ago, no matter what the problems were, but unfortunately I have neither
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