If all Concept machines are like this, I'm glad I never got the pleasure, or dis--pleasure pf playing them. I think the only one I ever played was Super Multi Nudge, and that shafted me as well. I sense a pattern emerging.
Here's a base layout of Magic 7's for you to have a play with, mate. You might need to change the amount of stops it uses. I've set it to 20, but I don't know if that's correct as I've never played if before.
Wow, I just had a little play on this, only wanted to see a simple 'wink nudge' for a tenner... £400 later still no wink for win. I'm beginning to suspect that there may be a dip switch to enable this feature, or even if this version has it at all.
Has anyone else managed to get a wink nudge, they didn't seem this difficult to obtain in the wild.
I had it wink on me once, for £10. That was from a factory reset early on.