
Microsoft signals end of Paint program
Started by stanmarsh14, Jul 24 2017 07:02 PM
18 replies to this topic
Posted 24 July 2017 - 08:35 PM
Nuisance value of this is enormous. Paint is so easy to open and dump stuff into, Second nature for years.
Posted 24 July 2017 - 08:43 PM
poop must be other programs or at least the identical paint program on seperate disc
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Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 24 July 2017 - 09:07 PM
I know some DX's are at least primaraly done in Paint, so this will certanaly have an effect in what they produce.
As this Jim'll Paint It chap on Facebook has said, newer versions of Paint just don't cut it like the older versions, hence why he has a VM set up for XP, in order to do what he does best....
As you may have heard, Windows are planning to axe Microsoft Paint from their next Windows 10 update. While this is a sad day for fans of Paint everywhere rest assured that Jim’ll Paint It will continue as usual. I have long been using the XP version on a virtual machine and will continue to do so for as long as the technology exists. Some would argue that Paint hasn’t been the same since Windows 7 with all those superfluous undos and fancy brushes but it’s still sad to witness the final days of a graphics stalwart.
With that in mind lets have some Microsoft Paint tribute requests. As many or few words as you like.
Edited by stanmarsh14, 24 July 2017 - 09:09 PM.
Posted 24 July 2017 - 09:33 PM
I dont like the new photo viewer thing in windows 10, i used a reg hack to get the old one back.
Posted 24 July 2017 - 10:26 PM
I use a program called Gimp 2.0 (free) for re-skinning content on a railway sim I use. It's not a bad program and I find it easier to use than MS Paint.
Come here to post jokes, oh and to play the occasional frutie.
Posted 25 July 2017 - 07:15 AM
It will be a sad day in my world when paint finally goes but this is a pretty feature packed alternative and just as easy to use:
Posted 25 July 2017 - 07:59 AM
OK, I'm totally blind as many of you guys know, especially the regulars. So can someone tell me why this is a bugger for FME world? Things have been going great so far. If people can actually do it, you can always roll back to a downgrade, I know a blind man who downgraded right from Win 10 creaters to Win 7 home premium. If Microsoft got rid of paint, this is my situation for those who have recovery disks. Sorry to trouble you guys again, just saying what I think. And to update everyone, I now have DirectX8 VB installed, thanks again to my blind friend Damien Saddler (now Damien Sykes Lyndly", I think this how you spell his name. But I can now play blind audiogames using DirectX8 again! That gives me a break from virtual gambling at least.
Posted 25 July 2017 - 01:15 PM
I wouldn't worry, I don't think it will affect DX production for MFME. I've never seen a DX created in Paint, not saying it's not possible but it would be hard work it simply doesn't have the features required.
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// stumblin' in the neon groves
Posted 25 July 2017 - 02:09 PM
I only use paint in dx production for the lamp masking, which even though mfme has a mask editor now you still (afaik) need to manually mask some overlapping lamps
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 25 July 2017 - 02:14 PM
Why do you use Paint for that part? You only need a brush without anti-alias in whatever you are using. So any pencil tool will do.
// stumblin' in the neon groves
Posted 25 July 2017 - 03:34 PM
Thanks Fuzion for telling me. Won't bother you guys now until another fruitie request or annoying question, I'm trying not to fly off the handle now and I'm taking great control of my temper. Just thought that the FME scene was also going to be heavily destroyed and over! Again I never rely on paint, but if Microsoft got rid of Narrator, I'd be fuming! Well, I don't use it for speech, but there will be people that cannot afford Jaws for Windows.
Posted 25 July 2017 - 05:21 PM
It's staying, it will be an app rather than a built-in feature of future Windows.
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Posted 25 July 2017 - 07:14 PM
Don't know why they can't leave it alone, I mean notepad has been around just as long
Posted 26 July 2017 - 08:50 PM
I use Paint quite a bit for cropping images and bits and bobs. I always thought it was very limited but it's fast and easy to use. However, I had my eyes open when I saw a guy drawing the Mona Lisa on MS Paint!!
You can see him here...
Pretty incredible. Just shows... a bad workman blames his tools. It's not Paint that's limited... it's just me!!
Posted 29 July 2017 - 02:03 PM
Paint is brilliant, such a shame they are getting rid of it... but can't you just copy the paint.exe file to any new version of windows? That should work surely?
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Posted 29 July 2017 - 02:15 PM
They're not killing it entirely FB. It will be available as a 'free' app in the app store apparently. They've backed down under pressure
Posted 29 July 2017 - 04:52 PM
I wouldn't worry, I don't think it will affect DX production for MFME. I've never seen a DX created in Paint, not saying it's not possible but it would be hard work it simply doesn't have the features required.
My DX of Son Of Dracula was done mostly in paint. Which is why it looks so shit.
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