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Will MFME 5.1 run in portrait mode?

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#1 uptown47



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Posted 14 May 2017 - 08:45 AM

Hi all,


I've just joined the site and I'm completely brand new to MFME etc but I'm looking to build an arcade cabinet to run MFME (a project for later in the year).


In the interim I've been doing some retro gaming on Money Mad Martians which was a machine I used to own back in the day.


My monitor is 16:9 ratio and, even at full-screen borderless, it can be a bit difficult to see what's going on.


I have a Dell monitor that allows you to orientate it in portrait mode and wondered if MFME 5.1 supports this?


Or if there's a way of adjusting the game file etc to remove the monicker of the game on the right hand side and just have the machine full-screen in portrait?


Thanks for any help you can give me. Has been brilliant this morning playing Money Mad Martians again (got jackpot on repeat!) - even hearing the sounds of this machine brings back lots of memories!


Cheers :-)

#2 Wizard


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Posted 14 May 2017 - 09:29 AM

MFME doesn't care what mode your monitor is set to, so yes it will work fine in portrait mode.


You can remove side art by going into edit mode and dragging the right edge leftwards, then saving the layout. The sideart will still be in the .fml file but not displayed.


Glad you are enjoying it.

Edited by Wizard, 14 May 2017 - 09:30 AM.

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#3 uptown47



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Posted 14 May 2017 - 09:36 AM

MFME doesn't care what mode your monitor is set to, so yes it will work fine in portrait mode.


You can remove side art by going into edit mode and dragging the right edge leftwards, then saving the layout. The sideart will still be in the .fml file but not displayed.


Glad you are enjoying it.


Thanks for the info MFME Creator. Much appreciated. Cheers :-)

#4 wearecity


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Posted 14 May 2017 - 01:28 PM

Welcome uptown.


Can I ask, how you found about Fruit Machine Emulation (FME). The scene is quite small, but still reasonably lively, so we still definitely need new blood, even if it's just to take part in forum posts.


Another way, to hide the sideart is to go into edit mode, then right click on the background not the actual machine and choose properties. This will bring up the background properties and you can select the height and width. This way is required sometimes, if the layout is a huge size and above your display's maximum resolution. i.e layouts with a 1200 height and your display is 1920*1080.


Don't forget to check out other sites, MPU Mecca, Dad's FME & Desert Island Fruits, for more FME goodness lol.

#5 uptown47



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Posted 14 May 2017 - 03:30 PM

Thanks Wearecity. I found FME through a series of coincidences really. I've always loved fruit machines and I recently asked the Leader of the Opposition if I could buy another one (having owned one for a while about 8 years ago).


She agreed (in exchange for the promise of a new kitchen!?!?!) but, having built a MAME arcade machine last year I decided to try and look into the feasibility of making an emulated fruity that would accept real money credits and pay out in real money. After some research I found MPU Mecca and then Desert Island Fruits.


I then found out about MFME 5 and decided to look up my old fruity (Money Mad Martians) and found it on this site. I then registered as a Gold Supporter so I could download MFME 5.1 and Money Mad Martians.


I've today experimented with rotating my monitor and running MFME and think I've got the basis for building a fruity. 


Thanks for the info on changing the height etc. There's loads I need to learn (don't even know what "dx" stands for on some of the machines etc) but looking forward to diving in and learning what I can.


Thanks again for the welcome :-)


PS. I've attached a couple of photos of my arcade machine (starting it with the wood and the finished article). I put it in a shed/pub I built called "Shenanigans" hence the name. It runs Hyperspin frontend and various emulators including MAME for all the games / pinball etc :-)

Attached Files

Edited by uptown47, 14 May 2017 - 03:34 PM.

#6 wearecity


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Posted 14 May 2017 - 03:46 PM

Always fancied an arcade machine, but never had the room. But now I fancy a cabinet to play FME in portrait mode, but still don't have the room lol.


I have a 5tb hyperspin drive also, look great but can be a pain to configure IMO.


Oh DX stands for Deluxe, original layouts had no graphics to them, so are classic layouts, then someone came up with an idea to use actually images in a layout and the DX was born.

#7 uptown47



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Posted 14 May 2017 - 04:00 PM

Always fancied an arcade machine, but never had the room. But now I fancy a cabinet to play FME in portrait mode, but still don't have the room lol.


I have a 5tb hyperspin drive also, look great but can be a pain to configure IMO.


Oh DX stands for Deluxe, original layouts had no graphics to them, so are classic layouts, then someone came up with an idea to use actually images in a layout and the DX was born.


That makes sense.


Wow! 5Tb for hyperspin. I think mine (so far) is around 300Mb but I'm fastidious in getting all the theme art etc perfect (a bit OCD but there you go!).


Yep, I'm really looking forward to getting into the nitty gritty of MFME and how these machines are put together etc. I'm really impressed with some of the work that people have done on this site. Was playing Deal or No Deal earlier and it was awesome! 


Would love to get another cabinet built with real buttons and real payouts etc. I've not managed to find one that's been done like this before but I'm sure someone must have done it? That's my goal.


I'm currently building a CNC machine in my attic but once it's finished I'm going to use it to do a really good cabinet (hopefully) and go from there..... :-)

#8 wearecity


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Posted 14 May 2017 - 05:41 PM

You do right, gradually building up your Hyperspin collection.


I really need to open every emulator I have for use with it, which probably amounts to around 70-100 and make sure they are configured correctly for graphics, sound and controller. I have several retro style usb controllers and well as PS4 and Xbox for PS1 & PS2 & emulation, so have suitable controllers for most, rather than just using a Xbox 360 controller as standard. I simply don't have the time or enthusiasm to do it though, maybe one day. I also tinkering with other frontends such as launchbox.


I know nothing about cabinets building, configuration or about getting real payouts etc, but there are several members around here who do have cabinets and building MFME keyboards including Spa and Reg, who could advise far better than me.

#9 Andy2003


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Posted 14 May 2017 - 08:18 PM

Good luck with the build uptown. I've toying with the idea of removing the glass from my old jpm Indy and sticking a monitor in its place to run mfme. So please keep us updated with the build as you do it. When I start mine I will take pictures to.

Just need to get the buttons working in conjunction with the emu then I will start.

#10 uptown47



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Posted 14 May 2017 - 08:45 PM

Good luck with the build uptown. I've toying with the idea of removing the glass from my old jpm Indy and sticking a monitor in its place to run mfme. So please keep us updated with the build as you do it. When I start mine I will take pictures to.

Just need to get the buttons working in conjunction with the emu then I will start.

Thanks Andy,


I'll definitely be documenting the build. I do it with all my projects as it's great to look back on. I've seen Reg's post that shows a good layout for buttons and I've read that you can control a payout hopper etc so it's early stages but it is looking feasible.


As I say, I've got to finish my CNC project which will probably take me up to the end of July and then I'll probably start on this. In the meantime I'll be learning and getting some ROMs etc together.


I also want to look into whether there's any kind of front-end for MFME that would make it easier to choose what machine to play and to swap machines mid-play etc.


There's a few other technical elements I want to look into as well before fleshing out the final design. :-)

#11 Andy2003


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 05:18 PM

Thanks Andy,


I'll definitely be documenting the build. I do it with all my projects as it's great to look back on. I've seen Reg's post that shows a good layout for buttons and I've read that you can control a payout hopper etc so it's early stages but it is looking feasible.


As I say, I've got to finish my CNC project which will probably take me up to the end of July and then I'll probably start on this. In the meantime I'll be learning and getting some ROMs etc together.


I also want to look into whether there's any kind of front-end for MFME that would make it easier to choose what machine to play and to swap machines mid-play etc.


There's a few other technical elements I want to look into as well before fleshing out the final design. :-)


Just a couple of pictures here to show you what portrait fruits look like. been looking online at sticking a curved 29" screen in my cab which may look sweet. ive ordered some pac 2 button interface things so i could be starting earlier than i thought. 


Attached File  20170515_182901.jpg   69.83KB   0 downloads

Attached File  20170515_181250.jpg   70.67KB   0 downloads

#12 uptown47



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Posted 15 May 2017 - 06:05 PM

Those look great Andy. I had a go at turning my monitor yesterday and ran a few games on it and they look great. In the second pic the buttons are face-on to the screen (as oppose to an angle on some of the machines) is that just the way that fruity looks or have you done something to "flatten" the image for that one?

#13 Andy2003


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:23 PM

thats just the way the the person who designed the DX have done it. ive just recieved my ultimarc i pac controller for my fruity buttons. plugged it into my computer. no software needed. wired up 1 switch. went to the button properties in the edit mode on the emu (mfme 5.1) and succesfully changed it to pick up my switch. i cant believe how easy it went. i will be stripping my machine down this weekend for definate...


Attached File  I pac mockup.jpg   61.43KB   1 downloads

#14 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:41 PM

thats just the way the the person who designed the DX have done it. ive just recieved my ultimarc i pac controller for my fruity buttons. plugged it into my computer. no software needed. wired up 1 switch. went to the button properties in the edit mode on the emu (mfme 5.1) and succesfully changed it to pick up my switch. i cant believe how easy it went. i will be stripping my machine down this weekend for definate...


attachicon.gifI pac mockup.jpg



Yep, I used the iPac for the MAME cab and they are quite straight forward to use. You need a pacdrive (or similar) to drive the lights on the buttons (if they have lights). I originally thought the iPac did inputs and outputs but it's only inputs.


Please keep us informed on your progress as I'd love to see how you get on. Maybe start a new thread detailing your project and then stick a link in here so it'll let me know about it.

Good luck mate! :-)

#15 Andy2003


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:56 PM

Will do that. Nice one. ive already saved the lamp pacdrive board for my next purchase.....  :thumbs_up:

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