Boughta cloner bought two hard drives same code has the the original in my machine copied both tested both result blue screen of death on both hard drives couldnt understand why so checked original nothing wrong with that lucky for me. Checked cloner worked once stopped working wouldn't even read the original drive. Order 2 new cloners and 3 more drives hopefully this time I'll get one to work watch this space for updates.
problems with cloning T7 hard drive
Started by Tomasone, Jun 14 2017 06:36 PM
17 replies to this topic
Posted 14 June 2017 - 06:36 PM
Posted 14 June 2017 - 07:17 PM
what you have on the drive is a really stripped down and basic version of windows. When it boots up, it loads basic windows components like drivers and windows itself, and then proceeds to load the barboot menu. its so stripped down i bet it couldn't run paint!
if you add a different drive (say replacing a samsung with a WD) windows will try and install the drivers for it - and that's where the trouble starts.
*ANY* cloning software such as norton ghost etc. etc. will happily clone the drive. I've used acronis to clone a rio/t7 hard drive with no faults ever - and produced a happy healthy replica BUT it must be the same brand.
when you say you bought a cloner, what do you mean? a stand a lone drive to drive copier ?
Posted 14 June 2017 - 07:22 PM
Boughta cloner bought two hard drives same code has the the original in my machine copied both tested both result blue screen of death on both hard drives couldnt understand why so checked original nothing wrong with that lucky for me. Checked cloner worked once stopped working wouldn't even read the original drive. Order 2 new cloners and 3 more drives hopefully this time I'll get one to work watch this space for updates.
LOL. hands up anyone who didnt see this coming.......
to quote "PSYCHO CASH BEAST"......."i can forsee the future!" lol.
its all going to end in tears and a non working machine.......i hope not but i fear the worst.....
Do yourself a favour TOMASONE.......stop messing m8 before you screw it up....
Edited by shaun2097, 14 June 2017 - 07:27 PM.
- ricardo de ponsa likes this
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.
Posted 14 June 2017 - 08:39 PM
LOL. hands up anyone who didnt see this coming.......
to quote "PSYCHO CASH BEAST"......."i can forsee the future!" lol.
its all going to end in tears and a non working machine.......i hope not but i fear the worst.....
Do yourself a favour TOMASONE.......stop messing m8 before you screw it up....
I was already told to stop messing about until I'd copied the hard drive (cloned it) so this is what I did so this time it didn't work but there was nothing wrong with the original which was good so far so went back and found the cloner was at fault so bought another one different brand and 3 other hard drives all I need is one to copy correctly and work. Once that's complete then I can format the others and do a few more back up copies for the future.
Let me move onto another question here about demos for a little while if you have for example Monty's Millions bpak and Monty's Millions £2 bpak do you have to copy both or just use the one with the £2 bpak?
This bit is just for my own knowledge for the future.
I now promise that I'll stop messing about with my machine until I have a cloned hard drive that works and fully boots up and gets past verification that's a promise check back on this page for updates okay folks
Posted 14 June 2017 - 08:50 PM
they are different games with different game states (except one has £1 max and one has £2 max)
somebody once made a thread and said you need to clone your drive. to me this is nonsense, why clone it anyway UNLESS you want to feck around with it.
Posted 14 June 2017 - 09:01 PM
somebody once made a thread and said you need to clone your drive. to me this is nonsense, why clone it anyway UNLESS you want to feck around with it.
It's called peace of mind, in case the HD drive packs up and you are left with a pile of junk. HD drives do fail.
Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.
Posted 14 June 2017 - 11:51 PM
Boughta cloner bought two hard drives same code has the the original in my machine copied both tested both result blue screen of death on both hard drives couldnt understand why so checked original nothing wrong with that lucky for me. Checked cloner worked once stopped working wouldn't even read the original drive. Order 2 new cloners and 3 more drives hopefully this time I'll get one to work watch this space for updates.
I have a different problem, but that's not the concern here.
Are the hard drives exact copies of what is in the machine - I mean even down to the second part of the product number ?
Posted 15 June 2017 - 03:00 AM
they are different games with different game states (except one has £1 max and one has £2 max)
somebody once made a thread and said you need to clone your drive. to me this is nonsense, why clone it anyway UNLESS you want to feck around with it.
I was told as soon as people found I had a t7 that the first thing was to get my hard drive copied. So if anything happens then I've not lost £4000 worth of brilliance and am left with a piece of junk in its place. So tried my first 2 attempts yesterday with a stand alone cloner named the Orico stand alone cloner but it worked to copy both hard drives successfully but when I put them in the machine both gave me the blue screen of death. Tried to format both drives but the stand alone cloner had given up the ghost and wouldn't even read the drives anymore. I tested one of the drives said it had been repaired but it still gave me the blue screen of death so got fed up and thought I'd wait and try it again today. With a new cloner I bought two different models just to make sure I had one which worked. To answer Reg's question it says WD800AAJS which is an exact match from the one in the machine I also bought two others with the same code but are WD but not caviar blue models. Watch this space for updates I get both new cloners today so we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Posted 15 June 2017 - 06:45 AM
I was told as soon as people found I had a t7 that the first thing was to get my hard drive copied. So if anything happens then I've not lost £4000 worth of brilliance and am left with a piece of junk in its place. So tried my first 2 attempts yesterday with a stand alone cloner named the Orico stand alone cloner but it worked to copy both hard drives successfully but when I put them in the machine both gave me the blue screen of death. Tried to format both drives but the stand alone cloner had given up the ghost and wouldn't even read the drives anymore. I tested one of the drives said it had been repaired but it still gave me the blue screen of death so got fed up and thought I'd wait and try it again today. With a new cloner I bought two different models just to make sure I had one which worked. To answer Reg's question it says WD800AAJS which is an exact match from the one in the machine I also bought two others with the same code but are WD but not caviar blue models. Watch this space for updates I get both new cloners today so we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Hi Tomasone,
That is ONLY PART OF THE MODEL NUMBER you have given me.
Mine is a WD800AAJS-22L7A0, this is why I have been saying it must be the EXACT part. Look at this thread for details ( http://www.desertisl...ent&comment=727).
Look on eBay, you will see lots of WD800AJS-xxxxxx drives, all with different secondary part numbers.
I truely believe you problem is you don't have the exact match - needs the same heads / cyclinders / LBA for it to work in my expereince. I think some of the older execs on the machines it is less picky. I did manage to upgared the SATA driver on a bluescreen of death clone, but then got verification errors.
Can you confirm excatly what you have in your machine and what the other disks are you brought. If you brought something different then stop wasting money and find something the same if you want this to work.
I have a pile of old disks that didn't fit - it took me a while to learn this lesson.
- spa likes this
Posted 15 June 2017 - 08:01 AM
Hi Tomasone,
That is ONLY PART OF THE MODEL NUMBER you have given me.
Mine is a WD800AAJS-22L7A0, this is why I have been saying it must be the EXACT part. Look at this thread for details ( http://www.desertisl...ent&comment=727).
Look on eBay, you will see lots of WD800AJS-xxxxxx drives, all with different secondary part numbers.
I truely believe you problem is you don't have the exact match - needs the same heads / cyclinders / LBA for it to work in my expereince. I think some of the older execs on the machines it is less picky. I did manage to upgared the SATA driver on a bluescreen of death clone, but then got verification errors.
Can you confirm excatly what you have in your machine and what the other disks are you brought. If you brought something different then stop wasting money and find something the same if you want this to work.
I have a pile of old disks that didn't fit - it took me a while to learn this lesson.
Thanks Reg for the advice I'll try that now and see if I can get a match or two also it states the target drive needs to be bigger than the source have you found that to be true?
Posted 15 June 2017 - 09:03 AM
Thanks Reg for the advice I'll try that now and see if I can get a match or two also it states the target drive needs to be bigger than the source have you found that to be true?
No they can be the same - if exact ( and I REALLY MEAN EXACT not " Well they both said 80gig on the label " type of exact) .
This comment by them is to prevent people from cloning from a larger disk to a smaller one. Less technically people may think, well I've only got 40gig of data used on 200gig drive. Sure it will clone fine to a 100gig drive, leaving me 60gig free.
Data is not written sequentially and files and data get fragmented that needs de-fragging etc.
Posted 15 June 2017 - 11:05 AM
your licenses are backed up in the MPU5/6 of the machine.
what you could do, is back up to say a DVD/blu-ray (for examples sake) and then write this back to the HD when ever you need a copy, but like Reg is saying, you need the EXACT model of HD, as this is the one your copy of windows xp mbedded will use and use only.
* feel free to prove me wrong peeps
myself and many others on here have access to the whole barcrest/SG library. if their is enough interest i`ll host a few of the newer bpak files.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
SG Gaming would like to advise all customers of a new Software Executive update for the following Barcrest terminals:
· T8
· T8 Sit-down
· Triple 7
· Triple 7 Sit-down
As part of SG Gaming’s commitment to ‘Keep Crime Out Of Gambling’, this new Software Executive update offers a number of enhancements including protection against the recent ‘Wannacry’ ransom virus as reported in the media.
For terminals that are operating Software Executives earlier than V11.1 the following upgrade path must be followed in sequence, failure to adhere to this process may result in the terminal becoming inoperable.
Current Executive
Recommended Executive
Any version prior to
Version to
As per the Critical Bulletin 39 released 5/11/2013
Version to
Terminals must be updated to or higher before upgrading to
Version to
IMPORTANT: See above notes
IMPORTANT: Please note that Software Executive update does not support the Rainbow Riches ‘3 Player’ Community Cash unit, SG Gaming will release a further update for this product
Posted 15 June 2017 - 12:53 PM
Some good info there nails, people just don't realize how bad doing updates on these T7's can be.
People just assume they can update there executive to anything newer, but that isn't the case and hasn't been for a long time.
People with a T7 privately need to know what they can update to and in what order don't just jump into updating stuff willie nillie ! Tomasone yes i mean you lol
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Posted 15 June 2017 - 05:51 PM
Some good info there nails, people just don't realize how bad doing updates on these T7's can be.
People just assume they can update there executive to anything newer, but that isn't the case and hasn't been for a long time.
People with a T7 privately need to know what they can update to and in what order don't just jump into updating stuff willie nillie ! Tomasone yes i mean you lol
I wasn't really read it but then I noticed my name and had to go back and read it again before laughing out loud it shows you guys don't think I'm trustworthy with the tinkering I've been doing with my machine. So okay I'm trying to be good and have promised I wouldn't ticker around that much until I've been able to copy my hard drive. So like I said early bought a 2nd and 3rd cloner just to make sure I didn't get anything wrong bought several newish hard drives just before Reg told me to make sure I used the whole code not just the beginning. When I did I nearly fell off my chair when I went on e-bay to look for an exact match because I tried my original drives again and they gave me the blue screen of death once gain so got fed up and put the original drive in and learnt how to upload demos and play around with them today but soon went back to my original games apart from 2 of the demos. I've know order an exact match from France it cost me £35 so will wait for that then copy the hard drive. Okay Nails what does this upgrade thing mean do I have to upgrade my machine with a new executive ? Still laughing now fruit man 69 but I promise to be good Sir
Posted 15 June 2017 - 06:14 PM
If it ain't broke, don't f**k with it !!!!!
but i fear it may be broken soon...............
Edited by shaun2097, 15 June 2017 - 06:16 PM.
- ricardo de ponsa likes this
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.
Posted 17 June 2017 - 05:04 PM
Okay I've stopped messing about trust me I'm still waiting for my hard drive exact freom France once its worked and cloned and tested then i can play until then I 'll be good. I've owned my machine for about a week know and in that week learned more about triple 7's then I ever learned about Rio enhanced so you can trust me to be good.
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