Having a break from FME for a while was the best thing I could've done.
First of all, apologies to Daryl, Trouty, & Dad for being particularly off with them before my hiatus. It's not your fault, I let FME become practically a 2nd job rather than a hobby, and was getting frustrated with everything and everyone.
In the mean time it appears we have a new shiny official MFME to play with which is awesome, and frankly takes the pressure off in a nice way.
I've decided to continue working on Amber and have been tinkering on and off but nothing major. At the very least I want to get IMPACT 100% completed, so every game can be fully emulated and simulated. The online state sharing functions are still really important to me because it makes it more realistic not knowing when a machine is ready to pay, it was also more social as you could chat whilst playing.
I've been working on a ray tracer as a separate project and in doing so have learnt some really useful information about the behaviour of light, delving into the real world physics and having some good ideas for the emulators.
Currently I am working on a full lamp simulation, working from the physical properties of the filament, writing my own physics engine. When complete I can then use them for lamping any tech and they should work as they did IRL with no modification required. So if they dim, or go super bright it will happen automatically based on the physical properties of the light bulb being simulated. I also intend to do the same with the other physical components which should mean that eventually I will have an emulator that can be both 2D and 3D at the same time. 2D is really a 3D image that you can't move around or change perspective. This also means that generating lamp reflections in the cabinet or surrounding objects will be native, along with shadows. And for 2D layouts, I can generate light maps in textures and mix them for playing machines on slower PC's or Indeed Android phones. I have started working on an android emulator but it's nowhere near being ready as I am writing it in Assembler. This will take layouts from the main PC version of Amber and be a play only emulator, no editing apart from basic options.
I also had a go at writing my own machine for IMPACT, and I'll probably release it with the new emu as a demo game, whenever the release happens.