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MFME for New Designers

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#1 Reg



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Posted 17 June 2017 - 06:58 AM




I really wasn't going to do this and told vectra666 I would not cross post and gave reasons, then shaun2097 gave a great response so I figured, what the hell, let's cross post this...


...so I am pleased to finally upload a guide to DIF that I've been working on for a little while to try to bring layout designing to those that have never done this before.


For anyone that is slightly interested, please take a look at the download section for the PDF. I will update this as time goes by. Have fun and go and build those layouts...




To access the file you need to be REGISTERED and have confirmed the email as per standard forums these days.


Please do not host the file elsewhere.  It is not much to ask people to download the latest one and more importantly, they can subscribe to the download to get notifications of when it's updated.  I do not give permission for this to be hosted or shared in any form apart from direct download.


The PDF is 30+ pages long of pure MFME information along with a section that teaches you how to build a basic classic layout from scratch.

#2 vectra666


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Posted 17 June 2017 - 08:40 AM

As said on your site, it is very good and well explained, a must for all budding newbies and old creators alike, I await the dx guide, not necessarily everything that goes in to dxing but a basic guide of the basic photoshop tools for cloning lighting etc.
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!

#3 uptown47



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Posted 17 June 2017 - 09:06 AM

Reg, this is great. Thanks for this. I've been looking for a guide and this is ideal.


Great work mate :-)

#4 andy-1


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Posted 17 June 2017 - 11:27 AM

This is a great idea, especially as we have had a few topics about members wanting to have a go at creating.

#5 evo1



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Posted 17 June 2017 - 08:51 PM

Thank you at last, lets see if i can make out whats going on in the mind of an layout creator,but will stay of the beers when having a read!! :notworthy:

#6 richy1976


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Posted 17 June 2017 - 09:19 PM

Thanks Reg.

#7 wearecity


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Posted 18 June 2017 - 03:20 PM

Ok, it's rubbish and I could make it better and will use it to experiment with the emulator settings, but for now, I just want to show what anyone can achieve by simply following the layout guide.

Attached Files

#8 uptown47



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Posted 18 June 2017 - 03:25 PM

Yep, I went through the guide this morning. I thought it was brilliant. It really helped me a lot with the workings of MFME.


I didn't manage to make the fruity as I couldn't find the ROMs. I found a Cops N Robber ROM but it didn't work (presuming it's a different manufacturer) but that didn't stop me following the rest of the guide.


Great work Reg. Very impressive and I think this document is going to be extremely useful to "newbies" like myself. :-)

#9 DAD


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Posted 18 June 2017 - 03:56 PM

Ok, it's rubbish and I could make it better and will use it to experiment with the emulator settings, but for now, I just want to show what anyone can achieve by simply following the layout guide.

Very good first effort.  Fully finctional, just needs making a bit prettier that's all.  Hope this gives you the incentive to do some more. :)

#10 wearecity


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Posted 18 June 2017 - 04:21 PM



I just wanted to show it really bare bones and apart from the coin mech and reel lamping, I think everything else, should be achievable by even someone who hasn't even used the emulator before.


I thought about adding reel symbols and using lithograph in excess  :jimlad: but that wouldn't necessarily be what someone completely new would do.


I will continue to update it, I've since added the poper reel symbols, but again this isn't something in the guide though at present. I'm learning also, for instances, just adding a lamp mask and checking lamps, isn't the correct way of lamping this one. You need to use the actual lamp numbers, found during the lamp tests, otherwise the attract mode and reel 1 during spinning aren't correct.

#11 nails


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Posted 18 June 2017 - 04:34 PM

thank you reg, i`ll read it through.



where is the ROM stash these days?

#12 Andy2003


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Posted 18 June 2017 - 07:09 PM

Im going to NEED to read this guide. i'm going to end up altering all the layouts i have to make them fit vertical screen setups. I tried to alter a reel the other day as it was out of sync but havent a clue lol. anywho, cheers reg.. 

#13 wearecity


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:55 AM

I've attached what I would consider my completed version, using the guide and a few bits I've learned along the way since V5 has been released.

Attached Files

#14 uptown47



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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:09 PM

I have a quick question about this guide (and MFME).


I think that I'm probably being incredibly thick here. And feel free to rip the mick if I'm asking something really stupid but....


On page 14 of the guide, you added a button to enter a £1 in the machine.


The text says....

"You have configured a shortcut of 0 for

this button and it will credit the machine
with £1 when either the shortcut or button
is clicked on."
I know that on most machines (or all the one's I've played) a "0" puts a pound into the machine.

But what makes it put a pound in? Where do you set that this button will enter a quid? Why doesn't that button put £2 or 20p into the machine (if you get my drift)??
The reason I ask is that I'd like to add another button that adds (for instance) 20p into the machine. I can copy the £1 button, paste it and change the "key" to something other than '0' but how do I then tell the machine how much will go into it if this button is pressed?
(Confused of Fife)

#15 DAD


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:21 PM


I have a quick question about this guide (and MFME).


I think that I'm probably being incredibly thick here. And feel free to rip the mick if I'm asking something really stupid but....


On page 14 of the guide, you added a button to enter a £1 in the machine.


The text says....

"You have configured a shortcut of 0 for

this button and it will credit the machine
with £1 when either the shortcut or button
is clicked on."
I know that on most machines (or all the one's I've played) a "0" puts a pound into the machine.

But what makes it put a pound in? Where do you set that this button will enter a quid? Why doesn't that button put £2 or 20p into the machine (if you get my drift)??
The reason I ask is that I'd like to add another button that adds (for instance) 20p into the machine. I can copy the £1 button, paste it and change the "key" to something other than '0' but how do I then tell the machine how much will go into it if this button is pressed?
(Confused of Fife)


Create a new button and set the coin/note to bit2 4 :)

#16 wearecity


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:26 PM

Each tech requires something different selected in the coin/note drop down list to determine which coin/note is going in. In this case, the bit0 1, determines that £1 will be entered, if it were an mpu4 machine, you'd select £1 mpu4.


If you're not sure just load up another S4 machines and see what is selected in the coin/note drop down. If doing another tech and it's not obvious, just load up another machine of the same tech, right click on the coin mech and see what is entered.


Also it can be determined by what the coin mech is under the configuration tab, for instance £1 binary from the drop down, won't work with if a parallel mech is selected in configuration. The machine is likely to alarm or ignore the coin being entered.

#17 uptown47



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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:36 PM

Thanks DAD and wearecity.

That was a brilliant explanation wearecity, really clear now. It makes perfect sense.

I was struggling with that bit. I'll carry on messing around with it tomorrow and see if I can get it working.

Thanks again for all your help :) :) :)

#18 uptown47



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Posted 20 June 2017 - 04:18 PM

Each tech requires something different selected in the coin/note drop down list to determine which coin/note is going in. In this case, the bit0 1, determines that £1 will be entered, if it were an mpu4 machine, you'd select £1 mpu4.


If you're not sure just load up another S4 machines and see what is selected in the coin/note drop down. If doing another tech and it's not obvious, just load up another machine of the same tech, right click on the coin mech and see what is entered.


Also it can be determined by what the coin mech is under the configuration tab, for instance £1 binary from the drop down, won't work with if a parallel mech is selected in configuration. The machine is likely to alarm or ignore the coin being entered.


Hi wearecity,


I've been playing around with this in a bit more depth tonight and there's a few things that have puzzled me.


I'm probably be terminally stupid here but......


I loaded up "Pyramid 1600 DX" (Great simple machine) and decided to start 'mapping' the coin/note settings for entering different values.


I found out that the ROM was "MPS 2" and found the following settings...

ROM Type	Coin/Note Setting	Amount entered into machine
MPS 2	               bit4 16	        £1
MPS 2	               bit5 32	        50p
MPS 2	               bit6 64	        20p
MPS 2	               bit7 128	        10p
MPS 2	               5p EPOCH	        50p
MPS 2	               10p EPOCH	£1


So far so good.... I then opened "Primetime 1600 DX" to continue mapping the settings but couldn't find any coin/note setting that put credit in the machine??


So, I think I'm misunderstanding....


My "test button" has the following properties (and I've tried allsorts of coin/note settings)...


Attached File  Image1.jpg   88.62KB   1 downloads


The existing "coin entry" has the following properties (no coin/note settings at all but reference to "button 4") ...


Attached File  Image2.jpg   97.71KB   2 downloads


So I looked at button 4 in the Component List and that didn't have any coin/note settings either???...


Attached File  Image3.jpg   120.31KB   1 downloads


What am I missing??????


(Also, is *this* the machine type)


Attached File  Image4.jpg   87.93KB   3 downloads



Thanks for anyone's help with this and I really do apologise if these are obvious questions. Maybe I just can't see the wood for the trees?

#19 Wizard


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Posted 20 June 2017 - 04:29 PM

The drop down list contains special entries that are either for binary mechs ( where more than one line is enabled simultaneously ), dual switch token mechs, or bit mask entries for below.


Newer techs tend have a dedicated 8 bit port for coin mechs and this is "mapped" into the switch array to make it more convenient to use and tend to need drop down bit values, though will usually work with single button numbers if the mech is a parallel one.


Older techs with S1/S10 mechs that use a single microswitch are normally connected to the switch array and can therefore be activated by a single button number.


Also when a value is selected from the drop down list, it will automatically time the pulse to prevent coin mech errors so it's preferable to use these where possible.

Edited by Wizard, 20 June 2017 - 04:34 PM.

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#20 Matty.N



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Posted 20 June 2017 - 04:29 PM

Some older machines seem to use "switches" to add credit, so it is a case of pressing buttons to found out which. I've not created for anythjing older than MPU4 so not the best person to give a good answer.


And SYS1 is the technology the machine runs on, version should really be used to indicate the layout version I.E V1, initial release, V1.1 updated etc, all down to personal preference of the creator.

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