MFME 5.2?
Started by bullionbars, Jul 15 2017 12:34 PM
32 replies to this topic
Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:34 PM
Hi, sorry if this seems a stupid question but does anyone know anything more about the release of the new MFME5.2? Im asking as it was mentioned it could run bullion bars multiplayers which would help me keep out of the arcades. I noticed in may/june posters were asking/saying it was expected soon, but then no mention of it since then. Does anyone know if its still happening or not sorry if this should be obvious.. thanks in advance
Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:45 PM
What I said before, when it's ready!
Please stop asking the same question, it won't make it happen any sooner.
Edited by Wizard, 15 July 2017 - 12:47 PM.
- niallquinn likes this
Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:46 PM
I might just pin this as a Frequently Asked Question...
- wearecity, chasnbons, I have finished and 1 other like this
Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:50 PM
Or mark it as the best answer
- wearecity, nails and ricardo de ponsa like this
Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 01:52 PM
Ive never asked this question before but sorry for offending you.. didnt mean to
- aaamusements and I have finished like this
Posted 15 July 2017 - 01:59 PM
Ive never asked this question before but sorry for offending you.. didnt mean to
No, but you asked me and I gave you the exact same answer as wizard has.
As for keeping you out of the arcades, I seriously doubt MFME 5.2 would do that anyway.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 02:16 PM
Yeah thats true i did ask DAD the same thing a while ago, but i forgot that i had already asked due to mental health problems. I have very low confidence when it comes to communicating which is why ive only got a handful of posts in 10 years. I have tried to contribute in the past as some of my posts show and ive taken pictures etc for vectra666. I would like to contribute more but i find it difficult to engage with others. As i said before i didnt mean to offend anyone but clearly i have, so il just stay silent from now on so i dont upset any one else.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 02:32 PM
You'll know when it's been released as there will be a forum frenzy
- niallquinn and chasnbons like this
// stumblin' in the neon groves
Posted 15 July 2017 - 02:39 PM
Ive never asked this question before but sorry for offending you.. didnt mean to
No offense taken, don't worry about it.
- aaamusements, letmein and ricardo de ponsa like this
Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 02:40 PM
Yeah fuzion i guess your right i should have thaught of that lol.. i just genuinely didnt realize i had asked the same thing twice. Like i said ive got mental health issues but i have tried to be a part of the fruitemu scene the best i can and DAD and Wizard were probably the 2 people i had the most respect and aporeciation for all the hard work etc over the years.. i guess it just came as a shock to get replies like that
Posted 15 July 2017 - 02:55 PM
You should try to get involved more. Things are a lot calmer in FME land these days and sadly the user base isn't that big and those even contributing even with just posts, isn't that great. Be good to see you comment on your experiences of certain machines, like bullions bar multiplayer, when it is released.
I think you'll be surprised at just how many members have/had issues, as gambling sadly is an area which seems to attract people, looking for an escape them.
- shaun2097, aaamusements and vectra666 like this
Posted 15 July 2017 - 03:12 PM
Wearcity yeah your right i would like to get involved more and will try in future. Like i said i have really low self confidence and feel worthless/useless etc and find it hard to talk to people. I do have machines at home and recently posted to offer pics for a couple that arent DXed (can you beat the banker £35 and DOND cops and robbers £70) but noone seemed interested so i guess i just started to think input from new people wasnt needed/wanted. Probably wrong but i do overthink things. I did share pics of my gunpowder slot with vectra666 but i think i offended him aswell cos he hasnt messaged any more or released the DX so who knows. And your right about gambling being an escape it is for me TBH but i play the emulators with money.. like putting quids in a safe when i credit then taking winnings out.. sounds daft but ive reduced arcades a lot since i did it
Posted 15 July 2017 - 03:20 PM
Wearcity yeah your right i would like to get involved more and will try in future. Like i said i have really low self confidence and feel worthless/useless etc and find it hard to talk to people. I do have machines at home and recently posted to offer pics for a couple that arent DXed (can you beat the banker £35 and DOND cops and robbers £70) but noone seemed interested so i guess i just started to think input from new people wasnt needed/wanted. Probably wrong but i do overthink things. I did share pics of my gunpowder slot with vectra666 but i think i offended him aswell cos he hasnt messaged any more or released the DX so who knows. And your right about gambling being an escape it is for me TBH but i play the emulators with money.. like putting quids in a safe when i credit then taking winnings out.. sounds daft but ive reduced arcades a lot since i did it
I hope that Vectra666 intended to thank you profusely and simply forgot. It happens to the best of us. I expect that he will remedy that directly.
- vectra666 likes this
Posted 15 July 2017 - 03:28 PM
Aaamusements i didnt mean it in that way i just meant that we were exchanging messages and i was sending pics as he asked but then he quiet before he got all the pics so i thaught id offended him somehow. I was and still am happy to send pics of any of my machines to anyone who wants them and vectra666 did thank me during our chats i just expected him to ask for the rest of the pics etc to finish
- Neophyte and aaamusements like this
Posted 15 July 2017 - 03:31 PM
He probably got distracted by another project then, that's what usually happens to me.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 03:56 PM
Yeah your probably right, hopefully he might see this topic and PM me when he needs the rest of the pics
Posted 15 July 2017 - 03:59 PM
Very true aAmusement's, I may have forgot, as I start a layout then get bombarded with other requests etc and I simply forget about the original layout,
I do tend to forget more these days probs due to age lol.
Bullionbars I think sent me spank the banker (maybe someone else bullionbars2011) as for gun Powder slot I can't remember now but Im sure the pics are somewhere lurking on my laptop or still on a pm on here.
One things for sure you've definitely not offended me, more like the other way round. I'm always grateful for images given some make it to the final cut, some dont.
When creating layouts no matter how hard they are you've gotta be in the right frame of mind in order to start let alone complete em. And I have at least a dozen if not two dozen started layouts I've even a couple from a few years back lol.
Regards Vectra666
As wearcity says please join In and be part of this fun fme community.
I do tend to forget more these days probs due to age lol.
Bullionbars I think sent me spank the banker (maybe someone else bullionbars2011) as for gun Powder slot I can't remember now but Im sure the pics are somewhere lurking on my laptop or still on a pm on here.
One things for sure you've definitely not offended me, more like the other way round. I'm always grateful for images given some make it to the final cut, some dont.
When creating layouts no matter how hard they are you've gotta be in the right frame of mind in order to start let alone complete em. And I have at least a dozen if not two dozen started layouts I've even a couple from a few years back lol.
Regards Vectra666
As wearcity says please join In and be part of this fun fme community.
- aaamusements and uptown47 like this
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 15 July 2017 - 04:56 PM
Hi bullionbars I can relate to how you are, as in, I have Aspergers, and 2 simptoms are also low self-confidence and unable to communicate, however, I'm allowing myself in arcades, as being blind I love the sounds. I just go in the local for coffee if trampoleening is canceled and when I have time. The lady doesn't mind. Often I'll sit at OXO 4 player super reels and see how gamblers get on, wishing it was us. "£25 please!" or even, Rainbow Riches, "Oh give me that £500 right now!", but that's just me having a joke. The fruitemu scene has helped me greatly as I time myself, an hour on the emu a day. If only I had a sound which goes on that long? I mean, Reg had a arcade sounds 45 mins, any chance of extending it please?
Posted 15 July 2017 - 04:59 PM
Wearcity yeah your right i would like to get involved more and will try in future. Like i said i have really low self confidence and feel worthless/useless etc and find it hard to talk to people. I do have machines at home and recently posted to offer pics for a couple that arent DXed (can you beat the banker £35 and DOND cops and robbers £70) but noone seemed interested so i guess i just started to think input from new people wasnt needed/wanted. Probably wrong but i do overthink things. I did share pics of my gunpowder slot with vectra666 but i think i offended him aswell cos he hasnt messaged any more or released the DX so who knows. And your right about gambling being an escape it is for me TBH but i play the emulators with money.. like putting quids in a safe when i credit then taking winnings out.. sounds daft but ive reduced arcades a lot since i did it
Don't forget that you very nicely requested "Carry on Screaming" and as a result of that it got done, so please don't go thinking your input isn't/not wanted as it is wanted and it saw another machine emulated for everyone to enjoy playing.
Edited by westy20040, 15 July 2017 - 05:00 PM.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 05:07 PM
Wearcity yeah your right i would like to get involved more and will try in future. Like i said i have really low self confidence and feel worthless/useless etc and find it hard to talk to people. I do have machines at home and recently posted to offer pics for a couple that arent DXed (can you beat the banker £35 and DOND cops and robbers £70) but noone seemed interested so i guess i just started to think input from new people wasnt needed/wanted. Probably wrong but i do overthink things. I did share pics of my gunpowder slot with vectra666 but i think i offended him aswell cos he hasnt messaged any more or released the DX so who knows. And your right about gambling being an escape it is for me TBH but i play the emulators with money.. like putting quids in a safe when i credit then taking winnings out.. sounds daft but ive reduced arcades a lot since i did it
Any resources are more than welcome as well, eventually someone will pick up on them and they will be used. I never had room for a fruit machine, ironically, mainly due to never living in a big enough place, due to lack of funds from years of gambling. If I ever did, the resources would be made available ASAP.
Hopefully Gunpowder slot will be done, I do quite like, pirate type themed machines.
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