Well, made it through the night, without any unnatural sleeping positions lol. Initial painkillers, kept me going for a couple of hours until 2, then, took some Nurofen Express and thankfully while I can still feel it, I managed to get some more sleep.
I've had a few tooth infections over the past few years, so I definitely know when one is starting to take hold. When it comes to an infection, you do need to get antibiotics ASAP, as it doesn't go away and painkillers stop working and you end up like Richy said wanting to punch your own face in. Last time even the antibiotics, didn't work and the pain just got worse and I ended up with no sleep for 2 days, waiting for them to kick in, which as I said they didn't. I then had to have an emergency appointment, 4 mouth injections and antibiotics then injected into the tooth itself. But then once the numbness from the injections wore off, I still ended up with the pain back for another 24 hours, before it finally went.
Will definitely get some orajel though, because even with the bad infection, I managed to get a few hours sleep, when my mouth was numb, after the antibiotic injection.
Ringing the dentist soon.
Edited by wearecity, 03 May 2017 - 07:25 AM.