Hi all,
Myself and Reg have been asking the Michael (the creator of mGalaxy) if he would do a fruit-machine theme for it so we can use it on our cabs.
He just got back to us today to say he's sorted one out.
Here's how it looks....
fruit.jpg 82.77KB
He's put it in the official 'theme' pack (this is a pack you get if you pay for the 'premium' version of mGalaxy).
The mGalaxy software (http://www.mgalaxy.com/) is free but the theme pack comes with a small fee.
It works great on the cabinet so, if you're building a cab and want a good front end then try mGalaxy out and see what you think.
(Someone else on here had good results with Launchbox as well - so always worth having a look at that too).