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Struggling to resize the games to make them clearer to see

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#1 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:11 PM

Hi all,


I have turned my screen to portrait mode and want to fill the screen with the layout to make it easier to read/see what the features etc are.


I'm struggling to see them on some of the machines (the only one that I've found crystal clear so far is Deal or No Deal).


Someone mentioned switching MFME into Design mode and resizing the screen but I'm finding that it's resizing the screen but maintaining the aspect ratio when I do that?


Is there a way of getting rid of the right-hand side artwork so that only the machine is visible so that it will make it fill the screen better and be easier to see.


Also.... am I right in thinking that the "wdx" machines are the best quality or is there another acronym for better quality machines (or maybe a way to 'zoom' in on the top glass when you're on a feature etc)??


Thanks for any help you can give me


Cheers :-)

#2 wearecity


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:47 PM

Just a quick post, with so more pointers hopefully.


Ok, so I think you are following the below advice in the other thread.


You can remove side art by going into edit mode and dragging the right edge leftwards, then saving the layout. The sideart will still be in the .fml file but not displayed.


Another way, to hide the sideart is to go into edit mode, then right click on the background not the actual machine and choose properties. This will bring up the background properties and you can select the height and width. This way is required sometimes, if the layout is a huge size and above your display's maximum resolution. i.e layouts with a 1200 height and your display is 1920*1080.


Having followed the above advice, I play in portrait on my touchscreen MS Surface Pro, I find if I want to display a layout in portrait mode, I need to open it while in portrait mode, if I open it in landscape, then turn my device into portrait it doesn't adjust properly.


With the artwork off, you can press F2 and F3 to go into borderless modes and it won't show the artwork.


Also under file, preferences, you have the option to start in different screen modes also.  :D


Also magnify can be done by holding down right click on a mouse and use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Layouts vary by quality and yes some you can't read the features, because the source art hasn't been good, it's just the way it is. WDX (Window Deluxe) is the choice nowadays, FSDX (Full screen Deluxe) is rarely used now, Ant & Dec Saturday Night Takeaway being an example. 

#3 Andy2003


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:53 PM

Hi all,


I have turned my screen to portrait mode and want to fill the screen with the layout to make it easier to read/see what the features etc are.


I'm struggling to see them on some of the machines (the only one that I've found crystal clear so far is Deal or No Deal).


Someone mentioned switching MFME into Design mode and resizing the screen but I'm finding that it's resizing the screen but maintaining the aspect ratio when I do that?


Is there a way of getting rid of the right-hand side artwork so that only the machine is visible so that it will make it fill the screen better and be easier to see.


Also.... am I right in thinking that the "wdx" machines are the best quality or is there another acronym for better quality machines (or maybe a way to 'zoom' in on the top glass when you're on a feature etc)??


Thanks for any help you can give me


Cheers :-)



Hi uptown,


A Lot of the early emulations were done in 1024 screen res format as people with laptops couldnt always view the emulations. this was made obsolete when MFME got updated to auto shrink any emulation of anysize to fit pc screen.

as for fruit emu quality try looking for layouts that have 1600 res downloads. these will be better. unfortunately a lot of old layouts might look a smidge pixelated when blown up to look huge.


I struggled a little to resize a few of my machines in portrait mode last night. i havent got time to make a video tonight but will do one to explain how to do it. you need to click on file then preferences when a machine is loaded and tick off auto shrink. then when in edit mode trim the emu window to fit machine. then load another machine (so it prompts you to save layout) after you saved the layout. reload it and it should come up cropped. turn auto shrink back on then press F3.... viola....


im not very good at explaining sorry. but will do a vid in future


Cheers Andy

#4 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:55 PM

Andy, Wearecity,


A big thanks for the advice. That's brilliant.


I'll have a go at that. It seems straight forward enough.


Cheers :-)

#5 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 06:24 PM

.... then when in edit mode trim the emu window to fit machine.....



Unfortunately, when I do this bit the window still maintains aspect ratio when resizing (even with Auto Shrink unticked) ?


I'll continue to have a play about with it though. Thanks :-)

#6 Wizard


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 08:01 PM

you can't use the drag method if the layout is too large for your screen and is being shrunk to fit your screen

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#7 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 08:29 PM

you can't use the drag method if the layout is too large for your screen and is being shrunk to fit your screen

Hi Wizard,

It's not that it's too large for my screen. My screen is running 1920x1280 so should be fine. It's just that the screen appears rectangular with superfluous artwork on the right hand side. Unfortunately, when I try and drag the window (in Edit mode) it shrinks the window maintaining the aspect ratio. 

This doesn't happen on every machine but on quite a lot of them.


#8 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 08:40 PM



Hi uptown,


A Lot of the early emulations were done in 1024 screen res format as people with laptops couldnt always view the emulations. this was made obsolete when MFME got updated to auto shrink any emulation of anysize to fit pc screen.

as for fruit emu quality try looking for layouts that have 1600 res downloads. these will be better. unfortunately a lot of old layouts might look a smidge pixelated when blown up to look huge.


I struggled a little to resize a few of my machines in portrait mode last night. i havent got time to make a video tonight but will do one to explain how to do it. you need to click on file then preferences when a machine is loaded and tick off auto shrink. then when in edit mode trim the emu window to fit machine. then load another machine (so it prompts you to save layout) after you saved the layout. reload it and it should come up cropped. turn auto shrink back on then press F3.... viola....


im not very good at explaining sorry. but will do a vid in future


Cheers Andy





Just tried those 1600's resolution one's and they are FANTASTIC! They look loads better.


Thanks for the heads up! :-)

#9 Wizard


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 09:05 PM

Hi Wizard,

It's not that it's too large for my screen. My screen is running 1920x1280 so should be fine. It's just that the screen appears rectangular with superfluous artwork on the right hand side. Unfortunately, when I try and drag the window (in Edit mode) it shrinks the window maintaining the aspect ratio. 

This doesn't happen on every machine but on quite a lot of them.



If you have scroll bars appearing in edit mode, then the layout is too large for your screen and you can't drag the right edge to reduce width.

You said your monitor is in portrait mode, if that's the case a lot of layouts will be too large to fit.

Edited by Wizard, 16 May 2017 - 09:07 PM.

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#10 uptown47



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Posted 16 May 2017 - 09:11 PM

If you have scroll bars appearing in edit mode, then the layout is too large for your screen and you can't drag the right edge to reduce width.
You said your monitor is in portrait mode, if that's the case a lot of layouts will be too large to fit.

That could well be it Wizard!
Will try switching my display back to landscape, then follow Andy's advice, then switch back to portrait.
I'll try it tomorrow after work (in my pit at the moment!).
Cheers :-)

#11 uptown47



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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:48 PM


If you have scroll bars appearing in edit mode, then the layout is too large for your screen and you can't drag the right edge to reduce width.

You said your monitor is in portrait mode, if that's the case a lot of layouts will be too large to fit.




I just tried it now. I put my monitor back to landscape so the scroll bars disappeared. Switched it to Edit mode, then I could resize each side individually and then save the layout on exit. Then put my monitor back to portrait and Bob's yer mothers brother!


Thanks Wizard :-)

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