What machine's from your slotting days would you wish to see emulated
Started by vectra666, Nov 07 2017 03:50 PM
85 replies to this topic
Posted 07 November 2017 - 03:50 PM
As the title suggests
Do you have any memories of days playing machines of which are yet to be emulated?
They can be from the beginnings of time or a few years back.
Maybe this could be a wishlist for 2018!!
Mine are
Twice as nice, I have blue velvet in classic form ready to go with the up n coming mfme update? But would like to see this on its 10/20p £4.80 setting?
And one from when I first started pubbing n clubbing,
I just can't think of the name but I do know it must of been a PCP machine as it was just before spot on and the bells were the same shape.
I know there was gold n silver bells for JP and it had plums, melons and cherries I think they were purple in colour.
And more modern machine and I don't know what tech or even if it's emulatable, that is.
Novamatics magic games II the one with the bingo game, ultra hot and always hot on, I know there's a European demo out there but not the British version.
Do you have any memories of days playing machines of which are yet to be emulated?
They can be from the beginnings of time or a few years back.
Maybe this could be a wishlist for 2018!!
Mine are
Twice as nice, I have blue velvet in classic form ready to go with the up n coming mfme update? But would like to see this on its 10/20p £4.80 setting?
And one from when I first started pubbing n clubbing,
I just can't think of the name but I do know it must of been a PCP machine as it was just before spot on and the bells were the same shape.
I know there was gold n silver bells for JP and it had plums, melons and cherries I think they were purple in colour.
And more modern machine and I don't know what tech or even if it's emulatable, that is.
Novamatics magic games II the one with the bingo game, ultra hot and always hot on, I know there's a European demo out there but not the British version.
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Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 07 November 2017 - 04:21 PM
Section 16 Cashino from Barcrest.
Even if (unrealistic if) there was a platform for it to run, finding those old .bpak files i guess would be the hard part ? I've seen the videos from the guy on youtube who has a s16 max a million running, but couldnt say if that door open or not?
- shaun2097 likes this
Posted 07 November 2017 - 04:34 PM
For me Adders and Ladders (the Empire games one that laughs when it goes invincible)
Easily pleased
Posted 07 November 2017 - 05:12 PM
Little known and little seen Mazooma thing called Rollover Jackpot, was a £10 JP. Anyone remember that??
Posted 07 November 2017 - 06:10 PM
Would like to see the multi player electrocoin machine oxo super reels. Was a decent game and had some cool sound samples..... These reels are hot these are super reels loool
- mazza500, vectra666 and I have finished like this
Hold the bells mate.
Posted 07 November 2017 - 06:35 PM
Little known and little seen Mazooma thing called Rollover Jackpot, was a £10 JP. Anyone remember that??
i did start a layout for this, long gone now unfortunately, mr p had one once
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 07 November 2017 - 06:56 PM
i did start a layout for this, long gone now unfortunately, mr p had one once
Yeah gutted, never ever seen one for sale or even a flyer.
Posted 07 November 2017 - 07:29 PM
just been trying to find the rollover jackpot roms on here but think they could be mute(no sound roms)
but found a list from ploggy back in 2010 via Vip section for scorp4 machines whether they run or not my god the mfme5 update made a fair bit of difference
here's the list-
Aladdin's Cave - Missing Sound Rom
AlizBaz (Qps) [Rom] - Non Runner
Ant & Dec's Jiggy Bank (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Security Error
Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway (Bellfruit) [Rom] = PAY UNIT ERROR
Bunny Money - Scorpion 5
Cash Factor (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Cash Vegas - Scorpion 5
Casino King X (Mazooma) [Rom] - Top Box Game
Casino Royale (Mazooma) [Rom] - Missing Sound Roms
Casino Xtravaganza (Mazooma) [Rom] - Works In Open Door Mode
Chop 'n' Change (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Classic 7s (Mazooma) [Rom] - Missing Sound Rom
Clown Around (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security Errors
Colour Mania (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5?
Cop The Lot Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Missing Dot Alpha Display?
Cops 'n' Robbers Club Classic (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Doesn't Work
Cops 'n' Robbers Club Platinum (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Costa Del Cash Casino (Barcrest) [Rom] - Invalid Option Problems
Crazy Fruits Gold Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] = PAY UNIT/Security
Crazy Fruits Party Time (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Crazy Pays (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Crown Jewels (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT ERRORS
Disco Inferno (Mazooma) [Rom] - Unemulated Reel
Club Temptation (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Missing Sound Rom - Dot Matrix
Double Diamond (Qps) [Rom] - Section 16/RNG Error
Dough Ho Ho (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Dough Selecta (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Emmerdale (Mazooma) - Open Door Only - Strange Sound Behaviour
Fast Cash (Qps) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Fat Boy Spin (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Fight Night Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Final Touch (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAL Error - Sounds Don't Work (S1)
Firecracker Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Non Runner (Crash's Emu)
Firestarter (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Flash The Cash (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Fruit Loops (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Gettin Ziggy With It (Mazooma) [Rom] - Open Door Mode Only
Gladiator Club (Mazooma) [c] [Rom] - Open Door Mode Only
Gold Digger (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Gold Fever (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Gold Fever (Mazooma) [Rom] - Hopper Problems - Missing Sounds
Golden Ghost (Mazooma) [Rom] - Open Door Mode Only
Golden Shot (Qps) [Rom] - PAY UNIT ERROR
Golden Spinner (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Grand Casino Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Missing Sounds
Grand Golden Game (Mazooma) [Rom] - Open Door Mode Only
Gun Smoke (Barcrest) [Rom] - Roms Crash Emu
High Roller (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Hill Billionaire (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Hot Rod (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Hot Six Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Grand Prix (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Non Runner
Kings Club (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Non Runner
Italian Job Club (Mazooma) [Rom] [c] - PAY UNIT/Security
It's A Bullseye (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Jackpot Jokers (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT ERRORS/ No Sounds
Jackpot Junction Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Unemulated Reels
Jiggery Pokery (Mazooma) [Rom] - Reel Problems - Incorrect Sounds
King X (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Little Devil (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Lucky 7s (Mazooma) [Rom] - Top Box Game
Lucky No7 (Bwb) [Rom] - MPU4 BWB/CHR Problem
Magic Circle (Qps) [Rom] - PAY UNIT ERRORS
Manic Miner (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Master Club (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Prom Error 3
Monkey Business (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Pharaoh's Gold Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Pharoah (Unk) [Rom] - Non Runner - Probably MPS
Pick Of The Bunch (Global) - Corrupt Sound Roms/Hopper Problem
Pick Of The Pack (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Pile On The Pounds (Qps) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Pink Panther (Mazooma) [Rom] - Missing Correct Sound Roms
Pink Panther Clouseau's Revenge (Mazooma) [Rom] - Open Door Only - Top Box
Pink Panther Double Your Money (Mazooma) [Rom] - Open Door Only - Top Box
Pink Panther Strikes Again (Mazooma) [Rom] - Possibly Missing One Soundy
Pot Shot (Qps) [Rom] - Open Door Only/10p Hopper Problem
Pots Of Luck (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Quality Streak (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Crashes Emu - Unknown Reason
Quid Vicious (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Red Dragon (Qps) [Rom] - Security Errors
Reel Thunder (Bwb) [Rom] - Pic Fail Error - Possibly Red Gaming
Revolver (Mazooma) [Rom] - Incorrect Sounds
Rio Tropico (Unk) [Rom] - Dutch
Rocket Science (Qps) [Rom] - Open Door Mode Only
Rovers Return (Mazooma) [Rom] - Open Door Mode Only
Sharp Shooter (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5?
Show Me The Money (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Side Splitter (Mazooma) [Rom] - Security Errors
Snakes & Ladders (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Crashes Emu?
Soul Sister (Bwb) [Rom] - MPU4 CHR Problem
Spice It Up (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Spinning Around (Mazooma) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Stag Night (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Missing Sound Roms
Stir Crazy (Mazooma) [Rom] - Uses Unemulated Reel
Super Step (Qps) [Rom] - Works - Foreign Machine
Take The Piece (Bellfruit) [Rom] - PAY UNIT/Security
Take The Piste (Mazooma) [Rom] - Missing Sound Rom
Temptation (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Incorrect Sounds
Top Gear (Mazooma) [Rom] - Unemulated Reel
Treasure Island Club (Bellfruit) [c] [Rom] - Crashes Emu
Triple 7's (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Top Box Game/Security Errors
Triple Streak (Mazooma) [Rom] - Top Box Game/PAY UNIT ERRORS
Ultimate (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Reel 6 error (S1)
Vampire Payer (Qps) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Viper Active (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Scorpion 5
Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) [Rom] - Missing Sound Rom
Wet & Wild (Mazooma) [Rom] - Unemulated Reel
War Of The Wads - S5
Wet & Wild - Uses Unemulated Reel
Wheel Of Wealth - PAY UNIT/Security
Who Dares Wins - Missing Sounds
Wild Jackpots - Wrong Sounds
Win Can Alley - Scorpion 5
Win Spinner - Unemulated Top Box
Winning Spin - Unemulated Top Box
wonder if any of these have the sounds and will wet n wild be emulatable in mfme5.2
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 07 November 2017 - 07:32 PM
driving school gobal games fieds off gold global games some new barcrests and red gamings
Posted 07 November 2017 - 07:41 PM
Never really thought much about maygay machines back in the day but looking back they was good machines that i would love to play again
Maygay machines
Jet stream
crazy cash
freespin deluxe
lucky dip
cash or nudge
square deal
rio gambler. (most sort after £1.50 2p play)
tresure hunt (sort of a clone of the above the closest we will get to rio gambler roms are available and do work as informed by hitthesix but dont think we have any artwork but a player on meeca has the machine.
and there was another machine i think it was a maygay if i remember, it had keys going up the tower on the main glass could be wrong.
Ace machines
pound power
twilight zone (which i know we have but an updated dx)
theres probably lots more i cant think of at mo
Edited by evo1, 07 November 2017 - 07:47 PM.
- letmein and barcrest junky like this
Posted 07 November 2017 - 08:35 PM
would like to see some machines that are emulated but on lower jackpots , like treasure trail on £5, empire big cheese £5 , colossus £5 plus football fever, cashflow, crazy crocs,
Posted 07 November 2017 - 08:46 PM
would like to see some machines that are emulated but on lower jackpots , like treasure trail on £5, empire big cheese £5 , colossus £5 plus football fever, cashflow, crazy crocs,
Really ?
Do you honestly find the £5 JP machine rewarding in anyway whatsoever ?
Everyone has different tastes, but they are better served as large paperweights ( assuming you own the real machine ) otherwise simply filled clusters on your hard drive that would be better off being free space.
- ritdav, shaun2097, FRUITJUNKIE1971 and 1 other like this
Posted 07 November 2017 - 08:52 PM
Heartbreak hotel - global ?
Posted 07 November 2017 - 09:01 PM
yes reg as i played they games on £5 jackpot years ago , never came across them on higher jackpots which they are on emulation.
Posted 07 November 2017 - 10:18 PM
Heartbreak hotel - global ?
got a flyer but no roms afaik only stealth ones whatever that means
yes reg as i played they games on £5 jackpot years ago , never came across them on higher jackpots which they are on emulation.
would be nice to have various layouts if possible on both jackpot setting say £70 and £5 as the £5 ones are more playable in terms of jackpot turnover. but its a case of finding resources for both versions which proves impossible and rare.
look at me multi-quoting thats a first
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 07 November 2017 - 10:20 PM
I would love to see Reno Casino. Pretty much the only slot from my favorites list not currently emulated along with the mentioned OxO reels.
Anyone interested : https://youtu.be/zCZWX7AXhds?t=9s
Doubt it can be emulated.
Posted 07 November 2017 - 10:25 PM
Cash or Nudge, Maygay MMM tech and on that video. Also still crossing the fingers for Clickerty Click roms turning good up.
If you mean the one by bfm there was roms on eBay
Posted 07 November 2017 - 10:29 PM
Really ?
Do you honestly find the £5 JP machine rewarding in anyway whatsoever ?
Everyone has different tastes, but they are better served as large paperweights ( assuming you own the real machine ) otherwise simply filled clusters on your hard drive that would be better off being free space.
Although generally I prefer a higher jackpot, there are some exceptions where I prefer a machine on £5 rather than its higher jackpot. This is because I find some £5 games can go on wild streaks and give many jackpots / mega streaks all in a row, where as on most £25+ machines its usually 1 or 2 and then repeat the cycle. Take Golden Game for example, personally I love the £5 compared with £25 as it is a buzz to catch one of these when they are sticking/holding and giving a good streak. I find the £25 version much flatter, although I know they have a decent streak in them too.
- fruityfrantic likes this
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