Just got home and recieved the news from my playtester who gives it the 'thumbs up'.
I can't put this one down. It really is a great game to play. It can be a tight little bugger one moment yet within a few more games, it can climb for £4 or more. I hope it brings a smile to a few faces as it has done me.
Please show your appreciation to Simon who without his major contribution, this would still be very much out of reach for us sceners. Many thanks mate. It was a pleasure to be given the opportunity to make this classic.
Here's the link:- http://www.compostco...RACKClassic.zip
And heres a piccy. Shortcuts and credits are to the right, as are the reelbands to enhance your nudging pleasure. Of course, you can drag back that side of the layout and hide the bits and bobs.